blob: 095b173be86b6b92de1239d9e627bfe5b64455bb [file] [log] [blame]
# for some reason, this is now taking over 24 hours to run. Disabled on
echo "Disabled."; exit;
require_once ("../includes/buildServer-common.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon());
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/modeling/includes/scripts.php");
$isEMFserver = (preg_match("/^emf(?:\.torolab\.ibm\.com)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
$isBuildServer = (preg_match("/^(emft|modeling|build)\.eclipse\.org$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) || $isEMFserver;
include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/db.php");
/* projects or components for which there are currently no stats stored (such as for new projects) need to have a placeholder entry before they will be accounted for
* this placeholder entry must be one day before the first day for which you would like stats to be stored
* for example, if you wanted to start collecting stats for org.eclipse.emf/foo, starting with 2007-05-03, do something like so:
* INSERT INTO `file_downloads` SET `project` = 'org.eclipse.emf', `component` = 'foo', `day` = '2007-05-02', `fid` = 0;
* INSERT INTO `country_downloads` SET `project` = 'org.eclipse.emf', `component` = 'foo', `day` = '2007-05-02', `country` = '__';
* after a project has real stats stored, the placeholder entries should be deleted:
* DELETE FROM `file_downloads` WHERE `project` = 'org.eclipse.emf' AND `component` = 'foo' AND `day` = '2007-05-02' AND `fid` = 0;
* DELETE FROM `country_downloads` WHERE `project` = 'org.eclipse.emf' AND `component` = 'foo' AND `day` = '2007-05-02' AND `country` = '__';
* stats will not be collected for projects or components described above until these steps have been followed
/* all of the file patterns we want to consider for a particular project and component
* file patterns are matched with MySQL's REGEXP(), which is ereg rather than preg style
* project => component => filepatterns
$files = array(
"org.eclipse.emf" => array(
"" => array(
"org.eclipse.emf.query" => array(
"org.eclipse.emf.transaction" => array(
"org.eclipse.emf.validation" => array(
"org.eclipse.mdt" => array(
"org.eclipse.uml2" => array(
"org.eclipse.eodm" => array(
"org.eclipse.ocl" => array(
"org.eclipse.m2t" => array(
"org.eclipse.jet" => array(
$where = '`download_date` >= \'%1$s 00:00:00\' AND `download_date` <= \'%1$s 23:59:59\' AND `file_id` = %2$d';
$queries = array(
"file" => array(
"stats" => "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `c`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(`file_name`, '/', -1) as `f` FROM `downloads` USE INDEX (IDX_download_date) NATURAL JOIN `download_file_index` WHERE $where GROUP BY `f`",
"timeslice" => "SELECT MAX(`day`) + INTERVAL 1 DAY FROM `file_downloads` WHERE `project` = '%s' AND `component` = '%s'",
"insert" => "INSERT INTO `file_downloads` (`project`, `component`, `day`, `fid`, `number`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', (SELECT `fid` FROM `distfiles` WHERE `filename` = '%s'), %d)"
"country" => array(
"stats" => "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `c`, `ccode` FROM `downloads` USE INDEX (IDX_download_date) WHERE $where GROUP BY `ccode`
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `c`, `ccode` FROM `downloads` WHERE $where GROUP BY `ccode`",
"timeslice" => "SELECT MAX(`day`) + INTERVAL 1 DAY FROM `country_downloads` WHERE `project` = '%s' AND `component` = '%s'",
"insert" => "INSERT INTO `country_downloads` (`project`, `component`, `day`, `country`, `number`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)"
$dbc = new DBConnectionDownloads();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
$otime = wmicrotime();
foreach (array_keys($files) as $project)
foreach (array_keys($files[$project]) as $component)
print "[$project/$component]\n";
$result = wmysql_query("SELECT `file_id`, SUBSTRING_INDEX(`file_name`, '/', -1) FROM `download_file_index` WHERE " . join(" OR ", preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "`file_name` REGEXP('$1')", $files[$project][$component])), $dbh);
$fids = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$fids[] = $row[0];
/* uml2 is special, and doesn't like putting runtime in their runtimes, we fix that here */
$row[1] = preg_replace("/^(uml2-)([^-]+\.zip)$/", "$1runtime-$2", $row[1]);
$props = array("`filename` = '$row[1]'");
$info = null;
if (preg_match("/\.jar$/", $row[1]))
$props[] = "`filetype` = 'jar'";
else if (preg_match("/^(.+)-(runtime|SDK|[Ss]tandalone|Models|[Aa]utomated-[Tt]ests|[Ee]xamples)-(.+)\.zip/", $row[1], $info))
$result2 = wmysql_query("SELECT `type` FROM `releases` WHERE `vanityname` = '$info[3]' AND `project` = '$project' AND `component` = '$component'");
$row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2);
$props[] = "`projects` = '$info[1]'";
$props[] = "`bundle` = '$info[2]'";
$props[] = "`type` = '$row2[0]'";
$props[] = "`releasename` = '$info[3]'";
$props[] = "`filetype` = 'zip'";
wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `distfiles` SET " . join(",", $props) . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `fid` = `fid`");
if (mysql_affected_rows($connect) == 1) //1 for inserted, 2 for updated
print "added new file to `distfiles`: '$row[1]'\n";
foreach (array_keys($queries) as $query)
print ";";
$result = wmysql_query(sprintf($queries[$query]["timeslice"], $project, $component));
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
foreach (pending_timeslice($row[0]) as $day)
$itime = wmicrotime();
#print ":";
print "about to process " . sizeof($fids) . " files...\n";
foreach ($fids as $fid)
$result = wmysql_query(sprintf($queries[$query]["stats"], $day, $fid), $dbh);
if (!mysql_ping($connect))
print "oops, db connection to timed out, reconnecting...\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
wmysql_query(sprintf($queries[$query]["insert"], $project, $component, $day, $row[1], $row[0]));
print ".";
print "\n";
print "added download stats for $project/$component, $day in " . (wmicrotime() - $itime) . "s\n";
print "\n";
print "ran for a total of " . (wmicrotime() - $otime) . "s\n";
/* return an array of all of the complete days that have passed, starting with $start (YYYY-mm-dd) */
function pending_timeslice($start)
if (!$start)
return array();
$today = date("Y-m-d");
$d = array();
for ($ts = strtotime($start); $ts < strtotime($today); $ts = strtotime("+1 day", $ts))
$d[] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $ts);
return $d;
function wmicrotime()
list($usec, $sec) = split(" ", microtime());
return ($sec + $usec);