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<title>Eclipse WTP 3.0 M1 News</title>
<h1>Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.0 M1 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
Just when you thought it was safe to download Europa, the committers have released yet another milestone for the Eclipse Web Tools Platform! WTP 3.0 M1 (August 24, 2007) is now available for download
>here</a>. As the 3.0 release is still in its planning stages, M1 primarily offers compatibility with Eclipse 3.4 M1.
<h2>WTP Components</h2>
<a href="jee.php">Java EE, JSF, and JSP Tools</a>
<a href="jpa.php">JPA Tools</a>
<a href="server.php">Server Tools</a>
<a href="webresources.php">Web Resource Tools (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)</a>
<a href="webservices.php">Web Services and WSDL Tools</a>
<a href="xml.php">XML, XML Schema and DTD Tools</a>
Here are the
href=";classification=WebTools&amp;target_milestone=3.0+M1&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;cmdtype=doit">bugs that were fixed</a>
during this milestone.
The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier
<a href="../main.php">Full summaries for earlier releases.</a>