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<h1>Henshin Example: University Courses</h1>
<small><i>contributed by Benjamin Heidelmeier and Gabriele Taentzer</i></small>
<i>PLEASE NOTE: This example does not work reliably with the Henshin 1.4 release. Try a newer release or the current nightly build.</i>
The purpose of this example is to assign university courses to lecturers and students while avoiding time conflicts.
It is also meant to be an accessible example for the usage of <a href="">Units</a>.
This example wants to showcase as many units as possible.
Therefore please pardon that some units' usage may seem unnecessarily complicated.
The transformation model, example input models and source code can be found <a href="">here</a>.
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-model.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-model.png" align="right" width="250" /></a>
The metamodel describes a <i>University</i> which contains <i>Courses</i> and <i>Persons</i>..
A <i>Course</i> has a name, belongs to a university and can be of two types.
An <i>OfferedCourse</i> represents a course which can be staged in the next lecture period.
A <i>ScheduledCourse</i> represents a course which is staged in the next lecture period with the hour it is starting.
For the sake of simplicity, we consider one generic weekday only, moreover, every course duration is one hour.
Furthermore it is required to have at least one lecturer.
A <i>Lecturer</i> is a person who can teach offered courses and teaches scheduled courses.
A <i>Student</i> is a person who is interested in courses.
The <i>Temp</i> object contained in a university is defined to save transient information of course scheduling.</br>
The metamodel is defined in the file <i>universityCourses.ecore</i>.
<h3>Instance Model Restrictions</h3>
Instance models - which should be transformed with the transformation rules below - have to meet the following requirements:
<li>The instance model should contain at least a <i>University</i> object.</li>
<li>The name of a <i>Course</i> is considered to be unique. There must not be any pair of <i>OfferedCourse/ScheduledCourse</i> objects which share the same name.</li>
<li>There must not be any time conflicts for a <i>Lecturer</i> or <i>Student</i> and their associated <i>ScheduledCourse</i>s.</li>
<h2>Henshin Rules and Units</h2>
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-planAllCoursesOrFail.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-planAllCoursesOrFail.png" /></a>
The <i>SequentialUnit</i> <b>planAllCoursesOrFail</b> (<i>strict=true</i>, <i>rollback=false</i>) executes the rule <i>existsUnscheduledInterestingCourse</i> first.
The rule <b>existsUnscheduledInterestingCourse</b> checks the existence of an <i>OfferedCourse</i> having an interested <i>Student</i> as well as a <i>Lecturer</i> capable of teaching the <i>Course</i>.
If this application is successful, <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i> is executed.
The <i>ConditionalUnit</i> <b>planCourseOrIncrement</b> tries to apply the sub-unit <i>planOneCourse</i>.
If it is successfully applicable, <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i> basically calls itself recursively to attempt <i>planOneCourse</i> again by calling the <i>ConditionalUnit</i> <b>planUnscheduledInterestingCourses</b>.
This unit uses <i>existsUnscheduledInterestingCourse</i> so that the application terminates as soon as all interesting courses are scheduled.
In contrast to the very similar (<i>strict</i>) <i>SequentialUnit</i> <i>planAllCoursesOrFail</i>, this <i>ConditionalUnit</i> does not fail if no unscheduled courses exist.
If it failed after all courses have been scheduled, the previous execution of <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i> would also be unsuccessful and would lead to the rescission of the last <i>planOneCourse</i> execution.
In consequence there would always remain one unscheduled but interesting course after the successful application of <i>planAllCoursesOrFail</i>.
Therefore the <i>ConditionalUnit</i> <i>planUnscheduledInterestingCourses</i> - which never fails after an unsuccessful application of its <i>if</i>-sub-unit - is used inside <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i>.
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-incrementHour.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-incrementHour.png" /></a>
If <i>planOneCourse</i> is not applicable, the <i>ConditionalUnit</i> <b>incrementIfPossible</b> first checks whether incrementing the current hour is possible by applying the rule <b>incrementPossible</b>.
After a successful application of <i>incrementPossible</i> the <i>SequentialUnit</i> <i>incrementHour</i> is applied in the <i>SequentialUnit</i> <b>incrementAndContinue</b>.
The unit <b>incrementHour</b> raises the passed-in <i>hour</i> parameter by one and returns the result via the parameter <i>oneMore</i></i>.
