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The mbeddr project is a proposed open source project under the <a
Top-Level Project</a>.
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This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the
Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and
scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the Eclipse
community. Please send all feedback to the <a
Proposals</a> Forum.
<p>The amount of software embedded in devices is growing. At the
same time, embedded software development is challenging. In addition
to functional requirements, strict operational requirements have to be
fulfilled as well, including reliability, safety, efficiency or
real-time constraints. Addressing these challenges requires any of the
following approaches: abstraction techniques should not lead to
excessive runtime overhead; programs should be analyzable for faults
before deployment; and various kinds of annotations, for example for
describing and type checking physical units, must be integrated into
the code. Process issues such as requirements traceability and
consistent documentation have to be addressed, and developers face a
high degree of variability, since embedded systems are often developed
in the context of product lines.</p>
Current approaches for embedded software development can roughly be
distinguished into programming and modeling. The <em>programming</em>
approach mostly relies on C, sometimes C++ and Ada in rare cases.
However, because of C's limited support for defining custom
abstractions, this can lead to software that is hard to understand,
maintain and extend. Furthermore, C's ability to work with very
low-level abstractions such as pointers, makes C code very expensive
to analyze statically. The alternative approach uses <em>modeling</em>
tools with automatic code generation. The modeling tools provide
predefined, higher-level abstractions such as state machines or data
flow block diagrams. Example tools include <a
href="">ASCET-SD</a> or <a
href="">Simulink</a>. Using
higher-level abstractions leads to more concise programs and
simplified fault detection using static analysis and model checking
(for example using the Simulink Design Verifier). Increasingly, <em>domain
specific</em> languages (DSLs) are used for embedded software, and studies
show that domain-specific languages substantially increase
productivity in embedded software development. However, most
real-world systems cannot be described completely and adequately with
a single modeling tool or DSL, and the integration effort between
manually written C code and possibly several modeling tools and DSLs
becomes a significant problem.<br> A promising solution to this
dilemma lies in a much tighter integration between low-level C code
and higher-level abstractions specific to embedded software. The
mbeddr project, described in this proposal, implements this approach.
<p align="center">
<img width="480" src="figures/ide.png"
alt="Screenshot of the current mbeddr development environment in JetBrains MPS.">
mbeddr supports embedded software development based on an extensible
version of the C programming language, and a corresponding IDE (see
image above). The advantages of C can be maintained: existing <em>legacy
code</em> can be easily integrated, reused, and evolved, and the need for
<em>efficient code</em> is immediately addressed by relying on C's
low-level programming concepts. At the same time, domain-specific
extensions such as state machines, components or data types with
physical units can be made available as C extensions. This improves <em>productivity</em>
via more concise programs, it helps improve <em>quality</em> in a
constructive way by avoiding low-level implementation errors up-front,
and leads to system implementations that are more amenable to <em>analysis</em>
-- also supported by mbeddr. By directly embedding the extensions into
C, the mismatch and integration challenge between domain specific
models and general purpose code can be removed. mbeddr's
industry-strength implementation of this approach also includes IDE
support for C and the extensions: syntax highlighting, code
completion, error checking, refactoring and debugging.
