blob: d4b7bebe0a2168c34e3daac19acc43a0139beb2d [file] [log] [blame]
$bundlesToUnzipList = array ();
function cleanup($string) {
$result = str_replace ( "\n", "", $string );
$result = str_replace ( "\r", "", $result );
$result = trim ( $result );
return $result;
class BundleToUnzip {
public $id = "";
public $version = "";
function __construct($id, $version) {
$this->id = trim ( $id );
$this->version = trim ( $version );
class Bundle {
public $symbolicId = "";
public $version = "";
public $qualifier = "";
public $fullfilename = "";
public $pack = "";
public $cq = "";
public $name = "";
public $email = "";
public $note = "";
public $sourceBundle;
function __construct($aFullFileNameEntry, $logmissingipdata) {
$END_GROUP = ")";
$BACKSLASH = "\\";
$ANYDIGITS = "\d*";
$ANY = ".*";
$ZERO_OR_ONE = "?";
$PERL_DELIM = "/";
$this->fullfilename = $aFullFileNameEntry;
// echo "";
// echo "pattern: " . $pattern . "<br />";
// echo "input: " . $this->fullfilename . "<br />";
// echo "";
$validMatch = preg_match ( $pattern, $aFullFileNameEntry, $matches );
if ($validMatch) {
// $item = 0;
// foreach ($matches as $match) {
// echo "match " . $item . ": " . $match . "<br />";
// $item = $item + 1;
// }
$this->symbolicId = trim ( $matches [1] );
$this->version = trim ( $matches [2] );
if (array_key_exists ( 3, $matches )) {
$this->qualifier = $matches [3];
$this->pack = checkPacked ( $this->symbolicId, $this->version );
} else {
$this->symbolicId = "Error: apparently not a valid bundle name/version: " . $this->fullfilename;
$xmldatafile = "ip_logs/" . $this->symbolicId . ".xml";
// echo "filename: " . $xmldatafile . "<br />";
if (file_exists ( $xmldatafile )) {
// Load the XML source
$xml = new DOMDocument ();
$xml->load ( $xmldatafile );
// find the version element
$xpath = new DOMXPath ( $xml );
$projectNodes = $xpath->query ( "//project[@version='$this->version']" );
$nNodes = $projectNodes->length;
if ($nNodes > 0) {
$projectNode = $projectNodes->item ( 0 );
$zElements = $projectNode->getElementsByTagName ( "ipzilla" );
foreach ( $zElements as $zElement ) {
$this->cq = $zElement->getAttribute ( "bug_id" );
$cElements = $projectNode->getElementsByTagName ( "contact" );
foreach ( $cElements as $cElement ) {
$nElement = $cElement->getElementsByTagName ( "name" );
$this->name = $nElement->item ( 0 )->nodeValue;
$this->name = cleanup ( $this->name );
$mElement = $cElement->getElementsByTagName ( "email" );
$this->email = $mElement->item ( 0 )->nodeValue;
$this->email = cleanup ( $this->email );
$this->email = str_replace ( "@", "*at*", $this->email );
// TODO: avoid the html markup <p> by using an array, or similar
$notesElements = $projectNode->getElementsByTagName ( "notes" );
foreach ( $notesElements as $notesElement ) {
$noteElement = $notesElement->getElementsByTagName ( "note" );
foreach ( $noteElement as $niElement ) {
$notevalue = $niElement->nodeValue;
$notevalue = cleanup ( $notevalue );
if ($notevalue != "") {
$this->note = $this->note . "<p>" . $notevalue . "</p>";
} else {
$this->cq = "No project info for this version?";
if ($logmissingipdata) {
// source handled differently, elsewhere
if (! endsWith ( $xmldatafile, "source.xml" )) {
writeIPLogError ( $xmldatafile, $this->cq, $this->version );
} else {
$this->cq = "No data file found";
if ($logmissingipdata) {
// source handled differently, elsewhere
if (! endsWith ( $xmldatafile, "source.xml" )) {
writeIPLogError ( $xmldatafile, $this->cq, null );
function __toString() {
return $this->symbolicId . " " . $this->version;
function writeIPLogError($ipfilename, $errmessage, $expectedIPLogVersion) {
// $ipoutfilename=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."//iplogFileErrors.txt";
// echo "docroot: " . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "\n";
// echo "dir: " . __DIR__ . "\n";
// echo "file: " . __FILE__ . "\n";
global $ipouterrors;
// $ipoutfilename=__DIR__."/iplogFileErrors.txt";
// $iphandle = fopen($ipoutfilename, "a+b");
$writestring = "\nError in IP_log file:\n\t$ipfilename\n\t$errmessage\n";
if ($expectedIPLogVersion != null) {
$writestring = $writestring . "\tVersion expected in IP log xml file: $expectedIPLogVersion\n";
$ipouterrors [] = $writestring;
// if (fwrite($iphandle, $writestring) === false) {
// echo "Cannot write to $ipoutfilename. <br />";
// }
// fclose($iphandle);
function endsWith($str, $sub) {
return (substr ( $str, strlen ( $str ) - strlen ( $sub ) ) === $sub);
function stripSuffix($str, $suffix) {
$result = $str;
if (endsWith ( $str, $suffix )) {
$pos = strrpos ( $str, $suffix );
$result = substr ( $str, 0, $pos );
return $result;
function getBundle($list, $id, $version) {
foreach ( $list as $bundle ) {
if ($bundle->symbolicId == $id && $bundle->version == $version) {
