blob: d544ce2879a667018676c8d4c36be85a33d3d98e [file] [log] [blame]
// MapController class
// Scrollable, switchable (in amount of detail) map
// Uses functions from shared.js
// Requires html page with two imgs for each level of detail; one of which is style="display:none" at start
// Requires mainFrame is scrollable (for Netscape/Mozilla to work
// MapController class
function MapController (frameObject, dragMultiplier) {
this.objectClass = "MapController"; // used as name for cookie
this.DRAG_THRESHOLD = 4; // minimum distance before a drag can not be treated as a click; in pixels
this.DRAG_MAX_FIRST_STEP = 10; // largest distance permitted within single mousemove; used to detect invalid drag on IE
this.frameObject = frameObject; // scrollable frame containing mapImages
this.mapImages = []; // array storing each mapImage (2 images)
this.activeMapImage = 1; // index of active/visible image; default to first map image
this.dragMultiplier = dragMultiplier ? dragMultiplier : 1; // 1 = default; 2 = 2x speed dragging; can be any number
//this.temp = 0;
//this.systemInfo = new SystemInfo();
MapController.prototype.init = function(initialMap) {
// setup dragScrolling
this.dragScrolling = false; // indicates that user is dragging image around
this.wasDraggedEnoughToNotBeAClick = false;
this.mouseJustPressed = false;
this.mouseDownX, this.mouseDownY = null;
this.oldScrollX, this.oldScrollY = null;
// Note: Changed following from document.onmousedown; fixes dragging on scroll bar triggering onmousedown in Mozilla/NS
var mapContentElement = this.frameObject.document.getElementById("mapContent");
if (!mapContentElement) mapContentElement = this.frameObject.document;
mapContentElement.onmousedown = this.onMouseDown;
//this.frameObject.document.onmousedown = this.onMouseDown;
this.frameObject.document.onmousemove = this.onMouseMove;
this.frameObject.document.onmouseup = this.onMouseUp;
this.frameObject.document.onclick = this.onClick;
this.frameObject.document.onscroll = this.onScroll;
var cookieValue = this.getCookieValue();
//window.status = cookieValue;
if (cookieValue==false) {
// there was no saved state, so the map is presumably loading for the first time
this.selectMapImage(initialMap); // select active map
else {
// the state is saved; use the cookieValue to figure out the state
// Note: In following, e = event object passed in automatically
MapController.prototype.onMouseDown = function(e) {
// Note: Ends up running in context of the frame, so this = frameObject, not mapController
// Get a reference mapController object to be able to use it here.
var mc = parent.topFrame.mapController; // HACK: Must be more elegant way to get reference.
if (!e) var e = mc.frameObject.event;
if (wasLeftButton(e)) { // TODO: Double-check wasLeftButton code; now only works for IE?
mc.mouseDownX = /* e.x ? e.x : */ e.screenX;
mc.mouseDownY = /* e.y ? e.y : */ e.screenY;
// Note: In Mozilla/NS, the mainFrame must be scrollable for the .scrollLeft and .scrollTop properties to be accessible
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
mc.oldScrollX = mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollLeft;
mc.oldScrollY = mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollTop;
//window.status = "mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollTop:"+mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollLeft;
mc.oldScrollX = mc.frameObject.window.scrollX;
mc.oldScrollY = mc.frameObject.window.scrollY;
//parent.document.title = "mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollTop:"+mc.frameObject.document.body.scrollLeft;
mc.dragScrolling = true;
mc.mouseJustPressed = true;
mc.wasDraggedEnoughToNotBeAClick = false;
//window.status = "mouseDown: " + " | " + mc.mouseDownX + "," + mc.mouseDownY+ " | " + mc.oldScrollX + "," + mc.oldScrollY;
return false; // stops browser behavior of dragging image to copy it to the desktop (at least on Mac Safari)
MapController.prototype.onMouseMove = function(e) {
var mc = parent.topFrame.mapController; // HACK: Must be more elegant way to get reference.
if (!e) var e = mc.frameObject.event;
//window.status = "MouseMove:" + mapController.temp++;
if (mc.dragScrolling) {
if (!e) var e = mc.frameObject.event;
var newMouseX = /* e.x ? e.x :*/ e.screenX;
var newMouseY = /* e.y ? e.y : */ e.screenY;
var newOffsetX = newMouseX - mc.mouseDownX;
var newOffsetY = newMouseY - mc.mouseDownY;
// Test if move from old to new position is unreasonably large, as in the case when
// user drags scroll bar in IE -- then dragScrolling is true, but mouseUp is lost.