<p>The project addresses the development and evolution of mbeddr
language extensions (standalone DSLs and C extensions), their IDE,
debuggers, and the integration of formal verification tools. mbeddr
languages and extensions include:</p>
<li>C99 (C99 is an informal name for ISO/IEC 9899:1999, a past
version of the C programming language standard which is supported by
most embedded compilers)</li>
<li>Product-Line Support</li>
<li>A build language</li>
<li>Integration with various formal analyses tools (e.g. CBMC,
NuSMV, yices)</li>
<p>As well as additional base languages (e.g. C++ or Ada), and
additional higher level languages extensions (e.g. tracing, logging,
data flow, protocol description). In addition the project provides
example languages and language modules which illustrate the
integration into existing environments. The project does not include
development and evolution of MPS, the verification tools themselves or
actual C compilers or debuggers.</p>
<p>mbeddr provides a fully featured IDE for C, arbitrary extensions
of C and any other language developed in mbeddr. The system is
structured into layers and concerns.</p>
<p align="center">
<img width="480" src="figures/mbeddr-stack.png"
alt="mbeddr is organized into three concerns and five layers. The concerns address C-based implementation, formal analysis as well as process. The five layers are the MPS platform, the mbeddr core facilities, default extensions as well as the ability for users to create their own extensions. Finally, a number of backend tools (primarily C compilers and verification tools) are integrated.">
<h3>Implementation Concern</h3>
The implementation concern addresses the development of applications
based on C. On the core level, mbeddr comes with an implementation of
C in MPS (MPS is discussed below). There are a few minor differences
to C99, and the preprocessor is not exposed to the user. On the
default extensions layer, the implementation concern comes with C
extensions for interfaces and components, state machines and physical
units, among others. The user extensions layer is by definition empty;
users can easily extend the C core as well as any of the default
extensions. The implementation concern also ships with an extensible
debugger that is able to debug on the level of the extensions, so the
abstractions do not break down when debugging becomes necessary. In
the future, mbeddr will also support importing existing header and
implementation files, to support interoperability with legacy
libraries or implementation code. At the foundation layer, the
implementation concern relies on a C compiler, a C debugger and tools
for importing existing C code into mbeddr. By default, mbeddr generate
make files that call
, the debugger relies on
debugger and the <a href="">Eclipse CDT</a> for
analyzing and importing textual C code. However, all of these can be
<h3>Analysis Concern</h3>
<p>This concern adds static analyses to some of the default
extensions provided by the implementation concern. The analysis itself
is performed by different existing external tools. However, mbeddr
integrates the tools tightly by (a) providing language abstractions to
conveniently describe behavior that can be analyzed, (b) translating
this description to the input of the analysis tool, (c) running the
tool, and (d) lifting the output of the tool back to the original
abstraction level, to make it easier to understand for the user. The
integrated analyses are based on symbolic model checking, SMT solving
and C-level model-checking.</p>
<h3>Process concern</h3>
<p>The process concern includes cross-cutting facilities that are
useful to integrate mbeddr into the development process. They are
generic in the sense that they can be integrated with arbitrary other
languages, such as all the default and user-defined C extensions.
mbeddr supports requirements engineering, product-line variability and
<p>The requirements engineering support provides a language for
describing requirements. Each requirement has an ID, a short
description, an optional longer prose, a priority and any number of
additional attributes. Requirements can also be nested and express
relationships to other requirements. Requirements traces can be
attached to any program element expressed in any language, supporting
ubiquitous traceability. The requirements facility also supports
reverse-tracing, so users can find out which parts of implementation
artifacts depend on any particular requirement. Importantly, the
requirements tooling is extensible; arbitrary additional data,
expressed in any language, can be added to a requirement. This way,
support for use cases, collaborations and scenarios has been added in
a modular way.</p>
<p>mbeddr's support for product-line engineering can be split into
two parts. First, there is a formalism for defining feature models and
configurations based on these feature models. This represents a purely
conceptual description of variability, independent of any particular
implementation. The second part maps the variability expressed in
feature models to arbitrary implementation artifacts by using presence
conditions. These are Boolean expressions over features that determine
how the program element they are attached to depends on the features
selected for a given variant. If the expression evaluates to false,
the element they are attached to is removed during generation. As a
consequence of MPS' projectional editor, the presence conditions can
also be evaluated in the editor. This allows program variants to be
viewed and edited. While presence conditions are static and work for
any language, there is also C-specific support to evaluate variability
at runtime.</p>
Visualization provides a facility to render diagrams. The facility
relies on <a href="">PlantUML</a> as
the backend, which supports most of UML's diagrams. The diagrams are
shown directly inside the mbeddr IDE; by clicking on a node in the
diagram, the respective source node in the MPS editor is selected,
supporting navigability between diagram and code. Any program element
can contribute visualizations, making the facility generically usable.
