blob: 1664f60c142f627d9f6923e27b3060c77e56578c [file] [log] [blame]
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Based on instructions from
<release projectid="technology.photran" version="2009.0"/>
<html:div>Photran is an IDE and refactoring tool for Fortran. It has been in beta testing for several
years; the June, 2009 release of Photran will be the first official release at</html:div>
<html:div>Binary and source versions of three features--the main Photran feature and supporting features
for Intel and IBM compilers--will be made available from an update site at</html:div>
<html:div>Some xhtml content here. Make sure to use the prefix before the elements</html:div>
<milestone date="2/27/2009" milestone="Beta 5"><html:div>Final beta before move to PTP</html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="3/11/2009" milestone="PTP Move"><html:div>Photran will move to become a component of the PTP project</html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="5/1/2009" milestone="Beta 6"><html:div>Final beta before Galileo</html:div></milestone>
<milestone date="6/26/2009" milestone="2009.0"><html:div>Simultaneous release with PTP/Galileo</html:div></milestone>
<!--milestone date="6/28/2009" milestone="1.0"/-->
<!--postamble><html:div>html content</html:div></postamble-->
<html:div>Platform-independent Java 1.5 (but requires CDT)</html:div>
<html:div> </html:div>
<html:div>Some xhtml content here. Make sure to use the prefix before the elements</html:div>
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<!--appendix name="Project Refactoring">