blob: 69ec29b1bb6ee806fedc21c7038a1ecb004773bd [file] [log] [blame]
The notice.php file leverages the notice.html file to display the SUA.
That content is repeated in the file.
We do not have an easy means to dynamically generate that file based on
the contents from notice.html, so--in the event that the notice.html content
is changed--the file must also be updated.
The static content can be generated using the following script.
# Convert the HTML document into plaintext, use sed to strip leading
# blank lines (pandoc adds a leading blank line).
pandoc -f html -t plain --columns=80 notice.html | sed -e :a -e '/./,$!d;/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' > notice.txt
# Use AWK to add "\n\" to the end of all lines.
awk '$0=$0"\\n\\"' < notice.txt > notice.tmp
# Hack out the old content, replace with the new.
ed << EOF
.-1r notice.tmp
rm notice.tmp
NOTE that the generation of isn't completely correct
The backslash on the last line of the SUA text needs to be removed. We need to
do some more work on the script.