<p>The documentation aspect supports writing prose documents as
part of an mbeddr project, exportable as HTML or LaTeX. What makes
this aspect worthwhile is that it supports close integration with
program elements: program elements can be referenced (with real
references that are renamed if the element itself is renamed) and
program code can be embedded as text or as an image. The embedded code
is updated whenever the document is regenerated, avoiding manual
synchronization of the documentation. In the same way visualizations
(as described in the previous paragraph) can be embedded, also updated
whenever the document is re-rendered to LaTeX or HTML.</p>
<h3>Underlying Technology</h3>
mbeddr relies on the JetBrains MPS language workbench. The <a
href="">JetBrains Meta Programming System</a>
is a projectional language workbench available as open source software
under the Apache 2.0 license. The term <a
Workbench</a> was coined by Martin Fowler. He defines a language
workbench as a tool with the following characteristics, all of which
MPS exhibits: (1) Users can freely define languages which are fully
integrated with each other. (2) The primary source of information is a
persistent abstract representation. (3) A DSL is defined in three main
parts: schema, editor(s), and generator(s). (4) Language users
manipulate a DSL through a projectional editor. (5) A language
workbench can persist incomplete or contradictory information.
One of the most important statement in this definition is <em>languages
which are fully integrated with each other</em>. It is not enough for a
language workbench to address the definition of a single language. It
must be possible to define sets of languages, and, while each of them
should be a well-defined module, it is also essential to be able to
define how these languages integrate. MPS is particularly good at
MPS' Projectional editing does not rely on parsers. As a user edits a
program, the AST is modified <em>directly</em>. A projection engine
then creates some representation of the AST with which the user
interacts, and which reflects the resulting changes. This approach is
well-known from graphical editors: when editing a UML diagram, users
do not draw pixels onto a canvas, and a "pixel parser" then creates
the AST. Rather, the editor creates an instance of
as a user drags a class from the palette onto the canvas. A projection
engine renders the diagram by drawing a rectangle for the class.
Programs are stored using a generic tree persistence format (such as
XML). This approach can be generalized to work with any notation,
including textual.
What makes projectional editing interesting for language workbenches
in general, and for mbeddr in particular, are the following two
characteristics. First, the approach can deal with arbitrary syntactic
forms including textual, symbolic/mathematical, tabular and graphical.
This means that much richer notations can be used <em>in an
integrated fashion</em>, improving the usability to the end user. An
example from mbeddr is the decision table shown in the picture above.
Traditionally the tools for building textual and
tabular/symbolic/graphical editors were very different in terms of
their architecture and user experience, and integrating them
seamlessly was a lot of work, and sometimes impossible. Second, if
independently developed languages are composed, the resulting
composite program is never syntactically ambiguous.
