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<h1>Eclipse KUKSA</h1>
<p>Modern software components for vehicles</p>
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<h1>Open Standards</h1>
<p>Interoperability and reduced development costs</p>
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<p class="lead">Because today&rsquo;s software-intensive automotive systems are still developed in silos by each car manufacturer or OEM in-house, long-term challenges in the industry are yet unresolved. Establishing a standard for car-to-cloud scenarios significantly improves comprehensive domain-related development activities and opens the market to external applications, service provider, and the use of open source software wherever possible without compromising security. Connectivity, OTA maintenance, automated driving, electric mobility, and related approaches increasingly demand technical innovations applicable across automotive players.</p>
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<h4><a href="">Eclipse Kuksa.val DBC Feeder Demo [Video]</a></h4>
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on August 18, 2020
<p class="intro">Eclipse Kuksa.val DBC Feeder Demo [Video] This demo showcases the features of the kuksa.val ( server.
While the automotive world is full of standards, there are not a lot of useful standards for an I(o)T world. Useful here means
Standardize on semantics, not technology only Usable across vendors, by anyone (car manufacturers, suppiers, aftermarket, third parties) Building on, or interacting with, common IT technologies One of the more useful approaches in this context is the Genivi Vehicle signal specification (VSS) (https://github.</p>
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<h4><a href="">Using Eclipse Kuksa for Connected Vehicle Services [Video]</a></h4>
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on January 21, 2020
<p class="intro">EclipseCon Europe 2019 Presentation: Using Eclipse Kuksa for Connected Vehicle Services &hellip; is presented by project comitters and contributers at the EclispeCon Europe 2019:
EclipseCon Europe 2019 Interview: APPSTACLE &amp; Eclilpse Kuksa </p>
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<h4><a href="">Kuksa IDE [Video]</a></h4>
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on December 20, 2019
<p class="intro">Kuksa IDE Video published ITEA Article on 0.1.0 Release ITEA published a news article on Kuksa 0.1.0 at
Kuksa 0.2.0 Release postponed to January 2020 Since minor organizational matters are still ongoing, we need to postpone Eclipse Kuksa 0.2.0 release to January 2020. Stay tuned!</p>
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<h4><a href="">Kuksa IDE VSCE now available</a></h4>
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on December 13, 2019
<p class="intro">Kuksa IDE Extension published to Visual Studio Code Marketplace Today, the Eclipse Kuksa team successfully published the latest Kuksa.IDE-VSCE at the Visual Studio Code marketplace. This Visual Studio Code Extension (VSCE) provides several commands to ease application development, docker image generation, and the transmission to an existing Eclipse Kuksa Appstore. More information can be found here. Download the Eclipse Kuksa IDE VSCE at the official VSCode marketplace now for free. The extension can be further used along with Eclipse Theia and Eclipse Che as part of an online IDE based on kubernetes and docker.</p>
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<p><strong>Eclipse Kuksa</strong> has its origins in the <a href="">APPSTACLE project</a> that is part of the European ITEA3 programme</p>
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