blob: fcb7f27943e3caae8cfb9a77655e0c5575967a46 [file] [log] [blame]
function epicException($id) {
// For a given org ID, return a list of strings of companie names to match in EPIC
switch ($id) {
case 653: return array("BEA Systems");
case 680: return array("CodeGear");
case 671: return array("Eclipse University");
case 856: return array("ObjectWeb");
case 864: return array("Remain");
case 876: return array("Innovations Softwaretechnologie");
default: return array();
function ignoreMembers() {
// Return a string of orgid's to use in MYSQL queries of members to ignore in membership list
// There must always be at least 0 in this list in order for the NOT IN to work. I dunno why, just do it.
return '1031';
//929 = Excelcior
function projectException($id, &$projects) {
// CA wants the reference to cosmos removed
if ($id == 655){
if (array_search('technology.cosmos', $projects) !== FALSE)
unset($projects[array_search('technology.cosmos', $projects)]);