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<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">2004 Q4 WTP Quarterly Plan
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<b>Project Name:</b> Web Tools Platform Project
<p><b>Project Leaders:</b> Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Christophe Ney, Dominique
de Vito, Arthur Ryman, Naci Dai, Jochen Krause, David Williams, Mitch
Sonies </p>
<p><b>Project Description:</b>
<a href=""> </a></p>
<p><b>Executive Summary: <br>
</b>Effectively, the project did not start until September due to the
combination of vacation schedules, the commercial commitments of a major
contributor, and other factors. However, the project is now starting and
we are taking the first steps in the right directions. Our biggest problem
is turning resource contribution commitments into actions, however we do
have a number of new active non-IBM committers, and we have formed working
group to gather in more people. </p>
<p>The first chunks of code have been evaluated, revamped, and moved from
the initial contributions into the CVS repository. We expect the pace of
this movement to accelerate in the next quarter. We are committed to
committing [sic] as fast as the community can understand the architecture,
design, and code. We are working on the pieces on the critical path to a
larger framework, e.g., structured source editing which is a prerequisite
for JSP editing, etc. </p>
<p>We have found starting this project to be harder that we anticipated
given its unique situation of being (a) the first time such a diverse team
has been tried from day one, and (b) the first time a project has started
with a large code contribution that many contributors must become familiar
with. </p>
<p><b>Acknowledgements:</b> <br>
We thank the Eclipse Platform build team for helping with our build
system, and Jim des Rivieres for help with our APIs and naming schemes.
<p><b>List of currently shipping software distributions (if more than one,
please list by component name):</b> <br>
Nothing is shipping, but then we hadn't planned to ship anything yet. </p>
<p><b>Key Release Dates:</b> </p>
<li>M1 - October 15, 2004 - Finalize build infrastructure and server
tools. </li>
<li>M2 - December 15, 2004 - Flexible project layout. Initial structure
source editing and EJB tools. </li>
<li>M3 - February 15, 2005 - Improved structured source editing and EJB
tools. Database tools and initial Web Services. </li>
<p><b>URL to current planning document:</b> <br>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">
<p><font size="-1"><i>Secretary: Bjorn Freeman-Benson, October 12, 2004</i></font></p>