blob: 48af1c0a7668ab51639fbfd45010d1d459597a58 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Version: $Id: build.xml,v 1.26 2005/09/29 18:56:15 lmandel Exp $
Ant build script for WTP Web Site.
2005-09-22: Arthur Ryman <>
- Factored out plans build into separate build script.
2005-09-15: Lawrence Mandel <>
- Factored out community build into separate build script.
2005-09-14: Arthur Ryman <>
- temporarily comment out XSLT that use xalan:nodeset to avoid build problems
the offending stylesheets are community.xsl, communityresources.xsl, and pastevents.xsl
Why do these use xalan: extensions? Our stylesheets should be portable.
2005-08-26: Lawrence Mandel <>
- added community stylesheets back to the build after fixing xalan:nodeset problem
2005-08-26: Arthur Ryman <>
- temporarily comment out XSLT that use xalan:nodeset to avoid build problems
2005-08-23: Lawrence Mandel <>
- added community resources build call
- added community page build call
- added community past events build call
- added specific call for presentation archive
2005-08-10: Lawrence Mandel <>
- add faq/CommitterFaq.xml file build call
2005-08-03: Lawrence Mandel <>
- added faq/main.xml file build call
2005-07-29: Lawrence Mandel <>
- added whatsnew.xml file build call
2005-06-28: Arthur Ryman <>
- exclude all build.xml files from XSLT transformation
2005-05-16: Arthur Ryman <>
- Added call to build people folder.
2005-05-04: Arthur Ryman <>
- Added people folder.
2005-04-11: Arthur Ryman <>
- Added Presentations page.
2005-02-21 Lawrence Mandel <>
- Added force=true attribute for composite pages.
2005-02-16 Lawrence Mandel <>
- Added news page.
- Added development/main.xml page.
2005-02-14 Lawrence Mandel <>
- Created separate news.xml file and included it in main.xml.
- Added about page.
- Added transform for news XML to RSS.
2005-02-13: Arthur Ryman <>
- Added Help Wanted page.
2005-01-28: Arthur Ryman <>
- Created.
- Validate all XML and XSLT files.
- Transform all XML to HTML.
2005-02-21: Jeffrey Liu <>
- Added performance improvement plan
<project name="webtools" default="main" basedir=".">
<target name="main" depends="validate, html, rss" description="Build WTP Web site (validate, html, rss)." />
<target name="validate" description="Validates all XML and XSLT files.">
<xmlvalidate lenient="true">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.xml, **/*.xsl, **/*.xsd, **/*.data" />
<xmlvalidate lenient="false">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.xsd"/>
<attribute name="" value="true"/>
<attribute name="" value="true"/>
<attribute name="" value="true"/>
<target name="html" depends="help-wanted, community, plans, faq" description="Transforms XML to HTML.">
<xslt in="main.xml" out="main.html" style="wtphome.xsl" force="true" />
<xslt in="about.xml" out="about.html" style="wtphome.xsl" force="true" />
<xslt in="news.xml" out="news.html" style="wtphome.xsl" force="true" />
<xslt in="development/main.xml" out="development/main.html" style="wtphome.xsl" force="true" />
<xslt in="releases/0.7/whatsnew.xml" out="releases/0.7/whatsnew.html" style="wtphome.xsl" force="true" />
<xslt style="development/milestone_plans/stylesheets/milestone-calendar.xsl" in="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-calendar-by-developer.xml" out="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-calendar-by-developer.html" />
<xslt style="development/milestone_plans/stylesheets/milestone-overview.xsl" in="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-milestone-overview.xml" out="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-milestone-overview.html" />
<xslt style="development/milestone_plans/stylesheets/milestone-bulletList.xsl" includes="**/*milestone_plan*.xml" destdir="." />
<xslt style="development/milestone_plans/stylesheets/performance.xsl" in="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-milestone-overview.xml" out="development/milestone_plans/reports/performance.html" force="true" />
<xslt style="wtp.xsl" includes="**/*.xml" excludes="people/**/*.*, **/build.xml, main.xml, about.xml, development/main.xml, releases/0.7/whatsnew.xml, **/filelist.xml, development/milestone_plans/reports/*.xml, **/*milestone_plan*.xml, news.xml, **/*-rss20.xml, faq/**/*.*, community/**/*.*, plans/**/*.*" destdir="." />
<ant dir="people" description="Builds the People pages and Contributors page and index."/>
<target name="help-wanted" description="generates Help Wanted page.">
<xslt style="development/milestone_plans/stylesheets/help-wanted.xsl" in="development/milestone_plans/reports/report-milestone-overview.xml" out="development/milestone_plans/reports/help-wanted.html" force="true" />
<target name="rss" description="Transforms XML to RSS.">
<xslt in="news.xml" out="news-rss20.xml" style="rss20.xsl" />
<target name="community" description="Transforms community XML to HTML">
<ant dir="community" description="Builds the community pages."/>
<target name="plans" description="Transforms plans XML to HTML">
<ant dir="plans" description="Builds the plans pages."/>
<target name="faq" description="Transforms FAQ XML to HTML">
<ant dir="faq" description="Builds the FAQ pages."/>