blob: 0daf00e013d4f32837693386ccb18c4765021e82 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$App= new App();
$Nav= new Nav();
$Menu= new Menu();
include_once ($App->getprojectCommon());
if (is_array($projects))
$projectArray= getProjectArray($projects, $extraprojects, $nodownloads, $PR);
$tmp= array_keys($projectArray);
$proj= "/" . (isset ($_GET["project"]) && preg_match("/^(?:" . join("|", $projects) . ")$/", $_GET["project"]) ? $_GET["project"] : (isset($tmp[0]) && isset($projectArray[$tmp[0]]) ? $projectArray[$tmp[0]] : ""));
$proj= "";
$projct= preg_replace("#^/#", "", $proj);
/* from $_GET */
if (!isset ($params))
$params= array (
"build" => "#^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/[IMNRS]\d{12}/$#"
$PWD = getPWD(($PR == $projct ? $projct : "$PR/$projct") . "/downloads/drops"); // see scripts.php
/* check these files, %s replaced with param from above */
if (!isset ($files))
$files= array (
"build" => array ($PWD . "/%sbuildlog.txt")
/* replace these values with key */
if (!isset ($reps))
$reps= array (
"o.e.$projct" => "org.eclipse.$projct",
"o.e.e.$projct" => "org.eclipse.emf.$projct",
"o.e.mdt" => "org.eclipse.mdt",
"o.e.m.c.r" => "org.eclipse.modeling.common.releng",
"o.e.r" => "org.eclipse.releng",
"dd" => "/home/www-data/build/$PR/${projct}/downloads/drops",
"dm" => "",
"de" => "",
"dte" => "",
"dto" => ""
/* apply span class="key" */
$hl= array (
"error" => "/(fail(?:ure)?|error|warning|could not|No such|cannot|usage:)/iS", //S for study (huge speed boost here)
"fail" => "/(BUILD FAILED)/",
"success" => "/(BUILD SUCCESSFUL)/"
/* remove these lines */
$filter= array (
"/^\[CVS .+\] U.+$/" => "",
"/^s+\n$/" => ""
$f = null;
foreach (array_keys($params) as $z)
if (isset ($_GET[$z]) && preg_match($params[$z], $_GET[$z]))
foreach ($files[$z] as $y)
$f = sprintf($y, $_GET[$z]);
$args[]= "$z=" . $_GET[$z];
if (!is_file($f) || !is_readable($f))
print "<b>Error:</b> " . (is_numeric($debug) && $debug > 0 ? $f : preg_replace("#.+/$PR/(.+)#", "$1", $f)) . " is not a file or is not readable.\n";
if (isset ($f))
$step = isset ($_GET["step"]) && is_numeric($_GET["step"]) ? $_GET["step"] : 50; // how many lines to display?
$maxlines = exec("wc -l $f"); $maxlines= preg_replace("/[\t\ \n]*(\d+)[\t\ \n]+.+/", "$1", $maxlines);
$offset = isset ($_GET["offset"]) && is_numeric($_GET["offset"]) ? $_GET["offset"] : (isset ($_GET["tail"]) ? $maxlines - $step : 0);
if ($offset > 0)
exec("head -n" . ($step + $offset) . " $f | tail -n$step", $log);
exec("head -n" . $step . " $f", $log);
print "Sorry, no log found.\n";
print "<div id=\"midcolumn\">\n";
options($args, $f);
/* batching all of these into one preg_replace is worth a very large (nearly an order of magnitude) speed boost */
$matches= preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "!($1)!", array_values($reps));
$replacements= preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "<abbr title=\"\\\$1\">$1</abbr>", array_keys($reps));
$matches= array_merge($matches, $hl);
$replacements= array_merge($replacements, preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "<span class=\"$1\">\\\$1</span>", array_keys($hl)));
$matches= array_merge($matches, array_keys($filter));
$replacements= array_merge($replacements, $filter);
$log2 = array(); foreach ($log as $line) { $log2[] = htmlspecialchars($line); } $log = $log2; unset($log2); # fix HTML chars that break page rendering
$log= preg_replace($matches, $replacements, $log);
$i= $offset;
foreach ($log as $z)
if ($z)
print "<pre><a name=\"l$i\" href=\"#l$i\">$i</a>" . wordwrap($z) . "</pre>\n";
options($args, $f);
print "</div>\n";
$html= ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle= "Eclipse Modeling - Log Viewer";
$pageKeywords= "";
$pageAuthor= "Neil Skrypuch, Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/modeling/includes/log-viewer.css\"/>\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
function options($args, $f)
global $offset, $step, $maxlines, $projct;
print "<div class=\"options\">\n";
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;step=$step\">&lt;&lt; 0 - $step</a>";
if ($offset - $step >= 0)
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;offset=" . ($offset - $step) . "&amp;step=$step\">&lt; " . ($offset - $step) . " to " . ($offset) . "</a>";
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;step=$step\">&lt; 0 - $step</a>";
$step2= $maxlines - $offset - $step;
if ($offset + $step + $step <= $maxlines)
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;offset=" . ($offset + $step) . "&amp;step=$step\">" . ($offset + $step) . " to " . ($offset + $step + $step) . " &gt;</a>";
if ($offset + $step <= $maxlines && $step2 > 0)
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;offset=" . ($offset + $step) . "&amp;step=$step2\">" . ($offset + $step) . " to " . ($maxlines) . " &gt;</a>";
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;offset=" . ($maxlines - $step) . "&amp;step=$step\">" . ($maxlines - $step) . " to " . ($maxlines) . " &gt;</a>";
print "<a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;" . join("&amp;", $args) . "&amp;offset=" . ($maxlines - $step) . "&amp;step=$step\">" . ($maxlines - $step) . " to " . ($maxlines) . " &gt;&gt;</a>";
print "<a href=\"" . preg_replace("#^" . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "|/home/www-data/build#", "", $f) . "\">unformatted log (" . trim(pretty_size(filesize("$f"))) . ")</a>";
print "</div>\n";