return $bundle;
function countDistinct($list) {
$idList = array ();
foreach ( $list as $bundle ) {
$idList [$bundle->symbolicId] = $bundle->symbolicId;
return count ( array_unique ( $idList ) );
function countDistinctCQs($list) {
$idList = array ();
foreach ( $list as $bundle ) {
$idList [$bundle->cq] = $bundle->cq;
return count ( array_unique ( $idList ) );
function getListOfCQs($list) {
$COMMA = "%2C";
$idList = "";
$moreThanOne = false;
foreach ( $list as $bundle ) {
if ($moreThanOne) {
$idList = $idList . $COMMA . $bundle->cq;
} else {
$idList = $bundle->cq;
$moreThanOne = true;
return $idList;
function countTotal($list) {
$result = 0;
foreach ( $list as $bundle ) {
// always one for bundle
$result = $result + 1;
if (isset ( $bundle->sourceBundle )) {
// one for source, if provided
$result = $result + 1;
return $result;
function getBundleList($dir) {
// init required data
getBundlesToUnzip ();
// prepare arrary of bundles to display
$bundleList = array ();
// pass 1
$aDirectory = dir ( $dir );
while ( $anEntry = $aDirectory->read () ) {
// we are just looking for jar and zip files, no directories, and
// just displaying the name
if ($anEntry != "." && $anEntry != ".." && ((endsWith ( $anEntry, ".zip" ) || endsWith ( $anEntry, ".jar" )))) {
// echo "anEntryName: " . $anEntry . "<br />";
$aBundle = new Bundle ( $anEntry, true );
// echo "";
// echo "bundle: " . $aBundle . "<br />";
// echo "id: " . $aBundle->symbolicId . "<br />";
// echo "";
if (endsWith ( $aBundle->symbolicId, ".source" )) {
// add to matching bundle object
// skip source this pass
} else {
$bundleList [$aBundle->fullfilename] = $aBundle;
$aDirectory->close ();
// pass 2
$aDirectory = dir ( $dir );
// loop again to pick up source bundles
while ( $anEntry = $aDirectory->read () ) {
// we are just looking for jar and zip files, no directories, and
// just displaying the name
if ($anEntry != "." && $anEntry != ".." && ((endsWith ( $anEntry, ".zip" ) || endsWith ( $anEntry, ".jar" )))) {
// echo "anEntryName: " . $anEntry . "<br />";
$aBundle = new Bundle ( $anEntry, false );
// echo "";
// echo "bundle: " . $aBundle . "<br />";
// echo "id: " . $aBundle->symbolicId . "<br />";
// echo "";
if (endsWith ( $aBundle->symbolicId, ".source" )) {
// add to matching bundle object
// this logic assumes source bundle is always found following
// regular bundle
// may need to make two passes?
// also assumes there's just one id-version (i.e. not multiple
// qualifiers).
$correspondingID = stripSuffix ( $aBundle->symbolicId, ".source" );
$correspondingBundle = getBundle ( $bundleList, $correspondingID, $aBundle->version );
if (isset ( $correspondingBundle )) {
$correspondingBundle->sourceBundle = $aBundle;
} else {
echo "Logic Error: PHP script found a source bundle, " . $aBundle->symbolicId . ", before the corresponding code bundle";
} else {
// skip bundles this time, just getting source bundles
$aDirectory->close ();
return $bundleList;
function getBuildBaseName($dropDirectory) {
// for now, a simply heuristic to get build name ... same as
// base directory name. It's done as a seperate function, though,
// since
// in future, may have to read a property file, or something.
return basename ( $dropDirectory );
function fileSizeForDisplay($filename) {
$onekilo = 1024;
$onemeg = $onekilo * $onekilo;
$criteria = 10 * $onemeg;
$scaleChar = "M";
if (file_exists ( $filename )) {
$zipfilesize = filesize ( $filename );
if ($zipfilesize > $criteria) {
$zipfilesize = round ( $zipfilesize / $onemeg, 0 );
$scaleChar = "M";
} else {
$zipfilesize = round ( $zipfilesize / $onekilo, 0 );
$scaleChar = "K";
} else {
$zipfilesize = 0;
$result = "(" . $zipfilesize . $scaleChar . ")";
return $result;
function getBundlesToUnzip() {
global $bundlesToUnzipList;
$file_handle = fopen ( "", "r" );
if ($file_handle !== false) {
while ( ! feof ( $file_handle ) ) {
$line = fgets ( $file_handle );
if (! (strpos ( $line, "#" ) === 0)) {
$dataline = explode ( ",", $line );
$id = $dataline [0];
// guard against blank or empty lines?
// TODO: not sure how they get in there to begin with?
if (! empty ( $id )) {
$version = $dataline [1];
$bundleToUnzip = new BundleToUnzip ( $id, $version );
$bundlesToUnzipList [] = $bundleToUnzip;
fclose ( $file_handle );
return $bundlesToUnzipList;
function checkPacked($id, $version) {
// echo "id: $id version: $version \n <br />";
global $bundlesToUnzipList;
$result = "";
$arrayLength = sizeof ( $bundlesToUnzipList );
for($i = 0; $i < $arrayLength; $i ++) {
$bundleToUnzip = $bundlesToUnzipList [$i];
// echo " compareBundleToUnzip: id: $bundleToUnzip->id version:
// $bundleToUnzip->version \n <br />";
if ($id == $bundleToUnzip->id && $version == $bundleToUnzip->version) {
$result = " (unzip)";
return $result;