blob: 9a391a0e428eb0e98cc9fe22c4126e7e22957ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
.. _components_driver:
.. _components_agentfollowingdrivermodel:
This driver type adapts its velocity to an agent in front and holds a desired velocity if there's no front agent available (like adaptive cruise control). The lateral guidance always keeps the agent in the middle of the lane.
.. literalinclude:: /../../../sim/contrib/examples/Common/ProfilesCatalog.xml
:language: xml
:dedent: 4
:start-at: <Profile Name="Regular">
:end-at: </Profile>
.. table::
:class: tight-table
=========================== ========== ==== ====================================================================================================================== ============================
Parameter Type Unit Description Defaults to
=========================== ========== ==== ====================================================================================================================== ============================
AlgorithmLateralModule String Behavior model for the steering wheel angle of the driver Required value
AlgorithmLongitudinalModule String Behavior model for the accelerator, brake pedal position, and the current gear of the driver Required value
VelocityWish Double m/s Desired speed :abbr:`33.33 m/s (120 km/h)`
Delta Double Free acceleration exponent characterizing how the acceleration decreases with velocity (1: linear, infinity: constant) 4.0
TGapWish Double s Desired time gap between ego and front agent 1.5 s
MinDistance Double m Minimum distance between ego and front (used at slow speeds); Also called jam distance 2.0 m
MaxAcceleration Double m/s² Maximum acceleration in satisfactory way, not vehicle possible acceleration 1.4 m/s²
MaxDeceleration Double m/s² Desired deceleration 2.0 m/s²
=========================== ========== ==== ====================================================================================================================== ============================
.. todo:: Check description of Delta