blob: 7edcc0f0d6d72f6daad1b5671c54e3124d2b2263 [file] [log] [blame]
{"name":"New-website","content":"<p>It turned out that even with multiple reviews, it is possible to have small mistakes in the Production Performance Management Protocol documentation. In order to avoid such contradictions between diagrams, specification, json-schema and eventual implementation, we decided to rework the project structure and fixed <a href=\"\">the JSON Schemas</a>. The corresponding uml diagrams are generated with <a href=\"\">plantuml</a>. For even better understandibility, the attributes are sorted lexicographically.</p>\n<p>Although the website has the same look, it is completely reworked as a <a href=\"\">single-page application</a> to generate the specification directly from the json-schema. Instead of using <a href=\"\">hexo</a> it is now based on <a href=\"\">nuxt.js</a>. <a href=\"\">Vue.js</a> as a basis for nuxt is also used in the <a href=\"\">new Production Performance Management Protocol client application called binsa</a>.</p>\n","url":"/blog/2018/1/26/New-website","title":"Updated Website","date":"2018-01-26T00:00:00.000Z","tags":["media"],"prev":{"url":"/blog/2017/10/19/i40-testbed-started","title":"Unide is part of Industry 4.0 Testbed"},"next":{"url":"/blog/2018/2/11/Transform-PPMP-with-camel","title":"Production Performance Management Protocol Use Cases: Simple Transformation with Apache Camel"}}