blob: 64a33448efb021c29923d36773bcecb48637bba1 [file] [log] [blame]
function getBuildsFrom($branchDirs, $PWD) {
$buildDirs = array();
foreach ($branchDirs as $branch) {
// Some of the builds are of the form <type><YYYYMMDD>-<HHMM>
// Others are the usual <type><YYYYMMDDHHMM>
$buildDirs[$branch] = loadDirSimple("$PWD/$branch", "[IMNRS](\d{8}-?\d{4})", "d");
// sort by branch (1.2.2 and 1.2.1 will both be in "1.2"), then version (1.2.2 or 1.2.1), then type
$builds_temp = array();
foreach ($buildDirs as $branch => $dirList) {
$version = substr($branch, 0, 3);
foreach ($dirList as $dir) {
$type = substr($dir, 0, 1);
$builds_temp[$version][$branch][$type][] = $dir;
return $builds_temp;
function reorderAndSplitBuilds($oldBuilds, $buildTypes, $hiddenBuilds) {
$newBuilds = array();
$releases = array();
foreach ($buildTypes as $branch => $types) {
$version = substr($branch, 0, 3);
foreach ($types as $type => $names) {
if ($type == "R" && isset($oldBuilds[$version][$branch][$type])) {
$id = $oldBuilds[$version][$branch][$type][0];
if (!isset($hiddenBuilds[$branch]) || !in_array($id, $hiddenBuilds[$branch])) {
$releases[$version][$branch] = $id;
} else if (array_key_exists($version, $oldBuilds) && array_key_exists($branch, $oldBuilds[$version]) && array_key_exists($type, $oldBuilds[$version][$branch]) && is_array($oldBuilds[$version][$branch][$type])) {
if (isset($hiddenBuilds[$branch])) {
$newBuilds[$version][$branch][$type] = array();
foreach ($oldBuilds[$version][$branch][$type] as $id) {
if (!in_array($id, $hiddenBuilds[$branch])) {
$newBuilds[$version][$branch][$type][] = $id;
} else {
$newBuilds[$version][$branch][$type] = $oldBuilds[$version][$branch][$type];
return array($newBuilds,$releases);
function getUpdateSiteArchive($zips) {
foreach ($zips as $zip) {
if (preg_match("/((S|s)ite)|((U|u)pdate)/", $zip)) {
return $zip;
return "";
function getSDKArchive($zips) {
foreach ($zips as $zip) {
if (preg_match("/SDK/", $zip)) {
return $zip;
return "";
function getBuildLabel($zips) {
// the label is the version number plus its appended alias (if any)
foreach ($zips as $zip) {
preg_match("/(\d\.\d\.\d)((M|RC)\d)?/", $zip, $matches);
if (sizeof($matches) > 0) {
return preg_replace("/(\d\.\d\.\d)((M|RC)\d)?/", "$1 $2", $matches[0]);
return "";
function getTypeLabel($type) {
if ($type == "R") {
return "Release";
if ($type == "M") {
return "Maintenance";
if ($type == "S") {
return "Stable";
if ($type == "I") {
return "Integration";
if ($type == "N") {
return "Nightly";
return "";
function getTypeUpdateSite($type) {
if ($type == "R") {
return "releases";
if ($type == "M") {
return "maintenance";
if ($type == "S") {
return "milestones";
if ($type == "I") {
return "integration";
if ($type == "N") {
return "nightly";
return "";
function generateHTMLReleaseList($releases, $projectTitle, $PR, $PWD, $websiteRoot) {
// We'll only show the very first release in the list (latest), the others will be reduced by default
$display = true;
$releaseList = "";
if (sizeof($releases) > 0) {
$releaseList .= "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('repo_releases')\" class=\"repo-label1\">Releases</a>";
$releaseList .= "<a name=\"releases\" href=\"#releases\">";
$releaseList .= "<img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/>";
$releaseList .= "</a>\n";
$releaseList .= "<div class=\"repo1\" id=\"repo_releases\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<tr class=\"repo-info\">";
$releaseList .= "<td><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/22/package-x-generic.png\" alt=\"composite update site\"/></td>";
$releaseList .= "<td><b><a href=\"" . $PR . "/updates/releases\">Update Site</a></b> for use with <a href=\"\">p2</a>.</td>";
$releaseList .= "<td class=\"file-size level1\"></td>";
