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There is a tag library available that makes information about the Snaps environment available to the host from within a
JSP page. The prefix and URI to declare are <code class="code">&lt;%@ taglib prefix="snaps" uri=""
%&gt;</code>. You can now access an array of all the Snaps currently registered with the host. Each snap in the array
has two values, the first is the context path the Snap is registered with, as given in the snaps manifest header. The
second is an array of properties, if any, given in a property file in the snap. The file must be in the <code class="literal">META-INF
</code> directory and have a name of <code class="literal"></code>. The following code snippet shows all of these
in use to produce links to each of the installed snaps.
</p><pre class="programlisting">
&lt;snaps:snaps var="snaps"&gt;
&lt;c:forEach var="snap" items="${snaps}"&gt;
&lt;a href="&lt;c:url value="${snap.contextPath}${['link.path']}"/&gt;"&gt;
The first line uses the Snaps tag library to place the array of snaps into the <code class="code">snaps</code> variable. Then a
<code class="code">forEach</code> loop goes through each snap. The content of the <code class="code">forEach</code> loop is the really interesting
bit. The first variable <code class="code">${snap.contextPath}</code> returns the context path of the snap. The two lookups are for
properties <code class="code">${['something']}</code>. They rely on the snap having the properties file in place with
<code class="literal">link.path</code> and <code class="literal">link.text</code> defined in it. This shows the flexibility you have for defining
your own contract between the host and its snaps. In this case each snap can contribute extra information about how links in
a menu should be constructed.
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