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<title>Eclipse Project 3.1 Maintenance Release Schedule</title>
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<h1>Eclipse Project<br>
3.1 Maintenance Release Schedule</h1>
<p>Last revised January 27, 2006 (<img border="0" src="new.gif" width="12" height="12">
marks interesting recent changes)<br>
Eclipse 3.1 (<a href="eclipse_project_plan_3_1.html">plan</a>) is the current
major release of the Eclipse Project. We plan to fix critical &quot;stop ship&quot;
defects in 3.1 and periodically produce 3.1.x maintenance releases incorporating
the accumulated fixes. Non-critical problems will generally be addressed only
in the next major release of Eclipse (3.2), which is the principal focus of
the Eclipse development teams.</p>
<p>The maintenance schedule for Eclipse 3.1.x is as follows:</p>
<table border="1" width="80%">
<th width="8%">Version</th>
<th width="27%">Release date</th>
<th width="65%">Description</th>
<td width="8%" align="center" valign="top">3.1.0</td>
<td width="27%" valign="top" align="left">June 28, 2005</td>
<td width="65%" valign="top" align="left">initial release (<a href="readme_eclipse_3_1.html">release
<td width="8%" align="center" valign="top">3.1.1</td>
<td width="27%" valign="top" align="left"> Sept. 29, 2005</td>
<td width="65%" valign="top" align="left">maintenance release fixing critical
&quot;stop ship&quot; defects in 3.1.0 (<a href="readme_eclipse_3.1.1.html">release
<td width="8%" align="center" valign="top"> 3.1.2</td>
<td width="27%" valign="top" align="left"><img border="0" src="new.gif" width="12" height="12">
Jan. 26, 2006</td>
<td width="65%" valign="top" align="left">maintenance release fixing critical
&quot;stop ship&quot; defects in 3.1.1 (<a href="readme_eclipse_3.1.2.html">release
<p>Once Eclipse 3.2 ships, it's unlikely that there would be additional 3.1.x