blob: 65eabc6043a1f87c775116e7311a97c493023727 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$App = new App();
$Nav = new Nav();
$Menu = new Menu();
$pageTitle = "Membership Benefits Summary";
$pageKeywords = "eclipse,project,plug-ins,plugins,java,ide,swt,refactoring,free java ide,tools,platform,open source,development environment,development,ide";
$pageAuthor = "Eclipse Foundation, Inc.";
// Custom theme variables
$variables = array();
// Place your html content in a file called content/en_pagename.php
include("content/en_" . $App->getScriptName());
$html = ob_get_clean();
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$Breadcrumb = new Breadcrumb();
# remove last crumb since it represents this _projectCommon page.
$Breadcrumb->removeCrumb($Breadcrumb->getCrumbCount() -1);
$Breadcrumb->addCrumb("Become a member", "/membership/become_a_member/", "_self");
$Breadcrumb->addCrumb($pageTitle, NULL, NULL);
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, NULL, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html, $Breadcrumb);