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To start Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat in debug mode, run
<code class="literal"></code> passing in the
<code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME
prompt$ bin/ -debug</pre><p>
This will start the debug agent listening on port
<code class="literal">8000</code> which is the default remote debug port used
by Eclipse. To start in debug mode with a specific port number, pass
this in as the value for the <code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME
prompt$ bin/ -debug 8001</pre><p>
This will start the debug agent listening on port
<code class="literal">8001</code>. To start in debug mode and suspend the VM
until a debugger attaches, pass in the <code class="literal">-suspend</code>
argument along with the <code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME
prompt$ bin/ -debug -suspend</pre><p>
This starts the debug agent, but prevents Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat from actually
starting until a debugger attaches to the agent. This can be useful
when trying to diagnose problems that occur during startup.
</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e1556"></a>Microsoft Windows</h3></div></div></div><p>
To start Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat in debug mode, run
<code class="literal">startup.bat</code> passing in the
<code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt&gt; cd %SERVER_HOME%
prompt&gt; bin\startup.bat -debug</pre><p>
This will start the debug agent listening on port
<code class="literal">8000</code> which is the default remote debug port used
by Eclipse. To start in debug mode with a specific port number, pass
this in as the value for the <code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt&gt; cd %SERVER_HOME%
prompt&gt; bin\startup.bat -debug 8001</pre><p>
This will start the debug agent listening on port
<code class="literal">8001</code>. To start in debug mode and suspend the VM
until a debugger attaches, pass in the <code class="literal">-suspend</code>
argument along with the <code class="literal">-debug</code> argument:
</p><pre class="screen">prompt&gt; cd %SERVER_HOME%
prompt&gt; bin\startup.bat -debug -suspend</pre><p>
This starts the debug agent, but prevents Virgo Server for Apache Tomcat from actually
starting until a debugger attaches to the agent. This can be useful
when trying to diagnose problems that occur during startup.
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