blob: 2e64d1d209e9bbc2f7eae31bf06c0cd529fa95ee [file] [log] [blame]
require_once ("../../../includes/buildServer-common.php");
$options = array (
"BaseBuilderBranch" => "R35_RC4",
"BranchAndJDK" => array (
/* define a regular expression to be used to collect the most recent
* matching dependencies for running a build. See also releng-common/tools/scripts/
* and /home/www-data/build/requests/dependencies.urls.txt
* */
"regex" => "I20.*/eclipse-SDK-.*x86_64|[SR]-.*20.*/eclipse-SDK-.*x86_64|" .
"2\.6\..+/[ISR]20.*/emf-xsd-SDK-|" .
"3\.1\..+/[ISR]20.*/mdt-uml2-SDK|" .
"3\.0\..+/[ISR]20.*/mdt-ocl-.*SDK-|" .
"1\.4\..+/[ISR]20.*/emf-query-SDK-|" .
"1\.4\..+/[ISR]20.*/emf-validation-SDK-|" .
"1\.4\..+/[ISR]20.*/emf-transaction-SDK-|" .
"3\.0\..+/[ISR]20.*/m2m-qvtoml-SDK-|" .
"[ISR]20.*/GEF-|" .
"Mapfile_Rule_Default" => 0, // 0: "Use Map, No Tagging=use-false" or 1:"Generate Map, No Tagging=gen-false"
"EmailDefault" => "", // prefil email contact box with comma-sep'd list: can't send to, so use actual recipients
"Users" => array("nickb","nickb",NULL), /* build user, eclipse cvs user, IES cvs user */