blob: d81e91021304ff2be7b6370c77cd0fc6e532bcba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, 2018 Eclipse Foundation.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) - Initial implementation
* Eric Poirier (Eclipse Foundation)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$Nav = new Nav();
// Set the theme for your project's web pages.
// See the Committer Tools "Phoenix" secion in the How Do I? for list of themes
$theme = "solstice";
// Define your project-wide Nav bars here.
// Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target
// (_self, _blank).
$Nav->addNavSeparator("Related Links", "/jetty/");
$Nav->addCustomNav("About", "/jetty/about.html", "_self", NULL);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Tools", "/jetty/tools.html", "_self", NULL);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Contribute", "/jetty/contribute.php", "_self", NULL);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Source code", "", "_self", NULL);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Enter Bug", "", "_self", NULL);
#$Nav->addCustomNav("Project Page", "", "_self", NULL);
#$Nav->addCustomNav("IP Log", "", "_self", NULL);
// Initialize custom jetty variables.
include '_jettyVersions.php';
// Initialize custom solstice $variables.
$variables = array();
// Add classes to <body>. (String)
$variables['body_classes'] = '';
// Insert custom HTML in the breadcrumb region. (String)
$variables['breadcrumbs_html'] = "";
// Hide the breadcrumbs. (Bool)
$variables['hide_breadcrumbs'] = FALSE;
// Insert HTML before the left nav. (String)
$variables['leftnav_html'] = '';
// Update the main container class (String) container-full works as well
$variables['main_container_classes'] = 'container';
// Insert HTML after opening the main content container, before the left
// sidebar. (String)
$variables['main_container_html'] = '';
// Insert header navigation for project websites.
// Bug 436108 -
$links = array();
$links[] = array(
'icon' => 'fa-download', // Required
'url' => '/jetty/download.php', // Required
'title' => 'Download', // Required
// 'target' => '_blank', // Optional
'text' => 'Distributions, Javadoc, Checksums' // Optional
$links[] = array(
'icon' => 'fa-users', // Required
'url' => '/jetty/get_involved.php', // Required
'title' => 'Get Involved', // Required
// 'target' => '_blank', // Optional
'text' => 'Contributions, Community, Mailing Lists' // Optional
$links[] = array(
'icon' => 'fa-book', // Required
'url' => '/jetty/documentation.php', // Required
'title' => 'Documentation', // Required
// 'target' => '_blank', // Optional
'text' => 'Guides: Development, Administration, etc' // Optional
$links[] = array(
'icon' => 'fa-anchor', // Required
'url' => '/jetty/support.php', // Required
'title' => 'Support', // Required
// 'target' => '_blank', // Optional
'text' => 'Open Source or Professional Support' // Optional
$links[] = array(
'icon' => 'fa-bullhorn', // Required
'url' => '/jetty/security_reports.php', // Required
'title' => 'Security Reports', // Required
// 'target' => '_blank', // Optional
'text' => 'Information on Past Vulnerabilities' // Optional
$variables['header_nav'] = array(
'links' => $links, // Required
'logo' => array ( // Required
'src' => '/jetty/common/images/jetty-logo.svg', // Required
'alt' => 'Eclipse Jetty Project', // Optional
'url' => '/jetty' // Optional
// 'target' => '_blank' // Optional
// Set Solstice theme variables. (Array)