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<title>Platform Text Component</title>
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#595791"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">Platform
Text 2.1 Milestone Plans</font></font></td>
<td WIDTH="100%">
<h4> <a NAME="Milestone_Planning"></a>Milestone M1</h4>
<li> Bug fixing - Reduce the number of open problem reports not classified
as enhancements</li>
<li> Experimental work items (may not surface in the milestone build)</li>
<li> Move text related code into a separate Eclipse plugins</li>
<li> Code folding, i.e. hide/show selected document range</li>
<h4> Milestone M2</h4>
<li> Bug fixing</li>
<li> Move text into a separate component&nbsp;</li>
<li> see <a href="splitting/PrereleaseNote.html">pre-release</a> and
<a href="splitting/ReleaseNote.html">release</a> note</li>
<li> Smart home and end</li>
<li> Assess, integrate, or turn down patches submitted for incremental
<li> Resizable content assist on GTK/Motif</li>
<li> Investigate resizable hovers and info popups</li>
<li> Infrastructure to select between hover types using modifier keys&nbsp;</li>
<li> Assigning hover types to modifier keys</li>
<li> Selective enabling and disabling&nbsp;</li>
<li> Experimental work items (may not surface in the milestone build)</li>
<li> Code folding, i.e. hide/show selected document range</li>
<li> Cross team issues&nbsp;</li>
<li> Navigation history</li>
<li> Key binding support</li>
<h4> Milestone M3</h4>
<li> Bug fixing</li>
<li> Resizable content assist, info popups, and hovers</li>
<li> Allow custom editors to provide the logic for smart paste</li>
<li> Jump to last edit position</li>
<li> Configurable key bindings</li>
<li> Continuous work items</li>
<li> Allow for an open number of content assists/information popups
(different popups required such as tables and trees)</li>
<li> Folded documents including ruler and API for defining folding regions</li>
<h4> Milestone M4</h4>
<li> Bug fixing</li>
<li> Allow for an open number of content assists/information popups (different
popups required such as tables and trees)</li>
<li> validateEdit</li>
<li> File encoding</li>
<li> Continuous work items</li>
<li> Folded documents</li>
<li> Post-poned work items</li>
<li> support for highlighting a set of ranges (depends on generalized
painter support)</li>
<li> generalization of JDT template engine with emphasis on separate
linked position support</li>
<li> Work items continued in M5</li>
<li> Generalize JDT painter support and integrate it into Platform Text&nbsp;</li>
<li> Default text editor</li>
<li> line numbers</li>
<li> preference page&nbsp;</li>
<li> line highlighting (depends on generalized painter support)</li>
<li> error indication (depends on generalized painter support)</li>
<h4>Milestone M5</h4>
<li> Bug fixing</li>
<li> Generalize JDT painter support and integrate it with Platform Text</li>
<li> Adapt extension point schema</li>
<li> Default text editor
<li> line numbers</li>
<li> preference page&nbsp;</li>
<li> line highlighting (depends on generalized painter support)</li>
<li> error indication (depends on generalized painter support)</li>
<li> Investigate improvements of printing support
<li> page header/footer</li>