<h3>Relationship to other Eclipse projects</h3>
<li><b>Eclipse Platform:</b> mbeddr currently does not run on top
of the Eclipse platform. Instead it runs on MPS. If MPS allows the
generation of Eclipse plugins in the future, mbeddr will directly
benefit from that</li>
<li><b>CDT:</b> As mentioned above, mbeddr uses the CDT Debug
bridge to enable its debugging capabilities. Although and better
offers the capability to edit regular C code, this is not the main
purpose of mbeddr. Mbeddr's advantage is the strong integration of
multiple implementation paradigms, its strong focus on formal
verification techniques as well as the integration with other
development process concerns.</li>
<li><b>EMF:</b> There is no direct relationship to EMF, however,
conceptionally the MPS's storage format as well as the low level APIs
are similar to what EMF offers. Thus, in the future it might be
possible import / export models to / from mbeddr. A general
integration with EMF is however out of scope for this project as this
will be done by MPS</li>
<li><b>Xtext:</b> Again, there is no direct relationship to
Xtext. Mbeddr uses MPS as the underlying Technology platform. MPS is,
similar to Xtext, a language workbench but with a very different
focus. While Xtext persists its models in plain ASCII files, MPS
stores its models in a proprietary binary or text format. A user in
MPS does not edit the text but works directly on the AST. Thus no
parsing technology is necessary. In addition this enables the usage
of different notations (text, tables, graphics), different
projections for the same code as well as partial projections or
partial views on a model.</li>
<h2>Why Eclipse?</h2>
<li>The target domain of mbeddr is embedded software and the
Internet of Things (it is currently used in energy/metering systems
and automotive software, among others). Eclipse has a strong
community in this space, so this is a good fit as well.</li>
<li>Eclipse provides a well-defined governance structure and
development process. The mbeddr project will benefit from this
structure and this way, additional contributors can be phased in more
<li>Fundamentally, mbeddr is a DSL-based modeling and programming
environment. Since Eclipse already has a strong focus on modeling, it
is a good fit.</li>
<h2>Initial Contribution</h2>
The initial contribution consists of sources, tests, build, and
documentation. It comprises the complete mbeddr system including all
above-mentioned languages and C extensions and their IDE support. In
addition, it will provide a development environment for Arduino
Hardware. The project does <em>not</em> include MPS itself, which is
open source under the Apache 2.0 license.<br> The code is hosted
at github: <a href=""></a>.<br>
The project website is at <a href=""></a>.
<h2>Legal Issues</h2>
<p>There are no known legal issues.</p>
<li>mbeddr has a required dependency to <a
(Apache 2.0 licensed)
<li>mbeddr has a works-with dependency to <a
href="">PlantUML</a> as well
<a href="">Graphviz</a> (EPL 1.0
<li>mbeddr has a works-with dependency to <a
href="">NuSMV</a> (LGPL 2.1
<li>mbeddr has a works-with dependency to <a
href="">CBMC</a> (BSD-style
<li>mbeddr has a works-with dependency to <a
(proprietary license)
List any initial committers that should be provisioned along with the
new project. Include affiliation, but do not include email addresses at
this point.
<p>The following individuals are proposed as initial committers to
the project:</p>
<dt>Bernd Kolb (itemis AG) Project lead</dt>
<dt>Markus Voelter (independent/itemis)</dt>
<dt>Dan Ratiu (fortiss)</dt>
<dt>Domenik Pavletic (itemis)</dt>
<dt>Kolja Dummann (itemis)</dt>
<p>We welcome additional committers and contributions.</p>
Describe any initial contributions of code that will be brought to the
project. If there is no existing code, just remove this section.
New Eclipse projects require a minimum of two mentors from the Architecture
Council. You need to identify two mentors before the project is created. The
proposal can be posted before this section is filled in (it's a little easier
to find a mentor when the proposal itself is public).
<p>The following Architecture Council members will mentor this
<li>Benjamin Cab&eacute;</li>
<li>Doug Schaefer</li>
<h2>Interested Parties</h2>
Provide a list of individuals, organisations, companies, and other Eclipse
projects that are interested in this project. This list will provide some
insight into who your project's community will ultimately include. Where
possible, include affiliations. Do not include email addresses.
<p>The following individuals, organisations, companies and projects
have expressed interest in this project:</p>
<li>Sierra Wireless</li>
<li>Rohde &amp; Schwarz</li>
<li>Method Park</li>
<li>Robert Bosch GmbH</li>
<h2>Project Scheduling</h2>
Describe, in rough terms, what the basic scheduling of the project will
be. You might, for example, include an indication of when an initial contribution
should be expected, when your first build will be ready, etc. Exact
dates are not required.
<h2>Changes to this Document</h2>
List any changes that have occurred in the document here.
You only need to document changes that have occurred after the document
has been posted live for the community to view and comment.
<td>Added interested parties</td>
<td>Added interested parties</td>
<td>Document created</td>
<td>Incorporated feedback</td>