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<font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - October 5,
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<p>Attending: Dominique de Vito, Jochen Krause, David Williams, Mitch Sonies,
Bjorn Freeman-Benson</p>
<p>PMC Call Schedule</p>
<li>Tuesdays at 4pm (Paris), 10am (USA, Eastern), 7am (USA, Western)</li>
<li>We will start on time and we will try to restrict ourselves to no
more than an hour.</li>
<p>Code Camps</p>
<li>We are considering a Code Camp at
<a href="">EclipseCon</a> (Feb-Mar) and at the
<a href="">ObjectWebCon</a>
(Jan-Feb). Contact <a href="">
Dominique</a> to express your interest.</li>
<p>Structured Source Editor</p>
<li>Jochen and Jens and others have been working on the code and it is
ready to checkin to CVS. Bjorn will be checking it in.</li>
<li>The next steps are to extend the code with tutorials and examples
for understanding.</li>
<li>They propose a small &quot;Team Camp&quot; in late December - early January.</li>
<p>Ordering of Work</p>
<li>We discussed how much work should be done before IBM refreshes their
code contribution, which turned into...</li>
<li>...a philosophic discussion of &quot;what is an API&quot; and &quot;how much code
should we adopt how quickly&quot;. This topic requires more discussion to
arrive at a consensus, but in the meantime...</li>
<li>...we agreed to &quot;adopt/commit code as the community can understand
the architecture, the design, and the code&quot;.<ul>
<li>We are aware that there are people in the community who feel that
the project is adopting code too slowly. Our answer is &quot;you could help
us adopt it more quickly by helping with architecture and design
documentation, examples and executable use-cases that will allow the
community as a whole to understand the code base we have been so
generously given&quot;.</li>
<p>Becoming a Committer</p>
<li>We discussed the process to follow for new committers. Bjorn agreed
to update the website with a clearer description of what is required.</li>
<p>Cross Product Requirements List</p>
<li>David gave us an update on his Architecture Council action item to
help coordinate WTP with other Eclipse projects.</li>
<p>On the Queue for Next Week</p>
<li>Discussion the WebDAV component</li>
<li>Marketing group report</li>
<li>Planning group report</li>
<p><font size="-1"><i>Minutes taken by Bjorn Freeman-Benson and posted by
Bjorn Freeman-Benson, October 5, 2004</i></font></p>