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<title>Preferences and Properties in the Eclipse Workbench UI</title>
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<DIV align=right>&nbsp; <FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"
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<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=2 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
<TD align=left bgColor=#0080c0 colSpan=2 vAlign=top><B><FONT
face=Arial,Helvetica><FONT color=#ffffff>&nbsp;Eclipse Corner
<H1><img align=center
src="Idea.jpg" width="120" height="86">
<center>Preferences in the Eclipse Workbench UI</center></H1>
In the Eclipse Platform plug-in developers define preference pages for their plug-ins
for use in the Workbench Preferences Dialog. This article explains when to use a
preference and some of the features the Eclipse Platform provides to support
<p><b>By Tod Creasey, OTI<br>
</b> December 15, 2001</p>
<HR width="100%">
<p>The Eclipse Platform has support for user defined preferences that are
persisted along with the workbench. This article will discuss what type of data
should be stored as a preference and will show how to develop and register a
user interface to allow the user to set these preferences. It will also cover
how to initialize and retrieve preferences for use by other other plug-ins that
use your plug-in. This functionality will be shown using an example that
searches documents for bad words. We will set our preferences for this tool
using two preference pages, one simple one to set a highlight color and one more
complex one to set the list of words.
<h2>When to Use a Preference
<p>A preference is data that is persisted between workbench sessions to allow
the user to keep the state of a plug-in consistent between Eclipse sessions. Typical preferences are
default values for new instances, colors for editors and paths, or processing
information for operations performed on data (such as a build path for a Java&trade;
<p>Preferences are not intended to reference any resource currently defined in
the workspace and instead should be used for editors, views or other objects that
perform operations on a resource. Data persisted on a resource instance is better suited to be
a property which will be discussed in a later article.
<p>A preference can be made available to any plug-in that has your plug-in as a
prerequisite. The usual way to do that is to provide API on your plug-in that
allows for access to the preferences you want to make available. The values of
these preferences are stored in the .metadata/.plugins directory of the
workbench on a per plug-in basis. We demonstrate
how to do this below.
<h2>The Preference Store and the Plug-in</h2>
<p>Every UI plug-in has it's own preference store provided by the workbench. For
this example we will define a plug-in and use its preference store for our preferences.
As we are going to use this plug-in within the UI we define it as a subclass
of AbstractUIPlugin. Our constructor (see <img border="0" src="tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">)
will create a singleton to allow easy access to the plug-in instance in the
workbench. We also implement the method initializeDefaultPreferences() to set
up our default values for our two preferences. We are defining a preference
for the bad words and a preference for the color of the highlight. Each preference
value is looked up using a given key. In the code below the keys we are using
are defined by the constants in <img src="tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">.
<p>The default value should be set for all preferences to be sure that there is
a value to use at all times. A default value also ensures that the UI can provide
a way to reset a preference value back to a reasonable initial setting via the
Restore Defaults button.The default value of the preference should be initialized
in the plug-in so that it is set before any of the UI is created.&nbsp; </p>
<p> IAbstractWorkbenchPlugin defines a method called initializeDefaultPreferences(IPreferenceStore)
which is called when the preference store is created the first time. In this
method (see <img border="0" src="tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">) you should
set the default value for all values that you will be using the preference store
for. We set a default color using the helper methods in the PreferenceConverter
which allows the plug-in developer to set and get values for a preference of
commonly stored types like FontData, Point etc. This API is provided because
preferences are stored and retrieved as Strings in a human readable format in
order to leverage the java properties mechanism.&nbsp; Our more complex bad
words preference is initialized using a set of preselected bad words defined
in the format we are going to store them in as we do not have API on the PreferenceConvertor
to store or retreive arrays of Strings.</p>
<pre>Color color= Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE);
PreferenceConverter.setDefault(store, HIGHLIGHT_PREFERENCE, color.getRGB());</pre>
<pre>public class BadWordCheckerPlugin extends AbstractUIPlugin {
//The shared instance.
