blob: 4f94d80a340e808097bcb08d27434fc2f226c7c8 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Development on EMF 2.2 is winding down. Feature development has ceased, and any remaining serious bugs are being fixed in advance of our June 30, 2006 release.
Completed plan items and large features include XML processor utility, EMF.Edit enhancements, XMI 2.1 support, improved XML Schema generation, model exporter, build customization (for reuse in other projects), cross-resource containment, cross reference adapter, decoupling of JMerge from JDOM, generator extensibility, and improved code generator error handling and reporting.
More details and our release candidate schedule can be found in the <a href="">EMF 2.2 Project Plan.</a></p>
<p>Maintenance continues to be provided for the 2.1 stream.</p>