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<title>User Settings: Main index</title>
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">User
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="2%"><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<td WIDTH="98%"> <p><b>Plan Item</b></p>
From the 2.1 plan: <em>&quot;Provide user preferences. It should be possible
to store user preferences that are not specific to a workspace separate
from the workspace, so that they can be used in any workspace. [Platform
Core, Platform UI] [Themes: User experience; Rich client platform]&quot;
(bug <a href="">36965</a>)</em>
<p> From the 3.0 plan: <em> &quot;The way that Eclipse deals with preferences
should be improved. The workbench presentation of preferences generally
uses a component-oriented hierarchy, which is not always the best choice
for users. The UI should present preferences in such a way that users
can readily discover them. Some preference settings have scopes (e.g.,
workspace-wide vs. per project). The UI should help the user to visualize
these scopes. For team-wide uniformity, some preferences settings (e.g.,
compiler options) need to be shared (or imposed) across teams. The UI
should also facilitate this. [Platform Core; Platform UI; Text; JDT UI;
JDT Core]&quot; (bug <a href="">71124</a>)
<p> </td>
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="2%"><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<td WIDTH="98%"> <p><b>Documents</b></p>
<li><i>(obsolete) Reference:</i> The original <a href="">problem
<li><i>(obsolete) Reference:</i> <a href="">Proposed
solution</a> based on original description.</li>
<li>Preferences API <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href="plugin_customization.html">Plug-in
Customization</a> Story</li>
<li>The Preferences <a href="">Dynamic
<li><a href="pref_apis.html">API Compatibility and Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="open_issues.html">Issues on the Radar</a></li>
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<li><img src="../../images/new.gif" border="0"/>An <a href="">example
plug-in</a> which defines its own preference scope.</li>
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="2%"><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<td WIDTH="98%"> <p><b>Related Bug Reports</b></p>
<li><a href="">Bug
36965</a>: [Preferences][Plan Item] Provide user settings</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
42621</a>: Preference Export mechanism needs to be changed</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
43840</a>: New read connection still using extssh</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
47080</a>: Accessing preferences from a Bundle</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
47594</a>: New preference exporting story</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
50804</a>: Preferences are inaccessible without loading the Plugin runtime
<li><a href="">Bug
51309</a>: [runtime] Preferences.setDefault should not store default-default
<li><a href="">Bug
52515</a>: JDT Debug does not honour plugin customization settings</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
53456</a>: Multiple Shared Project Settings</li>
<li><a href="">Bug
71124</a>: [plan item] Overhaul Preferences</li>
<li><a href="">And
a query for those who like to search...</a></li>