blob: 764fbf79c52b08ad31e9ffc14cb2d93a93f35d2f [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?> -->
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<plan plan-format="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:html=""
name="BPEL Designer">
<release projectid="soa.bpel" version="1.0"/>
<html:p>This document lays out the plan for the BPEL Designer 1.0 release.</html:p>
<html:p>Comments on this plan can be posted on <html:a href=";frm_id=43">the forum</html:a>
or sent to <html:a href="">the mailing list</html:a>.</html:p></html:div>
<html:div>This release will be delivered via a P2 repository.</html:div>
<html:div>This table lists all completed milestones and planned releases.</html:div>
<milestone date="March 2006" milestone="M1"><html:div><html:a href="">View Only</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="December 2006" milestone="M2"><html:div><html:a href="">Create, Edit, Save</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="August 2007" milestone="M3"><html:div><html:a href="">Complete Editor</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="September 2010" milestone="M4"><html:div><html:a href="">Deploy to Runtime</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="July 2011 (tentative)" milestone="M5"><html:div><html:a href="">Code Stabilization</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="August 2011 (tentative)" milestone="1.0"><html:div><html:a href="#appendix">Restructuring and Final Release</html:a></html:div></milestone>
<html:p>This release will target Eclipse Indigo as the recommended configuration, but will
also be compatible with Eclipse Helios at all service levels. The BPEL Designer requires a Java 5 or compatible JRE,
and has no operating system specific dependencies.</html:p>
<html:div>Most, if not all UI strings and validation error messages have been externalized in properties files and
the BPEL Designer project is registered with the
<html:a href="">Babel project</html:a>
to allow the community to contribute to the translation effort.
<html:div>The BPEL Designer has been tested to work with all versions of Eclipse starting with Galileo (3.5.2) up to the current Indigo release.
While the editor may still work with prior releases of Eclipse, there are no guarantees that the runtime deployment infrastructure will work
with versions prior to Galileo.
<theme name="General">
<committed bugzilla=";query_format=advanced&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;bug_status=RESOLVED&amp;bug_status=VERIFIED&amp;bug_status=CLOSED&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;product=BPEL&amp;classification=Technology"/>
<proposed bugzilla=";query_format=advanced&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;resolution=---&amp;product=BPEL&amp;classification=Technology"/>
<appendix name="Project Re factoring">
<html:div id="appendix">
A <html:a href="">Restructuring Review</html:a>
to move the BPEL Designer from the
<html:a href="">Technology project</html:a>
to the
<html:a href="">SOA top-level project</html:a>
is in progress and is on track to be completed by August 2011.