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<title>Web Tools Platform Project IP Log</title>
<h1>Web Tools Platform Project IP Log</h1>
<p>This log is specifically for WTP Version 2 and related activity during 2007. Please see <a
href="./ip_log_2006.html">previous IP log</a> for complete history and information specific to WTP 1.5 and 2006 or
<h2>Committer List</h2>
<p>Current Committers and Component Teams are documented in <a
href="">WTP Component Committer Teams</a>.</p>
<h2>3rd Party IP Licensed for Binary Redistribution</h2>
<p>Please see the Contribution Questionnaire (CQ) links below for complete details.</p>
<table border="1">
<th width="15%">Version</th>
<th>Introduced in</th>
<th>Removed since</th>
<td rowSpan="2">Axis</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td>1.4 (<a href="">CQ 1374</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>Commons discovery</td>
<td>0.2 (<a href="">CQ 1377</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td rowSpan="1">Commons logging</td>
<td>1.0.4 (<a href="">CQ 223</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td rowSpan="1">JAX-RPC</td>
<td>1.1 (<a href="">CQ 286</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td />Part of Axis.
<td rowSpan="2">log4j</td>
<td>1.2.8 (<a href="">CQ 240</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>1.2.13 (<a href="">CQ 1593</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td rowSpan="1">Axis-Ant</td>
<td>1.2.1 (<a href="">CQ 1375</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>SOAP (from Axis)</td>
<td>1.2 (<a href="">CQ 1379</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>This was listed as "saaj.jar" in previous IP Logs. It is now a bundle (from Orbit) called
<td>1.7.2 (<a href="">CQ 212</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>Includes cactus-1.7.2 (the one for J2EE 1.3), aspectjrt-1.2.1, commons-logging-1.0.4, and
commons-httpclient-2.0.2 jars, and junit 3.8.1</td>
<td rowSpan="2">wsdl4j</td>
<td>1.4 (<a href="">CQ 327</a>)</td>
<td>Common Public License 1.0</td>
<td>Initial contribution</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>includes "qname.jar"</td>
<td>1.5.1 (<a href="">CQ 1380</a>)</td>
<td>Common Public License 1.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.5.1 is distributed as part of Axis 1.4</td>
<td>1.0 (<a href="">CQ 330</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 1.1</td>
<td>Initial contribution</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td rowspan="3">xerces-j</td>
<td>2.8.0 (<a href="">CQ 250</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td>2.8.1 (<a href="">CQ 103</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>1.5x, 2.x</td>
<td>Not currently re-distributed,perhaps will be for service</td>
<td>2.9.0 (<a href="">CQ 1148</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>Introducted in WTP 3.0, M4, as four plugins:
<li>org.apache.xml.resolver (1.2.0)</li>
<li>org.apache.xml.serializer (2.7.1)</li>
<li>org.apache.xerces (2.9.0)</li>
<td>2.0.5 (<a href="">CQ 321</a>)</td>
<td>IBM Public License</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 275</a>)</td>
<td>IBM, Microsoft</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 319</a>)</td>
<td>IBM, Microsoft</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 320</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 325</a>)</td>
<td>IBM, Microsoft</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>1.2 (<a href="">CQ 326</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WSDL 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 329</a>)</td>
<td>IBM, Microsoft</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>1.0, 1.1 (<a href="">CQ 331</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>WAP DTDs</td>
<td>1.1, 1.3 (<a href="">CQ 324</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>Distributed under EPL 1.0. See <a href="./ip_log_note1.html">Note 1</a> for email clarifying status of
WAP Schemas and DTDs.</td>
<td>1.6.2 (<a href="">CQ 78</a>)</td>
<td>Used only in ATF (not distributed with WTP)</td>
<td>JavaServer Faces Schemas and DTDs</td>
<td>1.1, 1.2 (<a href="">CQ 1506</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>JEE Related Schemas and DTDs</td>
<td>1.2, 2.0 (<a href="">CQ 4</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>Apache Jakarta Commons EL</td>
<td>1.0 (<a href="">CQ 1547</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>2.4 (<a href="">CQ 1343</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>2.0 (<a href="">CQ 1343</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>1.3 (<a href="">CQ 1562</a>)</td>
<td>ASF 2.0</td>
<td>Not currently re-distributed,perhaps will be for service</td>
<td>JPA API XML Schemas (persistence.xsd and orm.xsd)</td>
<td>1.0 (<a href="">CQ 1829</a>)</td>
<td>still in use</td>
<td>Currently packaged in the "jst.standard.schemas" bundle.</td>
<h2>Contribution Questionnaires Reviews for Source Contributions Distributed under EPL</h2>
<table border="1">
<th>CQ Number</th>
<td><a href="">81</a></td>
<td>Visual Page Designer</td>
<td><a href="">1089</a></td>
<td>Webtools Integration Tools for Axis2</td>
<td><a href="">1373</a></td>
<td>Webtools Integration Tools for Axis2 (part 2)</td>
<td><a href="">1446</a></td>
<td>Caching of property symbols/supertypes per type</td>
<td><a href="">1470</a></td>
<td>Hyperlink support for EL symbols in an EL expression</td>
<h2>Contribution Questionnaires Reviews for Source Contributions Distributed under EPL</h2>
<p><i>Old style. Prior to IPZilla tracking. These &quot;EMO approved&quot; status were based on email from EMO
to the then PMC Lead, Tim Wagner.</i></p>
<table border="1">
<th>Bugzilla number</th>
<td>Craig Becker</td>
<td>Craig Becker</td>
<td>Initial contribution</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Jean Choi</td>
<td>Jean Choi</td>
<td>Faces config editor</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Xiaonan Jiang</td>
<td>Ian Trimble</td>
<td>124226 / 126181</td>
<td>EMF model</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Lumir Vanek</td>
<td>Gerry Kessler</td>
<td>Snippets view for JSF RI JSP tags</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Christian Ernst</td>
<td>Neil Hauge</td>
<td>UI binding port from ORM project</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Karen Moore</td>
<td>Neil Hauge</td>
<td>N/A (preceded Bugzilla component)</td>
<td>Initial contribution from Oracle</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<td>Artur Filipiak</td>
<td>Lawrence Mandel</td>
<td>WTP Logo</td>
<td>EMO approved</td>
<h2>Other 3rd Party IP Incorporated in Source Form and Distributed Under EPL</h2>
automated Bugzilla query to list attachments.</a>
<h2>Past Committers</h2>
<th align="left">Committer Name</th>
<th align="left">Organization</th>
<th align="left">Last Activity in Release</th>
<td>Phil Avery</td>
<td>Vijay Bhadriraju</td>
<td>Jens Lukowski</td>
<td>University of Karlsruhe</td>
<td>Ozgur Tumer</td>
<td>Susan Yeshin</td>