blob: 27b7361e04cfd9e3f306477383afd77475725010 [file] [log] [blame]
= EE4J PMC Meeting #12
== General
Date: 2018-04-24
* Dmitry
* Kevin
* Wayne
* Steve
* David
* Ivar
== Project Proposals
Projects listed as proposals can still be edited (committers added).
Until EOD Wednesday.
Last batch of proposals will be pushed through May 1.
* Eclipse Project for JPA +
Add committers
* Eclipse ORB +
Leader missing.
Payara will provide a leader. Ask Fujitsu for committers (even leader?).
Dmitry will send link to steering committee.
* Eclipse SAAJ +
Put metro-saaj (impl) to Metro
Discussion around naming, decided to keep the name.
* Eclipse Metro +
Metro can contain the RIs for saaj, jax-ws
* Eclipse Jakarta EE Platform +
Discussion around the content of this one. May also contain parent pom for Jakarta EE projects
EE4J parent is under EE4J top-level project.
Decision: All PMC members should be project leads for this project.
* JAX-WS +
Consists of a bunch of smaller repos (API, RI and more).
Decision: extract RIs to another project (Metro).
* JAX-B +
Situation same as jax-ws, split out RI to separate project.
== Spec vs API projects
Discussion regarding licensing of specs. An issue for spec committee.
Add committers and leads within the end of this week.
== Status
EDL Licensing of some of the projects.
Discussion around why is the extra license required.
Components are part of SE, proposal is to add EDL.
Must be approved by Eclipse Board of Directors.
== Duke Images[Mailing list discussion]
Is there some way to allow projects to continue use them?
Legal advice is that derivative work can not be trademarked.
Duke is public domain. Use of Duke is fine, but not as project logos.
Wayne will work with Mike and others at the EF to validate understanding and position.
== Next Meeting
Tuesday May 8 at 17:00 CET.