blob: 4c9965c64a00472e7259941c8eb2bcffc940168e [file] [log] [blame]
Note: Requires boxSettings.js also be included
2003-09-13: Jeff edited. Added expand all of type.
2003-09-15: Jeff added cookie code.
Boxes are the bordered divs with a header and body, and a expand/collapse button.
Box types:
partialMap, subTopic, callouts, comments, taskInformation, legend.
If you collapse a subTopic box on one page, you collapse all subTopic boxes that and other pages. Same with expanding.
Note: There can be more than one box of each type on the page.
In HTML, the structure expected is:
div.{boxType}Area (useful for CSS selector of different types of boxes, e.g. div.{boxType}Area
div class="collapsiblebox" id="{boxType}{index}" (1+)
div.header onclick = "boxController.expandOrCollapse(this,'{boxType}')" (0-1)
span.commands ? (mike)
span.command ? (mike)
img.expandOrCollapseButton src="{buttonsPath}{collapseButtonUrl} or {expandButtonUrl}"
Note: Visibility of div.body (i.e. style="display:block" or style="display:none") is overwritten by code.
Note: Button graphics as well.
function init() {
boxController = new BoxController("Res/images/", "box_collapse_button.gif","box_expand_button.gif", true);
// BoxController class
function BoxController (buttonsPath, collapseButtonFilename,expandButtonFilename, changeAllOfType) {
this.objectClass = "BoxController";
this.buttonsPath = buttonsPath;
this.collapseButtonUrl = buttonsPath + collapseButtonFilename;
this.expandButtonUrl = buttonsPath + expandButtonFilename;
this.changeAllOfType = changeAllOfType; // if true, all boxes of a type are expanded or collapsed together, not just clicked one
this.boxTypes = null;
BoxController.prototype.init = function() {
// initialize boxTypes
this.boxTypes = INITIAL_BOX_SETTINGS; // defaults loaded from boxSettings.js
// check if cookie has stored states
var cookieString = this.getCookieString();
if (cookieString!=null) {
// for each boxType, get stored value from cookie
for (var i=0; i < this.boxTypes.length; i++) {
var boxType = this.boxTypes[i];
var value = getValueFromCookieString ( cookieString, );
if (value!=null) {
boxType.state = value=="true" ? true : false;
// for each boxType, change state of all boxes of that type
for (var i=0; i < this.boxTypes.length; i++) {
this.changeStateOfAllBoxesOfType( this.boxTypes[i].name, this.boxTypes[i].state );
BoxController.prototype.dumpBoxTypes = function() {
var s = "BoxTypes\n";
for (var i=0; i < this.boxTypes.length; i++) {
s += this.boxTypes[i].name + "," + this.boxTypes[i].state+ "\n";
return s;
BoxController.prototype.saveStateToCookie = function() {
// stores state of controller in cookie
var cookieString = "";
// for each box type...
for (var i=0; i < this.boxTypes.length; i++ ) {
var boxType = this.boxTypes[i];
if (cookieString!="") cookieString += "&";
cookieString += + ":" + escape(boxType.state);
// Cookie properties (if needed)
// Currently assumes that all html pages are in the same directory together, otherwise cookie's path property would need to be set
// Currently that cookie should expire when user closes the browser (expires property)
// save cookie; will be only accessible to this html page
var cookieName = this.objectClass;
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookieString;
BoxController.prototype.getCookieString = function() {
// checks saved state of controller from cookie; returns string of values or null if desired cookie does not exist
var cookieName = this.objectClass;
var allCookies = document.cookie;
if (allCookies=="") return null;
// extract the named cookie we want
var start = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
if (start == -1) return null;
start += cookieName.length + 1; // skip over name and = sign
var end = allCookies.indexOf(";", start);
if (end==-1) end = allCookies.length;
var cookieString = allCookies.substring(start,end);
return cookieString;
BoxController.prototype.changeStateOfAllBoxesOfType = function( boxType, newState ) {
// changes all boxes on the page of boxType to newState ("expand" or "collapse")
// loop through all boxes of boxType
var boxIndex = 0;
while (document.getElementById (boxType + boxIndex) ) {
// change state
this.changeStateOfBoxOnPage ( document.getElementById (boxType + boxIndex), newState );
// store new state in array
for (var i=0; i < this.boxTypes.length; i++ ) {
var boxTypeItem = this.boxTypes[i];
if ( == boxType) {
boxTypeItem.state = newState;
BoxController.prototype.expandOrCollapse = function( headerElement, boxType ) {
// Note: Having one routine for both expand and collapse let's the function that html calls be the same
// Uses img's src attribute to determine which command is being called
// First get the button element; may be the elementActivated or within the elementActivated (like an anchor element)
var buttonElement = getFirstDescendentOrSelfOfClass ( headerElement, "expandOrCollapseButton");
if (!buttonElement) return;
var currentImageUrl = buttonElement.src;
if (!currentImageUrl) return;
// if src value contains url of collapse button, this is, presumably a collapse command
var newState = false;
if (currentImageUrl.lastIndexOf(this.collapseButtonUrl)==-1) newState = true;
// change state of all boxes of this type ...
if (this.changeAllOfType) {
this.changeStateOfAllBoxesOfType (boxType,newState);
// or just this one box
else {
var boxElement = headerElement.parentNode;
if (boxElement) this.changeStateOfBoxOnPage(boxElement,newState);
BoxController.prototype.changeStateOfBoxOnPage = function( boxElement, makeOpen) {
// change UI of box on the html page
// get button element
var buttonElement = getFirstDescendentOrSelfOfClass( boxElement, "expandOrCollapseButton");
if (!buttonElement) return false; // if not found, give up
// get body element
var bodyElement = getFirstDescendentOrSelfOfClass( boxElement, "body");
if (!bodyElement) return false; // if not found, give up
// expand or collapse body element
// update img to be an appropriate button
if (buttonElement.src) {
// if opening, make it the collapse button; if not opening, make it the expand button
buttonElement.src = makeOpen ? this.collapseButtonUrl : this.expandButtonUrl;