$releaseList .= "</tr>\n";
$releaseList .= "</table>\n";
$releaseList .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($releases as $version => $branches) {
$htmlVersion = preg_replace("/\./", "_", $version);
$releaseList .= "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('repo_releases_" . $htmlVersion . "')\" class=\"repo-label2\">" . $version . " Releases</a>";
$releaseList .= "<a name=\"releases_" . $htmlVersion . "\" href=\"#releases_" . $htmlVersion . "\"><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/></a>\n";
$releaseList .= "<div class=\"repo2\" id=\"repo_releases_" . $htmlVersion . "\"";
if ($display) {
$releaseList .= ">\n";
} else {
$releaseList .= " style=\"display: none\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$releaseList .= "<tr class=\"repo-info\">";
$releaseList .= "<td><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/16/package-x-generic.png\" alt=\"composite update site\"/></td>";
$releaseList .= "<td><b><a href=\"" . $PR . "/updates/releases/" . $version . "\">Update Site</a></b> for use with <a href=\"\">p2</a>.</td>";
$releaseList .= "<td class=\"file-size level2\"></td>";
$releaseList .= "</tr>\n";
$releaseList .= "</table>\n";
$releaseList .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($branches as $branch => $ID) {
$releaseList .= generateHTMLForBuild($projectTitle, $PR, $PWD, $websiteRoot, $version, $branch, $ID, "releases", $display);
// Only display the very latest release
if ($display) {
$display = false;
$releaseList .= "</ul>\n";
$releaseList .= "</div>\n";
$releaseList .= "</li>\n";
$releaseList .= "</ul>\n";
$releaseList .= "</div>\n";
$releaseList .= "</li>\n";
return $releaseList;
function generateHTMLBuildList($builds, $projectTitle, $PR, $PWD, $websiteRoot) {
// Only display the very latest build
$display = true;
$buildList = "";
if (sizeof($builds) > 0) {
foreach ($builds as $version => $branches) {
$htmlVersion = preg_replace("/\./", "_", $version);
$buildList .= "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
$buildList .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('repo_" . $htmlVersion . "')\" class=\"repo-label1\">" . $version . " Builds</a>";
$buildList .= "<a name=\"builds_" . $htmlVersion . "\" href=\"#builds_" . $htmlVersion . "\">";
$buildList .= "<img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/>";
$buildList .= "</a>\n";
$buildList .= "<div class=\"repo1\" id=\"repo_" . $htmlVersion . "\"";
if ($display) {
$buildList .= ">\n";
} else {
$buildList .= " style=\"display: none\">\n";
$buildList .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($branches as $branch => $types) {
$htmlBranch = preg_replace("/\./", "_", $branch);
$buildList .= "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
$buildList .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('repo_" . $htmlBranch . "')\" class=\"repo-label1\">" . $branch . "</a>";
$buildList .= "<a name=\"builds_" . $htmlBranch . "\" href=\"#builds_" . $htmlBranch . "\">";
$buildList .= "<img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/>";
$buildList .= "</a>\n";
$buildList .= "<div class=\"repo2\" id=\"repo_" . $htmlBranch . "\"";
if ($display) {
$buildList .= ">\n";
} else {
$buildList .= " style=\"display: none\">\n";
$buildList .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($types as $type => $IDs) {
$typeLabel = getTypeLabel($type);
$typeUpdateSite = getTypeUpdateSite($type);
$buildList .= "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
$buildList .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('repo_" . $htmlBranch . "_" . $type . "')\" class=\"repo-label1\">" . $branch . " " . $typeLabel . " Builds</a>";
$buildList .= "<a name=\"builds_" . $htmlBranch . "_" . $type . "\" href=\"#builds_" . $htmlBranch . "_" . $type . "\">";
