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<title>Import Project Set wizard</title>
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<h3>Import team project set wizard</h3>
<p class="Para"> The Import team project set wizard can be used to import a set of projects shared in the repository into the Workbench.</p>
<p class="Para"> Select <b>File</b> <b>Import</b> from menu.</p>
<p class="Para"> In the Import wizard, select <b>Team Project Set</b>, then click
<p class="Para"> <img src="import_team_project_set.gif" alt="Import Wizard. A wizard that imports a team project set." border="0" height="550" width="470"></p>
<p class="Para"> In the <b>File name</b> field, type or browse to select
the team project set file (.psf), then click <b>Finish</b>.</p>
<p class="Para"> <img src="select_team_project_set_file.gif" alt="Import Wizard. From directory field." border="0" height="550" width="470"></p>
<p class="Para">The web tools project CVS server may prompt you to enter your password.</p>
<p class="Para">Enter the password, then click <b>OK</b></p>
<p class="Para"><img src="authenticate.gif" alt="Enter CVS password." border="0"></p>
<p class="Para">The Team Project Set Wizard will checkout the Web Tools Projects into your workspace</p>
<p class="Para"> <img src="checkout.gif" alt="Import Team Project Set Wizard. Checkout files from CVS." border="0"></p>
<p class="Para"> When the wizard completes the project import, the imported projects will show in the Navigator/Package Explorer.</p>
<p class="Para"> <img src="package_explorer.gif" alt="Import Team Project Set Completed. Package explorer." border="0"></p>