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<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
style="background: rgb(0,128,192) none repeat scroll 0%; color: rgb(255,255,255);">Installing
the help system as an infocenter</h1>
<p>You can allow your users to access the help system over the Internet or
an intranet, by installing the stand-alone help system and the documentation
plug-ins on a web server. The application accesses the documentation by
calling a URL, and the help system is shown in their web browser. The infocenter
help system can be used both for client applications and for web applications,
either of which can have their help accessed remotely. All features except
infopops and active help are supported. </p>
<h2><b>Installation/packaging</b> </h2>
These steps are for the help system integrator and web admin and are
not meant to address all the possible scenarios. It is assumed that all
your documentation is delivered as Eclipse plug-ins and, in general, you
are familiar with the eclipse help system. For the end users, it is assumed
that they have IE5.x or 6.x or Mozilla installed on their machines.
<li>Make sure an application server is installed on the machine.&nbsp;
We have tested with Tomcat 3 and Tomcat 4.</li>
<li>Download the Eclipse 2.0 Release level Platform Runtime Binary driver
from <a href=""></a>.</li>
<li>Install (unzip) the driver to a directory <var>d:\eclipse</var>.
<li>Register the Eclipse Help application residing in d:\eclipse\plugins\
with the web server. Do not copy this directory elsewhere; it must remain
in Eclipse installation tree.
<p>In Tomcat this registration can be accomplished by adding the following
lines to the tomcat\conf\server.xml file:</p>
<pre><em><span style="font-style: normal;">&lt;</span></em>Context path="/help"&nbsp; docBase="d:\eclipse\plugins\"&gt;<br>&lt;/Context&gt;</pre>
<p>In Tomcat 3 add the lines near end of the file, as the last element
inside the ContextManager section.&nbsp; In Tomcat 4, add this section
as the last element inside the Host section. </p>
<li>Install the following fixes, depending on which server you are using:
<li><b>Tomcat 3:</b>&nbsp; Tomcat 3 does not have XML parser library
available to a web application.&nbsp; To fix that, copy xercesImpl.jar
and xmlParserAPIs.jar from d:\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.xerces_4.0.3\
to d:\eclipse\plugins\\WEB-INF\lib\ </li>
<li><b>Tomcat 4:</b>&nbsp;
<li> Both Eclipse and Tomcat contain code to set a URLStreamHandler,
but it can only be set once.&nbsp; To allow both Tomcat and Eclipse
to work correctly, a library d:\eclipse\plugins\\infocenter\eclipseurl.jar
needs to be added to the class path at Tomcat startup.&nbsp; In Tomcat
4.0.3 edit tomcat/bin/setclasspath.bat file and after the line:&nbsp;
<pre><em><span style="font-style: normal;">set CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar</span></em></pre>
<p>insert the line:</p>
<pre><em><span style="font-style: normal;">set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;d:\eclipse\plugins\\infocenter\eclipseurl.jar</span></em> </pre>
<li> Because of changes to the xml library, remove tomcat\common\lib\xerces.jar,
then edit setclasspath.bat by replacing the line
<pre><em><span style="font-style: normal;">set JAVA_OPTS=</span></em> </pre>
<pre><em><span style="font-style: normal;">set JAVA_OPTS=-Xbootclasspath/a:d:\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.xerces_4.0.3\xercesImpl.jar;d:\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.xerces_4.0.3\xmlParserAPIs.jar</span></em> </pre>
<li><b>Disable precompiled JSP's:</b>. Unless you are using Tomcat 4.0.x
or plan to ship the jasper jar files, you should also copy d:\eclipse\plugins\\infocenter\web.xml
to d:\eclipse\plugins\\WEB-INF. </li>
<h2>Using the infocenter</h2>
<p>Start the web server. Point a web browser to the path of the web application.&nbsp;
On the machine the Tomcat is installed, this would be http://localhost:8080/help/.
<h2>Installing custom documentation</h2>
<p>The Eclipse platform comes with its own documentation, contained in the
org.eclipse.platform.doc.user plug-in.&nbsp; It will be available in the
infocenter by default. To have you own documentation show up, package the
documentation as Eclipse documentation plug-ins.&nbsp; Install them to d:\eclipse\plugins\.&nbsp;
<h2>[Optional] Installing a minimal set of plugins</h2>
<p>The infocenter does not require the entire &nbsp;Eclipse Platform package.
It is possible to run the infocenter with the following plugins (located
in the&nbsp; eclipse\plugins directory):<br>
<p><code> org.apache.lucene<br>
<p>In addition to these plugins, depending on the operating system or machine
architecture, you may need to also need to install the corresponding fragments
for the above plugins (when they exist). For example, on Windows, you need
to add the following fragments (also located in the eclipse\plugins directory):<br>