After successfully incrementing the hour value <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i> is called again.
In the end <i>planCourseOrIncrement</i> should only terminate with the maximum number of courses (with prospective students) scheduled between the starting time and the end of the day.
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-planOneCourse.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-planOneCourse.png" align="right" width="350" /></a>
<b>planOneCourse</b> is a <i>SequentialUnit</i> with the flags <i>strict=true</i> and <i>rollback=true</i>.
First, it schedules a course which prevents time conflicts for lecturers by fixing the time using the rule <i>scheduleOfferedCourse</i>.
Furthermore it attempts to associate all interested students without time conflicts with the scheduled course.
Afterwards <i>planOneCourse</i> checks the absence of interested students with time conflicts by applying the rule <i>isScheduledCourseConflictFree</i>.
At last, the according <i>OfferedCourse</i> is removed by an application of <i>removeOfferedCourseAfterScheduling</i>.
This unit may fail in <i>scheduleOfferedCourse</i> if there is no lecturer associable without time conflict or in <i>isScheduledCourseConflictFree</i> if there is an interested student with time conflict.
Due to the flag <i>strict=true</i>, the <i>SequentialUnit</i> application stopps at the failed rule and due to the flag <i>rollback=true</i> it reverts all applied transformations.
This means that <i>planOneCourse</i> is applied only if there is no time conflict for students or lecturers.
The rule <b>scheduleOfferedCourse</b> tries to find an <i>OfferedCourse</i> in which at least one <i>Student</i> is interested in and which can be taught by at least one <i>Lecturer</i>.
The <i>in</i>-parameter <i>hour</i> defines the hour to which the course can be scheduled.
The <i>Lecturer</i> must not teach another <i>ScheduledCourse</i> at the same time (here called <i>startingHour</i>).
If those requirements are met, a new <i>ScheduledCourse</i> with the same name as the <i>OfferedCourse</i> is created at the given time.
At the same time the rule attempts to move students to the ScheduledCourse.
If a <i>Student</i> is not interested in another conflicting <i>ScheduledCourse</i> he/she will get associated with the <i>ScheduledCourse</i> instead of the <i>OfferedCourse</i>.
The rule <b>isScheduledCourseConflictFree</b> checks whether there is no student interested in an <i>OfferedCourse</i> with corresponding <i>ScheduledCourse</i> and who is interested in a <i>ScheduledCourse</i> at the same time.
This rule basically detects <i>Student</i>s who cannot be treated by <i>moveStudentsToScheduledCourse</i>.
The rule <b>removeOfferedCourseAfterScheduling</b> (<i>checkDangling=false</i>) deletes an <i>OfferedCourse</i> that is scheduled.
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-manageCourses.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-manageCourses.png" align="right" /></a>
The starting point for the application of this example is the <i>IteratedUnit</i> <b>manageCourses</b> with the flag <i>strict</i> set to false.
The <i>in</i>-parameter <i>startHour</i> in this and all other units sets the earliest hour to which courses can be scheduled.
This unit tries to apply its sub-unit <i>planOrCleanup</i> two times which shall ensure that each of the two sub-units of <i>planOrCleanup</i> is applied at least once.
<b>planOrCleanup</b> is a <i>PriorityUnit</i> with the sub-units <i>planAllCoursesOrFail</i> and <i>cleanupUninterestingCourses</i>.
The former sub-unit can be applied <i>successfully</i> at most once.
This means that the rule <b>cleanupUninterestingCourses</b> which removes <i>OfferedCourse</i>s without prospective students (<i>checkDangling=false</i>) is applied in the second iteration at latest.
<h3>Loop Unit vs. Nested Rule</h3>
<a href="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-cleanupUninterestingCoursesUnit.png"><img src="examples/universitycourses/universityCourses-cleanupUninterestingCoursesUnit.png" /></a>
The rule <i>cleanupUninterestingCourses</i>, which is realised using a nested rule, can alternatively be replaced by a <i>LoopUnit</i> <i>cleanupUninterestingCoursesUnit</i>.
This unit contains the multi-rule of the formerly nested rule and is named <i>cleanupUninterestingCourse</i> here (singular!).
The expression with a nested rule is preferreable in this case because of its greater simplicity.
But for a unit (instead of a rule) which has to be executed as many times as possible a <i>LoopUnit</i> has to be used necessarily.