blob: 0978a87a9230c5805bbc091d1506543680fc62b1 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection_bugs_ro.class.php";
ini_set("display_errors", "true");
error_reporting (E_ALL);
$committerList = array("Tom Schindl", "Susan F. McCourt", "Szymon Brandys", "Kim Horne","Boris Bokowski","Paul Webster","Eric Moffatt","Tod Creasey","Kevin McGuire", "Tomasz Zarna", "Carolyn MacLeod", "Grant Gayed", "Chris Goldthorpe", "Markus Keller", "Daniel Megert", "Martin Aeschlimann", "Benno Baumgartner", "Christopher Daniel", "DJ Houghton", "Darin Wright", "Darin Swanson", "Samantha Chan", "Michael Rennie", "Curtis Windatt", "Kim Moir", "John Arthorne", "Oleg Besedin", "Chris Aniszczyk", "Thomas Watson", "Stefan Xenos", "Michael Valenta", "Atsuhiko Yamanaka", "Scott Kovatch");
// the following bugs have been examined by hand and found to not be viable contributions
$exclusions = array("208332", "56313", "144260", "149884", "199476", "213623", "223147", "162140", "166482", "221190");
$committerOverrides = array("87752" => "Tomasz Zarna", "189304" => "Michael Valenta", "190674" => "Michael Valenta", "208022" => "Tomasz Zarna", "205335" => "Darin Wright", "213244" => "Darin Wright", "213609" => "Darin Wright", "213719" => "Darin Wright", "214424" => "Darin Wright", "217369" => "Darin Wright", "219633" => "Darin Wright", "219643" => "Darin Wright", "223791" => "Curtis Windatt", "186121" => "Michael Valenta", "44107" => "John Arthorne", "155704" => "John Arthorne", "197605" => "DJ Houghton", "205618" => "Oleg Besedin", "72322" => "Martin Aeschlimann", "180921" => "Szymon Brandys", "32166" => "Daniel Megert", "40889" => "Daniel Megert", "184255" => "Daniel Megert", "193728" => "Daniel Megert", "208881" => "Daniel Megert", "201502" => "Kim Horne", "221387" => "Andrew Niefer", "131516" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "191031" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "191045" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "192507" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "156456" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "171276" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "173655" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "178557" => "Dejan Glozic", "189192" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "194490" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "197838" => "Dejan Glozic", "200674" => "Dejan Glozic", "200690" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "205282" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "222635" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "225786" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "226015" => "Chris Goldthorpe", "187796" => "Paul Webster", "217061" => "Daniel Megert", "132499" => "Sonia Dimitrov", "196116" => "Daniel Megert");
$contributorOverrides = array("184830" => array("Marko Topolnik", ""), "215297" => array("Will Horn", ""), "212518" => array("Matt Carter", "")); //
$includedMilestones = array("3.4", "3.4 M1", "3.4 M2", "3.4 M4", "3.4 M5", "3.4 M6", "3.4 M7", "3.4 RC1", "3.4 RC2", "3.4 RC3", "3.4 RC4");
$debug_count = 0;
$uniqueNames = array();
$uniqueCount = array();
$uniqueBugs = array();
$dbc = new DBConnectionBugs();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
$rs = null;
// David M Williams
// Tim deBoer
// Raghu Srinivasan
// Phil Berkland
// kiril mitov
function count_addedlines( $data ) {
//$count = substr_count( $data, "\n+" );
$count = preg_match_all ('/\n\+/', $data, $matches );
return $count;
function count_newlines( $data ) {
$count = substr_count( $data, "\n" );
//$count = preg_match_all ('/\n\+/', $data, $matches );
return $count;
function countNewLines($myrow) {
$result = 0;
$count1 = preg_match( '/patch/', $myrow['filename'] );
if( $count1 > 0 ) {
$result = count_newlines($myrow['thedata']);
$count2 = preg_match( '/RCS file:/', $myrow['thedata'] );
if( $count2 > 0 ) {
$result = count_newlines($myrow['thedata']);
return $result;
function countAddedLines($myrow) {
$result = 0;
$count1 = preg_match( '/patch/', $myrow['filename'] );
if( $count1 > 0 ) {
$result = count_addedlines($myrow['thedata']);
$count2 = preg_match( '/RCS file:/', $myrow['thedata'] );
if( $count2 > 0 ) {
$result = count_addedlines($myrow['thedata']);
return $result;
function checkProject($projectNumber, $component, $includes) {
global $dbc;
global $dbh;
global $rs;
global $debug_count;
global $committerList;
global $exclusions;
global $uniqueCount;
global $uniqueNames;
global $uniqueBugs;
global $committerOverrides;
global $contributorOverrides;
$buglist = array ();
$sql_info = "SELECT bugs.bug_id as bug_id,
bugs.bug_status as bug_status,
bugs.resolution as bug_resolution,
bugs.target_milestone as bug_target_milestone,
bugs.status_whiteboard as status,
attachments.filename as filename,
attachments.ispatch as ispatch,
attachments.creation_ts as timestamp,
attachmentProfiles.login_name as attachment_login_name,
attachmentProfiles.realname as attachment_real_name,
committerProfiles.realname as committer_real_name,
attach_data.thedata as thedata,
bugs.keywords as bug_keywords,
bugs.component_id as component_id
FROM bugs,attachments,profiles as attachmentProfiles, profiles as committerProfiles,attach_data
WHERE attachments.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
AND resolution = \"FIXED\"
AND attachments.ispatch = 1
AND attachments.isobsolete = 0
AND char_length(bugs.keywords) > 0
AND bugs.product_id = $projectNumber
AND attachments.submitter_id = attachmentProfiles.userid
AND bugs.assigned_to = committerProfiles.userid
AND = attachments.attach_id
AND component_id = $component
ORDER BY bugs.bug_id, attachments.creation_ts DESC";
