blob: 43cf45778654470118166ca0bd44e4dfb08275ef [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This XML Schema defines the content for WTP People pages.
Change Log:
2005-05-08: Arthur Ryman <>
- Added the people element for the contributor list and person index.
2005-05-02: Arthur Ryman <>
- Created.
<schema xmlns=""
<element name="person">
person is the root element for documents that describe
individual people for contribute to WTP. The people
folder should contain one document for each contributor,
e.g. if Alan Turing was a contributor, then there should
be a turing.xml document to describe him and his
<element name="name">
<element name="given-name" type="string" />
<element name="family-name" type="string" />
<element name="affiliation">
affiliation contents the name and link to
your company, educational institution, or
<extension base="string">
<attribute name="href" type="anyURI" />
<element name="e-mail" type="tns:EMailType" />
<element name="biography" type="tns:DocumentationType" />
<element name="contribution">
<extension base="tns:DocumentationType">
<attribute name="role"
type="tns:RoleType" />
<element name="home-page" minOccurs="0">
<attribute name="href" type="anyURI" />
<element name="large-photo" type="tns:ImageType"
minOccurs="0" />
<element name="small-photo" type="tns:ImageType"
minOccurs="0" />
<complexType name='DocumentationType' mixed='true'>
DocumentationType is used for elements that contain
XHTML content.
<any processContents='lax' minOccurs='0'
maxOccurs='unbounded' />
<simpleType name="EMailType">
EMailType is used for e-mail addresses. A simple regular
express is used to match strings of that form
<restriction base="string">
<pattern value="[^@]+@[^@]+" />
<simpleType name="RoleType">
RoleType is an enumeration used to describe the types of
role a person can play in WTP.
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="contributor" />
<enumeration value="committer" />
<enumeration value="pmc-member" />
<enumeration value="past-contributor" />
<enumeration value="past-committer" />
<enumeration value="past-pmc-member" />
<complexType name="ImageType">
ImageType describes images. The attributes are like
those for the HTML img tag.
<attribute name="width" type="positiveInteger" />
<attribute name="height" type="positiveInteger" />
<attribute name="href" type="anyURI" />
<element name="people">
people is the root element for the people list which is
used to create the contributor page and the index.
<sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="contributor">
<documentation>contributor adds an individual to the people list.</documentation>
<attribute name="href" type="anyURI">
href is a link to the person page
for this individual, typical a
person document in the people
<attribute name="activity-level"
activity-level is an indicator of
the effort this individual is making
on WTP as determined by the PMC and
component leads.
<simpleType name="ActivityLevelType">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="extremely-active">
A full-time leader or committer, or someone on
their way to becoming a committer.
<enumeration value="very-active">
A frequent contributor of bug reports, patches,
articles, dicussions, or advice.
<enumeration value="active">
Someone who occasionally makes valuable
<enumeration value="inactive">
Someone who has made valuable contributions in
the past, but has moved on to other projects.