blob: 1499a8dece915324b014e3623fe0370a0d06c7d0 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1>Build Infrastructure</h1>
<p>The build is based on <a href="">Maven</a>(at least 3.0.0) and Tycho, executed on Hudson server, hosted at Eclipse Foundation.</p>
<h3>Maven Build Sequence</h3>
<p>Complete build sequence for a clean build (assuming $M2_HOME/bin is on the path and local Maven repository at ~/.m2/repository):</p>
<p><b>[~/org.eclipse.libra/development/org.eclipse.libra.releng] $ mvn clean install</b></p>
<p><b>Note</b> that you may need to configure your proxy settings </p>