// AND position('contributed' in bugs.keywords) > 0
//echo "sql_info: " . $sql_info . "<br />";
$rs = mysql_query($sql_info, $dbh);
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='80%'>\n";
echo "<tr><th>Count</th><th>Bug Number</th><th>Target Milestone</th><th>Id</th><th>Name</th><th>Total Lines</th><th>Added Lines</th><th>Committer</th></tr>\n";
while( ($debug_count < 1000) && ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) ) {
if( !in_array($myrow['attachment_real_name'], $committerList) && !in_array($myrow['bug_id'], $exclusions) && !in_array($myrow['bug_id'], $uniqueBugs)) {
if (in_array($myrow['bug_target_milestone'],$includes)) {
array_push($uniqueBugs, $myrow['bug_id']);
$contributor = $myrow['attachment_real_name'];
$contributorEmail = $myrow['attachment_login_name'];
if (array_key_exists($myrow['bug_id'], $contributorOverrides)) {
$pair = $contributorOverrides[$myrow['bug_id']];
$contributorEmail = $pair[1];
$contributor = $pair[0];
$committer = $myrow['committer_real_name'];
if (array_key_exists($myrow['bug_id'], $committerOverrides)) {
$committer = $committerOverrides[$myrow['bug_id']];
$color = (strcmp($committer, $contributor) == 0 || in_array($contributor, $committerList)) ? "#FFFF00" : (strpos($myrow['bug_keywords'], 'contributed') === false ? "#FF8080" : "#FFFFFF");
//$color = strpos($myrow['bug_keywords'], 'contributed') === false ? (strcmp($committer, $contributor) == 0 ? "#FFFF00": "#FF8080") : "#FFFFFF";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$color\">";
echo "<td>" . $debug_count . "</td>";
//echo " ";
echo "<td>" . "<a href=\"" . $myrow['bug_id'] . "\">" . $myrow['bug_id'] . "</a>" . "</td>";
$buglist[] = $myrow['bug_id'];
//echo " ";
//echo $myrow['bug_status'];
//echo ",";
//echo $myrow['bug_resolution'];
//echo ",";
echo "<td>" . $myrow['bug_target_milestone'] . "</td>";
//echo " ";
//echo $myrow['filename'];
//echo ",";
//echo $myrow['timestamp'];
//echo ",";
echo "<td>" . str_replace("@","{at}", $contributorEmail) . "</td>";
//echo " ";
echo "<td>" . $contributor . "</td>";
if( !in_array($myrow['attachment_login_name'], $uniqueNames ) ) {
$uniqueNames[$myrow['attachment_login_name']] = $myrow['attachment_real_name'];
if (key_exists ($myrow['attachment_login_name'], $uniqueCount)) {
$uniqueCount[$myrow['attachment_login_name']] = $uniqueCount[$myrow['attachment_login_name']] + 1;
else {
$uniqueCount[$myrow['attachment_login_name']] = 1;
echo "<td>" . countNewLines($myrow) . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . countAddedLines($myrow) . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $committer . "</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
$cslist = "";
foreach ($buglist as $bug) {
$cslist = $cslist . $bug . ",";
if (strlen($cslist) > 0) {
echo "<p>Tip: You can use this <a href=\"" . $cslist ."\">bugzilla single list</a> for above table to first list all bugs in the table, and then narrow or sort the result how ever you would like.</p>";
echo "<h1>IP Bug Query Working Page</h1>";
echo "<h2>List bugs with attachments from people who are not committers. The ones that are marked as contributed are white while those that are not marked as contributed are red. Those that are yellow have the same committer as patch contributor.</h2>";
echo "<p>Date of Query: " . date(DATE_RFC822) . "</p>";
echo "<h3>Platform: Ant</h3>";
checkProject(1, 16, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Compare</h3>";
checkProject(1, 18, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Core</h3>";
checkProject(1, 10, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: CVS</h3>";
checkProject(1, 84, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Debug</h3>";
checkProject(1, 20, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Doc</h3>";
checkProject(1, 9, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: IDE</h3>";
checkProject(1, 542, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Releng</h3>";
checkProject(1, 4, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Resources</h3>";
checkProject(1, 7, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Runtime</h3>";
checkProject(1, 120, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Scripting</h3>";
checkProject(1, 1, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Search</h3>";
checkProject(1, 19, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: SWT</h3>";
checkProject(1, 2, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Team</h3>";
checkProject(1, 6, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Text</h3>";
checkProject(1, 42, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: UI</h3>";
checkProject(1, 8, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Update</h3>";
checkProject(1, 3, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: User Assistance</h3>";
checkProject(1, 5, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: WebDAV</h3>";
checkProject(1, 17, $includedMilestones);
echo "<h3>Platform: Website</h3>";
checkProject(1, 358, $includedMilestones);
$rs = null;
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;
echo "<h2>Summary, by Contributors</h2>";
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='2' width='80%'>";
echo "<tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th><th>Number of patches</th></tr>";
array_multisort($uniqueCount, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach (array_keys($uniqueCount) as $key) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . str_replace("@","{at}", $key) . "</td><td>" . $uniqueNames[$key] . "</td><td>" . $uniqueCount[$key] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";