private static BadWordCheckerPlugin plugin;
//The identifiers for the preferences
<img border="0" src="tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"> public static final String BAD_WORDS_PREFERENCE =
public static final String HIGHLIGHT_PREFERENCE =
//The default values for the preferences
public static final String DEFAULT_BAD_WORDS = &quot;bug;bogus;hack;&quot;;
public static final int DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT = SWT.COLOR_BLUE;
* The constructor.
public BadWordCheckerPlugin(IPluginDescriptor descriptor) {
<img border="0" src="tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13"> plugin = this;
* Returns the shared instance.
public static BadWordCheckerPlugin getDefault() {
return plugin;
* Initializes a preference store with default preference values
* for this plug-in.
* @param store the preference store to fill
protected void initializeDefaultPreferences(IPreferenceStore store) {
<img border="0" src="tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13"> store.setDefault(BAD_WORDS_PREFERENCE, DEFAULT_BAD_WORDS);
Color color= Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT);
PreferenceConverter.setDefault(store, HIGHLIGHT_PREFERENCE, color.getRGB());
<h2>Defining Preference Pages in plugin.xml</h2>
<p>Now that we have defined the preference we want to provide a way for the user
to set the preference value. Preference pages for the workbench can be found in
the preferences dialog. The preferences dialog is accessible via the Window-&gt;Preferences
menu group. Plug-in developers should add their preference pages to this dialog using the plugin.xml of their
plug-in in order to maintain a consistent look and feel with other Eclipse
plug-ins. The definition of the preference pages within plugin.xml looks like
<pre>&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages&quot;&gt;
&lt;page id=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.articles.BadWordsPreference&quot;
<img border="0" src="tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13"> name=&quot;Bad Words&quot;
<img border="0" src="tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13"> class=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.articles.badwordchecker.BadWordsPreferencePage&quot;&gt;
&lt;page id=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.articles.BadWordsColorPreference&quot;
<img border="0" src="tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13"> category=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.articles.BadWordsPreference&quot;&gt;
<p>The definition above sets the name (<img border="0" src="tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">)
of the preference page for use in the list
of pages in the preference dialog and also specifies the class(<img border="0" src="tag_2.gif" width="24" height="13">) to be
instantiated for creating the preference page. This class must conform to
<p>In the second definition there is a category (<img border="0" src="tag_3.gif" width="24" height="13">)
tag which is used to make one
page the child of another in the list in the preferences dialog. Preference
pages can be stored as the children of other pages. This is useful
for keeping a series of pages together that are related to each other and also
reduces the clutter in the workbench preferences page. A page can be made the
child of another page by setting the id of the parent page as the value of the
category field in the plugin.xml. A page with no parent is displayed as a child
with no root.</p>
<p>With the above declarations in our plugin.xml the list of preference pages
shown in the preference dialog will look like:</p>
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="tree.jpg" width="179" height="284"></p>
<p align="center">The Preference Dialog Tree with the Bad Words and Color Page
<h2>The Color Preference Page
<p>The color preference page is an example of a simple page that uses a single
JFace field editor to manage its values. Initially a preference page class is
defined.&nbsp; All
classes used in the preference dialog must conform to IWorkbenchPreferencePage.
Eclipse includes the class PreferencePage which implements most of the necessary API
for a preference page. The class definition for our preference page is:</p>
extends PreferencePage
implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage</pre>
<p>Once we have defined the page we want to initialize it.&nbsp; IWorkbenchPreferencePage
specifies a message init(IWorkbench) for this purpose. We will not use the Workbench
argument for this page. Our implementation only sets
the preference store for the page.</p>
<pre>public void init(IWorkbench workbench) {
//Initialize the preference store we wish to use
<p>The other required method we must implement is createContents().
All we are going to do is use a ColorFieldEditor
to set our preference. It is also suggested that performDefaults is
implemented so that the current state can be reset to the defaults defined in
the plug-in. We also need to implement performOK so that the settings defined by the user are
stored in the preference store for our plug-in. Our
implementation is simple as the ColorFieldEditor has the code to load defaults
and store the results of an apply for a preference already defined and performOK
and performDefaults can call the corresponding methods on ColorFieldEditor.</p>
* Performs special processing when this page's Restore Defaults button has
* been pressed.
