blob: 77fda8a0a8349c155a3242ba194ccc2a87d36195 [file] [log] [blame]
The project tycho-p2-extras-plugin/src/test/resources/testproject shows how one can use the
features and bundles publisher.
Prerequisite tycho-p2-extras-plugin has been built successfully with 'mvn clean install'.
Execute mvn clean install -Dtycho-version=<version> on
tycho-p2-extras-plugin/src/test/resources/testProject so that the build will
(1) download the bundle cxf-bundle-2.3.1.jar into testProject/target/source/plugins (==source to be
(2) publish the source with FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher into testProject/target/repository and
(3) archive this repository as a zip file in directory testProject/target.
The testProject/pom.xml makes use of the following three build plugins and corresponding actions:
(1) Download a bundle (gav=org.apache.cxf/cxf-bundle/2.3.1) into directory
${project.basedir}/target/source/plugins (build plugin with artifactId maven-dependency-plugin)
(2) Publishes the source ${project.basedir}/target/source by means of publish-features-and-bundles
goal to repository ${project.basedir}/target/repository (build plugin with artifactId
Note: The implementation of PublishFeatureAndBundlesMojo allows to configure some parameters
which are passed to the FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher. The configurable parameters are:
-metadataRepositoryLocation, -artifactRepositoryLocation, -sourceLocation, -compress, -append,
-publishArtifacts, -append, -reusePack200Files. As an example the testProject/pom.xml has
configured -compress as 'false' which lead to the published content content/artifacts.xml
instead of content/artifacts.jar.
Not configured parameters are filled with the default values specified in the
(3) The results of step 2 - the published ${project.basedir}/target/repository contents
(content.xml, artifact.xml and /plugin/<artifact>.jar) are archived (zipped) into
${project.basedir}/target/ (build plugin with artifactId tycho-p2-repository-plugin)
Note: The archive-repository goal of the tycho-p2-repository-plugin works only with the
directory ${project.basedir}/target/repository (not if -metadataRepositoryLocation or
-artifactRepositoryLocation was configured pointing to other locations)