$buildList .= "<img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/>";
$buildList .= "</a>\n";
$buildList .= "<div class=\"repo2\" id=\"repo_" . $htmlBranch . "_" . $type . "\"";
if ($display) {
$buildList .= ">\n";
} else {
$buildList .= " style=\"display: none\">\n";
$buildList .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($IDs as $ID) {
$buildList .= generateHTMLForBuild($projectTitle, $PR, $PWD, $websiteRoot, $version, $branch, $ID, $typeUpdateSite, $display);
// Only display the very latest build
if ($display) {
$display = false;
$buildList .= "</ul>\n";
$buildList .= "</div>\n";
$buildList .= "</li>\n";
$buildList .= "</ul>\n";
$buildList .= "</div>\n";
$buildList .= "</li>\n";
$buildList .= "</ul>\n";
$buildList .= "</div>\n";
$buildList .= "</li>\n";
return $buildList;
function generateHTMLForBuild($projectTitle, $PR, $PWD, $websiteRoot, $version, $branch, $ID, $typeUpdateSite, $display = false) {
$dateFormat = preg_replace("/[IMNRS](\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})-?(\d{2})(\d{2})/", "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5", $ID);
$zips_in_folder = loadDirSimple("$PWD/$branch/$ID/", "(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)", "f");
$archivedSite = getUpdateSiteArchive($zips_in_folder);
$SDKArchive = getSDKArchive($zips_in_folder);
$buildLabel = getBuildLabel($zips_in_folder);
if ($buildLabel == "" || $buildLabel == " ") {
$buildLabel = $branch;
$buildHTML = "<li class=\"repo-item\">\n";
// PENDING add alias if any in the displayed text
$buildHTML .= "<b><a href=\"javascript:toggle('drop_" . $ID . "')\" class=\"drop-label\">" . $buildLabel . " (" . $dateFormat . ")</a></b>";
$buildHTML .= "<a name=\"" . $ID . "\" href=\"#" . $ID . "\"><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/link_obj.gif\" alt=\"Permalink\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\"/></a>\n";
$buildHTML .= "<div class=\"drop\" id=\"drop_" . $ID . "\"";
if ($display) {
$buildHTML .= ">\n";
} else {
$buildHTML .= " style=\"display: none\">\n";
$buildHTML .= "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$buildHTML .= "<tr class=\"repo-info\">";
$buildHTML .= "<td><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/22/package-x-generic.png\" alt=\"composite update site\"/></td>";
$buildHTML .= "<td><b><a href=\"" . $PR . "/updates/" . $typeUpdateSite . "/" . $version . "/" . $ID . "\">Update Site</a></b> for use with <a href=\"\">p2</a>.</td>";
$buildHTML .= "<td class=\"file-size level3\"></td>";
$buildHTML .= "</tr>\n";
$buildHTML .= "<tr class=\"drop-info\"><td colspan=\"3\"><hr class=\"drop-separator\"></td></tr>";
if ($archivedSite != "") {
$buildHTML .= "<tr class=\"drop-info\">";
$buildHTML .= "<td><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/16/package-x-generic.png\" alt=\"archived update site\"/></td>";
$buildHTML .= "<td><a href=\"" . $PR . "/downloads/drops/" . $branch . "/" . $ID . "/" . $archivedSite . "&amp;protocol=http\">Archived update site</a> for local use with <a href=\"\">p2</a>.</td>";
// PENDING retrieve zip size
$buildHTML .= "<td class=\"file-size level3\"><i></i></td>";
$buildHTML .= "</tr>\n";
// SDK
if ($SDKArchive != "") {
$buildHTML .= "<tr class=\"drop-info\">";
$buildHTML .= "<td><img src=\"" . $websiteRoot . "/images/download/16/go-down.png\" alt=\"" . $projectTitle . " SDK\"/></td>";
$buildHTML .= "<td><a href=\"" . $PR . "/downloads/drops/" . $branch . "/" . $ID . "/" . $SDKArchive . "&amp;protocol=http\">" . $projectTitle . " SDK</a></td>";
// PENDING retrieve zip size
$buildHTML .= "<td class=\"file-size level3\"><i></i></td>";
$buildHTML .= "</tr>\n";
$buildHTML .= "</table>\n";
$buildHTML .= "</div>\n";
$buildHTML .= "</li>\n";
return $buildHTML;