* Sets the contents of the color field to the default value in the preference
* store.
protected void performDefaults() {
* Method declared on IPreferencePage. Save the
* color preference to the preference store.
public boolean performOk() {;
return super.performOk();
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="colorpreference.jpg" width="598" height="541"></p>
<p align="center">The Color Preference Page</p>
<h2>The Bad Words Preference Page
<p>We have seen how to do a simple preference page with just a color and categorize it.
Now we will show how to use a complex object as a
preference and still have it persisted by the preference store and editable in a
preference page. For this example
we are going to add a bad words preference which is an array of Strings.
<p>As the PreferenceConverter does not have API for conversion of arrays of
Strings we will implement it ourselves in the BadWordCheckerPlugin.
By implementing it in the plug-in we put the API for the use of the preference in
a place visible to all objects that have access to this plug-in. Normally we
would use the PreferenceConverter for conversion to and from the storage format.</p>
<p>Methods for getting the default value of the
preference and a getter and a setter are
defined first - getBadWordsDefaultPreference (which returns an array of Strings)&nbsp; getBadWordsPreference (which also returns an array of Strings) and
setBadWordsPreference which takes an array of Strings as its argument. The
String array is stored in the preference store as a single string separated by semicolons. We choose
semicolons as this are only ever used as punctuation and will therefore never
be part of a word we are searching for.</p>
* Return the bad words preference default
* as an array of Strings.
* @return String[]
public String[] getDefaultBadWordsPreference(){
return convert(getPreferenceStore().getDefaultString(BAD_WORDS_PREFERENCE));
* Return the bad words preference as an array of
* Strings.
* @return String[]
public String[] getBadWordsPreference() {
return convert(getPreferenceStore().getString(BAD_WORDS_PREFERENCE));
* Convert the supplied PREFERENCE_DELIMITER delimited
* String to a String array.
* @return String[]
private String[] convert(String preferenceValue) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(preferenceValue, PREFERENCE_DELIMITER);
int tokenCount = tokenizer.countTokens();
String[] elements = new String[tokenCount];
for (int i = 0; i &lt; tokenCount; i++) {
elements[i] = tokenizer.nextToken();
return elements;
* Set the bad words preference
* @param String [] elements - the Strings to be
* converted to the preference value
public void setBadWordsPreference(String[] elements) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; elements.length; i++) {
getPreferenceStore().setValue(BAD_WORDS_PREFERENCE, buffer.toString());
<p>There is no field editor defined in JFace
for&nbsp; editing String arrays so we will define a list that shows the
items with widgets to add and remove them. Our performOK method will send the
current contents of the list to the setBadWordsPreference method and the
performDefaults method will reset the list of strings to be the result of
getDefaultBadWordsPreference from BadWordCheckerPlugin. As a List widget takes an array of Strings as its
content we can use the results of these helper methods directly
in conjunction with the methods we defined for the bad words preference in the
plug-in. The performOK and performDefaults for this preference page use these
methods to update the preference and reset the values in the list widget.
* Performs special processing when this page's Restore Defaults button has been pressed.
* Sets the contents of the nameEntry field to
* be the default
protected void performDefaults() {
* Method declared on IPreferencePage. Save the
* author name to the preference store.
public boolean performOk() {
return super.performOk();
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="badwordpreference.jpg" width="596" height="539">
<p align="center">The Bad Word Preference Dialog
<p>In this article we have demonstrated how to use the preferences store and
preferences pages provided by Eclipse to allow a plug-in to maintain and update
preferences between Eclipse sessions. By use of the preference store in
conjunction with the preferences dialog and provided field editors a plug-in
developer can quickly put together a user interface for managing preferences. To
find out more about the preferences that Eclipse provides see the Platform
Plug-in Developers Guide in the Help Perspective. The help information is in the
Programmers Guide Preferences and Properties section.
<p>The full implementation of the example in this article can be found in <a href=""></a>.
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