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<title>Eclipse WTP 2.0 RC0 News</title>
<h1>Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 RC0 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
The march toward Europa continues with the first release candidate for the
Web Tools Platform! As expressed in the
>Ramp Down Plan</a>, all of the features planned for 2.0 weren't ready in time for M6. With
RC0, WTP should now be feature-complete for the 2.0 release. Accordingly,
here are some of the more noteworthy features available in WTP 2.0 RC0 (May
18, 2007), which is now available for
>download here</a>.
<h2>WTP Components</h2>
<a href="jee.php">Java EE, JSF, and JSP Tools</a>
<a href="jpa.php">JPA Tools</a>
<a href="server.php">Server Tools</a>
<a href="webservices.php">Web Services and WSDL Tools</a>
<a href="xml.php">XML, XML Schema and DTD Tools</a>
Here are the
href=";classification=WebTools&amp;target_milestone=2.0+RC0&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;cmdtype=doit">bugs that were fixed</a>
during this release candidate.
The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier
2.0 milestone builds:
<a href="../2.0M6/main.php">New for WTP 2.0 milestone build M6 (April 6, 2007)</a>
<a href="../2.0M5/main.php">New for WTP 2.0 milestone build M5 (February 23, 2007)</a>
<a href="../2.0M4/main.php">New for WTP 2.0 milestone build M4 (January 5, 2007)</a>
<a href="../main.php">Full summaries for earlier releases.</a>