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<title>WTP PMC Minutes for February 14, 2006 Conference Call</title>
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<font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - February 14, 2006</font></b></td>
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PMC Members Attending:
Tim Wagner [TW],
Raghunathan Srinivasan [RS],
Jochen Krause [JK],
David Williams [DW],
Naci Dai [ND],
Arthur Ryman [AR]
<P>PMC Member Regrets: none
<P>Invited Guests:
Leah Findlater
Lawrence Mandel [LM]
<h1>WTP PMC Minutes for February 14, 2006 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Leah Findlater and the WTP usability research project </h2>
<li>Leah is a PhD student at Univ. of BC. performing an Eclipse-based usability study.
<li>Goal of the study is to see how functions and commands are used in WTP - patterns
of use, frequency of use, etc. and how this information can be exploited to better
organize or design the UI.
<li>Study monitor, an extension of the Mylar usage monitor, will be used to record
navigation and user interface interaction; the results will be uploaded to the study's
servers. Written and verbal feedback will also be gathered.
<li>The study's results will be shared with the development team.
<h2>Community Update [LM] </h2>
<li>Project sprint request in Bugzilla for EclipseCon; Bjorn will be scheduling next week.
Each component lead (or designate) should plan to provide a status report/plan summary,
followed by a general Q and A/meet and greet.
<h2>Procedural [TW] </h2>
<li>I'll be coordinating with Janet this week on various IP issues; if you have any
additional requests, I need to know this week so that we have sufficient time to
close on them: WSIL DTDs (defect 127679), Axis 1.3, Sybase contribution review, Cactus,
IBM hosted J2EE DTDs and schemas (defect 104086).
<h2>1.0.1 Status </h2>
<li>Expecting candidate build to be complete by Wednesday (start of cool-down period).
Changes are likely Thu/Fri.
<h2>1.0.2 Discussion/Planning </h2>
<li>Targeting April 21st. Like 1.0.1, maintenance stream will be limited to specific
bug fixes blocking adopters - no API or UI changes will be introduced.
<h2>Callisto / 1.5 Status </h2>
<li>Requirements clarified in last Friday's call; WTP will need to adhere to the Callisto
requirements list, but we're very close to meeting them already.
<li>See David's email regarding warnings (as of the M5 adoption); situation needs to
be investigated team by team.
<h2>Architecture [DW] </h2>
<li>Nothing to report this week.
<h2>Requirements [JK] </h2>
<li>Next call will be next week, following the PMC call.
<h2>JSF Status [RS] </h2>
<li>IBM contribute faces config model.
<li>Making progress against features as listed in the project plan.
<li>Working with David on design issues.
<h2>WTP Logo [LM] </h2>
<li>PMC will issue nominations to the PMC mailing list, along with requests for
modifications to specific designs.
<h2>Action Items </h2>
<li>[TW] Open overarching Bugzilla entry for Callisto requirements.
<li>[TW] Check in with Janet on outstanding IP issues (Axis 1.3, Sybase contribution,
logos, Cactus, etc.)
<li>[DW] Feature decomposition plan for 1.5 (EJB and Web, Core and UI intermingling) - need to
either revive old bug or open new one for tracking purposes.
<li>[DW] Provide prioritized list from architecture group.
<small>Minutes taken by Tim Wagner, February 14, 2006. Please notify me of any corrections needed.