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<title>3.2 Two Day Test Pass</title></head>
<h1>3.2 Two Day Test Pass: JDT UI, JDT Text, Platform Compare, Platform Text,
and Platform Search</h1>
<h3>Testers: Benno, Dani, Johannes, Markus, Tobias, Tom<br>
<h2>Goal: Find stop-ship bugs</h2>
<li>overall testing of the build</li>
<li>test new 3.2 functionality</li>
<li>test Java 5.0 functionality:
<br>whenever you create some test code please use 5.0 language features whenever possible. For example add a
type parameter to every new class.</li>
<li>test corner cases</li>
<li>test setups which we typically don't use during development (for
example no Plug-in development)</li>
<li>keep an eye on handling of error situations
<li>watch log</li>
<li>error messages</li>
<h2>Setup / Introduction</h2>
<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">Build</span></h3>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Always use latest available Eclipse-SDK 3.2 RC2 candidate (currently I20060428-0010)
<li>Linux-GTK FedoraCore (Tom)</li>
<li>Mac OS X (Markus &frac12 day)</li>
<li>Windows XP (all but Tom)</li>
<h3>General Items (everybody)</h3>
<li>whenever you have to fill in data in dialogs try to fool the
dialog by providing incomplete or bogus input</li>
<li>watch for view updating (Package Explorer, Java Browsing perspective, Java Outline page) when source content gets changed</li>
<h3>use of different fonts (everybody)</h3>
<li>change font for text editor and dialogs to different font</li>
<li>check that dialogs are rendered correctly
<li>specified dialog font is used</li>
<li>no buttons and labels clipped</li>
<h3>Test Multiple Monitor setup (Markus)</h3>
<li>detached views</li>
<li>dialogs pop up on correct monitor</li>
<h3>Workspace Setup</h3>
<p>Setup workspace in a way unusual compared to your normal setup.
Testing should take place in one of the following workspace setups.
When setting up the workspace test also the functionality to setup
this workspace style:</p>
<li>use external projects (Benno)</li>
<li>use linked resources (Tobias)
<li><font color="#000000">linked output folders</font></li>
<li><font color="#000000">linked source folders</font></li>
<li><font color="#000000">linked and nested source folders</font></li>
<li>test rendering in views<font color="#000000"></font></li>
<li><font color="#000000">linked class folders</font></li>
<li>use multiple output folder (Dani)</li>
<li>use combination of exclusion &amp; inclusion filters (Markus)</li>
<li>use user defined library containers (JUnit as a user defined library) (Tom)
<li>quick fixes for unbound user libraries</li>
<li>quick fixes for build path problems</li>
<li>full source workspace (Tobias)</li>
<h3>Java Editor in Single Method mode (Markus, Tobias, Tom)</h3>
<li>half of the team should test with editor in single edit mode</li>
<li>corner case
<li>segmented mode, formatting, undo/redo</li>
<h3>Multiple Windows (Benno, Dani, Johannes)</h3>
<li>half of the team tests with multiple windows.</li>
<li>switch between windows for different actions</li>
<li>watch for wrong window popping to front</li>
<li>watch for wrong dialog parenting</li>
<h3>Multiple Editor Areas (Tom, Markus)</h3>
<li> test with multiple editor areas, i.e. multiple editor tab folders</li>
<li> watch for focus problems</li>
<li> watch for positioning problems when opening dialogs and info pops</li>
<h3>Java Perspective / Browsing Perspective / Working Set mode</h3>
<li>third of the team tests in browsing perspective (Dani, Johannes)<br>
<li>third of the team tests in Java perspective using project mode in
package explorer (Tobias, Benno)<br>
<li>third of the team tests in Java perspective using the working set
mode in the package explorer (Tom, Markus)<br>
<h3>Automatic workspace refresh (Benno, Tobias)</h3>
<li>half of the team tests with automatic workspace refresh enabled
(<span style="font-weight: bold;">Preferences &gt; Workbench &gt; Refresh</span> workspace automatically</li>
<h2>New 3.2 Functionality (except JUnit4) (Johannes, Benno)</h2>
Test all new features that have been added during 3.2 development. Start by testing the features mentioned in the <a href="">New and Noteworthy documents</a>
and the milestone test plans (<a href="M1_Test_Plan.html">M1</a>, <a href="M2_Test_Plan.html">M2</a>, <a href="M3_Test_Plan.html">M3</a>, <a href="M4_Test_Plan.html">M4</a>, <a href="M5_Test_Plan.html">M5</a>, <a href="M6_Test_Plan.html">M6</a>).<br>
Special items to test:
<li>Extract Superclass refactoring:
<li>verify that the refactoring works as expected
<li>verify that navigation within wizard causes no problems</li>
<li> Refactoring Scripting:<br>
Verify that refactorings which produce errors (refactoring stati and unexpected exceptions) are handled gracefully by the scripting framework</li>
<h2>JUnit4 Support (Dani, Tobias)</h2>
Test the new JUnit4 integrations and verify that this doesn't break the previous JUnit3 support.
<h2><a name="J2SE50"></a>J2SE 5.0 (Tom)</h2>
Note, when testing Java 5.0 feature don't forget to test parameterized
types that are subclasses of generic types as well as methods that use
type parameters and varargs. For example MyList extends
ArrayList&lt;String&gt; or &lt;X. void foo(X x, String...).<br>
See also the <a href="5.0_Test_Items.html">detailed 5.0 test plan</a>.
<h2>General items (Markus, Tobias, Dani)<br>
<h4>Accessibility Testing (Markus)<br>
<li>verify mnemonics in wizards/dialogs/menus</li>
<li>initial focus in dialogs</li>
<li>combination of color, form, and text. </li>
<li>status line information</li>
<h4>Operations and Locked Workspace (Markus)</h4>
<li>To lock the workspace use the org.eclipse.ui.examples.job plug-in
from the Eclipse repository</li>
<li>Test Edit, Source and Refactoring actions when the workspace is
<li>Test modifying project properties (build path, compiler settings,
...) when workspace is locked</li>
<li>You should always get the blocking dialog</li>
<li>Cancel the user action. Make sure that no
OperationCancelException or other exceptions appear in the log</li>
<h4>Actions (Markus)</h4>
Test all our actions from context and main menu.
<li>verify that they don't fail</li>
<h4>Preference Pages (Dani)</h4>
Test all our preferences.
<h4>Validate-Edit (Dani)</h4>
<li>Check-out code from the repository in CVS Watch/Edit mode (stores
file in read-only mode)</li>
<li>Test Editing, Source and Refactoring actions on files that are
<li>Expected result: actions should complete without errors</li>
<h4>Compilation Units not on Build Path (Tobias)&nbsp;</h4>
<li>Test Edit, Source and Refactoring actions for compilation units
not on the build path.</li>
<li>Test for:
<li>editors opened on repository files</li>
<li>editors opened on Java file excluded from the build path</li>
<li>editors opened on Java files stored in Simple projects </li>
<li>Actions should either operate without an error, not be present or
present a dialog that the CU is not on the build path</li>
<h4><font color="#000000">Workspace compatibility (Tobias)</font></h4>Verify
that an existing workspace can be started on the new version and is
fully functional. Check the .log for serious problems.<br>
<li>upgrade a 3.1 workspace to 3.2</li>
<li>upgrade a 3.0 workspace to 3.2<br>