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<font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - November
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<p>Attending: Naci Dai, Dominique De Vito, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Jochen
Krause, Mitch Sonies, David Williams<br>
Regrets: Christophe Ney</p>
<p><b>Meeting Time</b> by Bjorn</p>
<li>The conference call has, by consensus, been moved earlier by one
<p><b>Jens Lukowksi Committer Vote</b> by Dominique</p>
<li>More than ten positive votes and on negative votes were received.
The PMC agreed with the committers that Jens should be elevated to
committer status.</li>
<p><b>Server Adapters</b> by Naci</p>
<li>We will host adapters for commercial servers as long as the adapter
is open source and there is a developer attached to the project for
<li>We will encourage companies to host their own update site for their
adapter so that the company can make changes, point releases, etc.
without being tied to the WTP release cycle.</li>
<li>Rationale: we will define a stable API for adapters, but the
companies should do their own builds of their own adapters.</li>
<li>We are considering an extension point that allows advertising of
adapter update sites. This would provide a scheme for third-parties to
have adapters hosted elsewhere but still easily usable from within the
WTP tools.&nbsp; Naci and Arthur will create a feature request in
<p><b>Pagnagotis's patches and the wtp-dev mailing list</b> by Bjorn</p>
<li>We must be more responsive to community input. We all agreed to
<li>We also suggest that patches be submitted via bugzilla for ease of
<p><b>WST Components and Leads</b> by Arthur</p>
<li><a href="">
Reviewed</a> and approved with minor changes.</li>
<p><b>JST Components and Leads</b> by Naci</p>
<li><a href="">
Reviewed</a> and approved with minor changes.</li>
<p><b>WTP Contributors Page</b> by Bjorn</p>
<li>Everyone's job to keep
<a href="">
this page</a> current.</li>
<p><b>CVS and Website</b> by Bjorn</p>
<li>Simple single CVS project that can be edited with Eclipse</li>
<li>Server-side script will copy the HEAD of the CVS tree to the website
whenever the HEAD changes</li>
<p><b>On the Queue for Next Week</b></p>
<li>Discussion the WebDAV component (reflexion in progress)</li>
<li>'Making noise' by Mitch</li>
<li>M2 Milestone planning by Bjorn<ul>
<li>Features; schedule; testing; releasing</li>
<li>WTP recontribution plan by Arthur</li>
<li>Planning group by Dominiqie<ul>
<li>PHP Editor; M4-M5 milestone plan</li>
<li>Bug validation by Bjorn</li>
<li>Technology PMC SOA proposal - what to do? by Bjorn</li>
<li>Project granularity by Arthur</li>
<p><font size="-1"><i>Minutes taken by, and posted by, Bjorn
Freeman-Benson, November 2, 2004</i></font></p>