blob: 8e45199181f1a68e0dc36a2a5c1c41284e7884c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Matt Ward (Eclipse Foundation)- initial API and implementation
* Name: project_details_parsing
* function: contains the functions that read the files created by the individual projects to describe their
* newsgroups and mailing lists, and inserts that data into the web stream
* By: M. Ward
* Date: Dec 13/05
* Name: getfile
* Function: given a project id builds a location path
* I/O: the project id and the name of the file, and the location of the document root of the server. returns the path
* By: M. Ward
* Date: Dec 21/05
function GetFile( $name, $filename, $docroot ) {
//remove any index.html
$name = str_replace("index.html","", $name);
//same thing for main.html
$name = str_replace("main.html","", $name);
//same thing for index.php
$name = str_replace("index.php","", $name);
//if there isn't a trailing / then insert one'
if( substr($name,-1,1) != "/" )
$name .= "/";
//replace the www path with the internal document path
$name = str_replace("", $docroot . "/", $name);
$localname = str_replace("", $docroot . "/", $name);
//build up the name of hte file on the local filesystem
$group_file = $localname . "project-info/" . $filename;
//echo "!! $group_file ??\n\r";
return $group_file;
* Name: NewsParse
* function: Parses the newsgroup array object and output specific html
* By: M. Ward
* Date: Dec 13/05
* Modified By: N. Gervais
* Modified On : Sep 21/07
* ChangeLog : Changed this to use the new project info database objects
function NewsParse( $newsgroupArray, $id ) {
if (count($newsgroupArray)){
$news_name = trim($newsgroupArray->name);
if ($news_name != ""){
$news_html = "<a href=\"" . $news_name . "\"" . ">$news_name</a>";
$webnews_html = "<a href=\"news://" . $news_name . "\" alt='News server' title=\"News server\"/><img src='/images/newsgroup.png' alt='Web interface' title=\"Web interface\" /></a>";
$newsarch_html = "<a href=\"" . $news_name . "/\"" . " alt='Archive' title=\"Archive\" />Newsgroup Archive</a>";
$newsrss_html = "<a href=\"" . $news_name . "/maillist.rss\">RSS Feed </a><a href=\"" . $news_name . "/maillist.rss\"><img src='/' alt='RSS Feed' title=\"RSS Feed\" /></a>";
$newssearch = "<FORM NAME=\"$news_name\" METHOD=GET ACTION=\"/search/search.cgi\" onsubmit=\"fnSetAction();\">
<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE border=0>
<TR><TD>Search $news_name
<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"q\" value=\"\" SIZE=\"18\" class=\"groupsearch\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"cmd\" value=\"Search\" class=\"groupsearch\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"form\" value=\"extended\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wf\" value=\"574a74\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"ul\" value=\"/newslists/news.$news_name\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"5\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"News\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"Mail\"></td></tr></Table></FORM>";
$description = $newsgroupArray->description;
$html = "<p><a href=\"javascript:switchMenu('$news_name.$id');\" title=\"Description\"><img src='images/plus.gif' alt='Description' title=\"Description\"></a> $news_html $webnews_html </p><div id=\"$news_name.$id\" class=\"switchcontent\"> <p>$description </p> <p>$newsarch_html</p> <p>$newsrss_html</p> <p>$newssearch</p></div>";
return $html;
* Name: MailParse
* function: Parses the mail array object and output specific html
* By: M. Ward
* Date: Dec 21/05
* Modified By: N. Gervais
* Modified On : Sep 21/07
* ChangeLog : Changed this to use the new project info database objects *
function MailParse( $mailingListArray, $id ) {
if (count($mailingListArray)) {
$mail_name = trim($mailingListArray->name);
if ($mail_name != ""){
$mail_html = "<a href=\"" . $mail_name . "\" alt=\"Subscribe\" title=\"Subscribe\" />$mail_name</a>";
$mailarch_html = "<a href=\"" . $mail_name . "/\"" . "alt='Archive' title=\"Archive\" />Mailing list archive</a>";
$mailrss_html = "<a href=\"" . $mail_name . "/maillist.rss\">RSS Feed </a><a href=\"" . $mail_name . "/maillist.rss\" ><img src='/' alt='RSS Feed' title=\"RSS Feed\" /></a>";
$mailsearch = "<FORM name=\"$mail_name\" METHOD=GET ACTION=\"/search/search.cgi\" onsubmit=\"fnSetAction();\">
<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE border=0>
<TR><TD>Search $mail_name
<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"q\" value=\"\" SIZE=\"18\" class=\"groupsearch\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"cmd\" value=\"Search\" class=\"groupsearch\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"form\" value=\"extended\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wf\" value=\"574a74\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"ul\" value=\"/mhonarc/lists/$mail_name\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"5\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"News\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"t\" value=\"Mail\"></td></tr></Table></FORM>";
$description = $mailingListArray->description;
$html = "<p><a href=\"javascript:switchMenu('$mail_name.$id');\" title=\"Description\"><img src='images/plus.gif' alt='Description' title=\"Description\"></a> $mail_html </p> <div id=\"$mail_name.$id\" class=\"switchcontent\"> <p> $description </p><p>$mailarch_html</p><p>$mailrss_html</p><p>$mailsearch</p></div>";
return $html;