// So, this code stops dragScrolling in that case.
if (mc.mouseJustPressed) {
if (Math.abs(newOffsetX) > mc.DRAG_MAX_FIRST_STEP | Math.abs(newOffsetY) > mc.DRAG_MAX_FIRST_STEP) {
mc.dragScrolling = false;
return false;
mc.mouseJustPressed = false;
//window.status = '(' + newOffsetX +',' + newOffsetY+')'
if (Math.abs(newOffsetX) > mc.DRAG_THRESHOLD | Math.abs(newOffsetY) > mc.DRAG_THRESHOLD) mc.wasDraggedEnoughToNotBeAClick = true;
var newScrollX = mc.oldScrollX - mc.dragMultiplier * newOffsetX;
var newScrollY = mc.oldScrollY - mc.dragMultiplier * newOffsetY;
//window.status = "dragging: " + " | " + newMouseX + "," + newMouseY+ " | " + newScrollX + "," + newScrollY + "old scroll: " + mc.oldScrollX + "," + mc.oldScrollY;
return false;
else {
//window.status = "not dragging "+ mapController.temp++ + navigator.appName;
MapController.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e) {
var mc = parent.topFrame.mapController; // HACK: Must be more elegant way to get reference.
mc.dragScrolling = false;
return false; // Doesn't seem to have any useful affect
MapController.prototype.onClick = function(e) {
var mc = parent.topFrame.mapController; // HACK: Must be more elegant way to get reference.
if (mc.wasDraggedEnoughToNotBeAClick) {
//window.status = "onclick return false";
return false; // cancels onClick event; if mouseUp was on hotshop, navigation can not happen
return true;
MapController.prototype.onScroll = function(e) {
//window.status = "scroll";
// Opera: Triggered when mapContent dragged
// Mozilla/NS: Triggered when scroll bar dragged (but not mapContent dragged)
// IE: Never triggered
// Mozilla/NS on Macintosh: Triggered when scrollbar dragged and mapContent dragged
var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agt.indexOf("macintosh") == -1 && navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
var mc = parent.topFrame.mapController; // HACK: Must be more elegant way to get reference.
mc.dragScrolling = false;
return false; // Doesn't seem to have any useful affect
MapController.prototype.addMapImage = function(imgId, centerX, centerY) {
this.mapImages.push( new MapImage ( this.frameObject, imgId, centerX, centerY) );
MapController.prototype.selectMapImage = function(newActiveMapImage) {
// make mapImageToSelect active and make others inactive
var lastImage = this.mapImages.length - 1;
for (var i=0; i <= lastImage; i++ ) {
this.mapImages[i].makeActive( i==newActiveMapImage );
this.activeMapImage = newActiveMapImage;
MapController.prototype.scrollToCenter = function() {
// scrolls to the center of active map image
var activeMapImage = this.mapImages[this.activeMapImage];
var frameObject = this.frameObject;
this.frameObject.scrollTo( activeMapImage.centerX - (getWindowWidth(frameObject)/2), activeMapImage.centerY - (getWindowHeight(frameObject)/2));
MapController.prototype.saveStateToCookie = function() {
// stores state of controller in cookie
var cookieName = this.objectClass;
var cookieValue = "";
// save which map is selected/active
cookieValue += "active:" + this.activeMapImage;
// TODO: save scroll position
// save cookie; will be only accessible to this html page
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookieValue;
MapController.prototype.savedStateExists = function() {
// returns true is saved state (cookie) exists
MapController.prototype.getCookieValue = function() {
// checks saved state of controller from cookie; returns string of values or false if desired cookie does not exist
var cookieName = this.objectClass;
var allCookies = document.cookie;
if (allCookies=="") return false;
// extract the named cookie we want
var start = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
if (start == -1) return false;
start += cookieName.length + 1; // skip over name and = sign
var end = allCookies.indexOf(";", start);
if (end==-1) end = allCookies.length;
var cookieValue = allCookies.substring(start,end);
return cookieValue;
MapController.prototype.initFromCookieValue = function(cookieValue) {
// parses cookieValue; initializes object accorded to saved values
var a = cookieValue.split("&"); // create array from name/value pairs delimited by ampersand
for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) { // then break each pair into an array
a[i] = a[i].split(":");
// TODO: Rewrite. Currently a hack.
if (cookieValue=="active:1") this.selectMapImage(1);
else this.selectMapImage(0);
// this.selectMapImage(initialMap);
MapController.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) {
// move image (i.e. scroll window)
// MapImage class - one for each img/view of the map
function MapImage ( frameObject, imgId, centerX, centerY ) {
this.objectClass = "MapImage";
this.centerX = centerX;
this.centerY = centerY;
// get image reference
this.imgElement = getElement(frameObject,imgId);
this.imgStyle = getElementsStyleObject(frameObject,imgId);
MapImage.prototype.makeActive = function (newIsActiveState) {
var newDisplayStyle = newIsActiveState ? "block" : "none";
this.imgStyle.display = newDisplayStyle;