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<title>User Settings: Plug-in Customization</title>
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">Plug-in Customization</font></font></b></td>
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="2%"><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<td WIDTH="98%"> <p><b>Plug-in Customization in Eclipse 2.1</b></p>
<p>The <a href="">Eclipse
Help</a> page describing how to customize your plug-in.</p>
<p> 1. Set default preference values calculated at runtime.
<p>Call the <code>Plugin#initializeDefaultPluginPreferences() </code>method
which is implemented by subclasses of <code>org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin</code>.</p>
<p>2. Load from the plug-in install directory.</p>
<p>Load defaults from the <code>preferences.ini</code> file in the plug-in's
installation directory such as: <code>c:/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources_2.0.0/preferences.ini</code></p>
<p>3. Load from the primary feature's plug-in.</p>
<p>Load defaults from the <code>plugin_customization.ini</code> file in
the primary feature's plug-in directory.<code> c:/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_2.0.0/plugin_customization.ini</code></p>
<p>4. Load defaults from the command line.</p>
<p>Users are able to specify the <code>-pluginCustomization &lt;filename&gt;</code>
command-line argument which tells the platform to load preference values
from the specified file.</p>
<td ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="2%"><img SRC="../../images/Adarrow.gif" BORDER=0 height=16 width=16></td>
<td WIDTH="98%"> <p><b>Plug-in Customization in Eclipse 3.0</b></p>
<p>1. Set preference values calculated at runtime.</p>
<p>The <code>org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences</code> extension point
allows for an extension which defines a <code>initializer</code> element.
This extension defines a class which extends <code>AbstractPreferenceInitializer</code>.
The <code>#initializeDefaultPreferences()</code> method is called on
the subclass.</p>
<p>If the bundle/plug-in doesn't define an extension then the <code>#initializeDefaultPluginPreferences()
</code> method is called on the plug-in class if the runtime compatibility
layer is present. Due to visibility restrictions, this is done via the
<code>Plugin#internalInitializeDefaultPluginPreferences()</code> method.</p>
<p>2. Load from bundle/plug-in install dir.</p>
<p>Same as with Eclipse 2.1. Load preference default values from the <code>preferences.ini</code>
file in the bundle's install directory.</p>
<p>3. Load defaults from customization file as specified by the product.</p>
<p>Defaults are loaded from the URL as specified by the <code>preferenceCustomization</code>
property in the product.</p>
<p>For backwards compatibility if a feature does not define a product,
then the Update code will automatically fill in this property value
to be the <code>plugin_customization.ini</code> file in the primary
feature's plug-in install directory.</p>
<p>4. Load defaults from file specified by command-line option.</p>
<p>Same as Eclipse 2.1. Load preference default values from the file specified
by the <code>-pluginCustomization</code> command-line argument.</p>