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<h1>Web Tools Platform 1.0 M5 - XML Catalog changes</h1>
<p>As part of our ongoing efforts to support standards and establish APIs the XML Catalog has undergone some changes to comply more consistenly with the
<A href="" target="_self">OASIS XML Catalog</A> specification. These changes will
affect XML Catalog serialization format and XML Catalog plugin extension point format. These changes will also affect the XML Catalog model APIs.
<BR>To make the transition to these new formats as painless as possible <b>we will support both 'old' and 'new' formats for the 'M5' release</b>. Post 'M5'
we will discontinue support for the 'old' formats. These changes are described in more detail below.
<BR><BR><H2>1) Extension points </H2>
The catalog extension point was renamed from <B>catalogContributor</B> to <B>catalogContributions</B>.
As before, plugins can contribute separate entries to the default workspace catalog through
<B>org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.catalog.catalogContributions</B> extension point.
However <B>mappingInfo</B> element should not be used, instead, extension point
now supports
<B>system</B>, <B>public</B>, <B>uri</B> according to the OASIS XML
Catalog spec.<BR>
Example of the new extension point:<TABLE
bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
&lt;extension point=&quot;<B>org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.catalog.catalogContributions</B>&quot;&gt;
&lt;catalogContribution id=&quot;default&quot;&gt;
publicId=&quot;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN&quot;
uri=&quot;dtds/xhtml11-flat.dtd&quot; /&gt;
Please note that <B>public</B> and <B>system</B> elements should be used to catalog DTD's by Public ID and System ID correspondingly, and <B>uri</B> element to catalog XML Schemas and other resourses (e.g. stylesheets).
<P>Example of deprecated extension:<BR>
<BR>Please note that due to consolidation of plugins org.eclipse.wst.xml.catalog and org.eclipse.wst.xml.uriresolver with org.eclipse.wst.xml.core catalogContributor exetension point moved to org.eclipse.wst.xml.core plugin.
<TABLE bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
<CODE></CODE> &lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.catalogContributor&quot;&gt;
&lt;catalogContributor catalogId=&quot;default&quot;&gt;
&lt;mappingInfo type=&quot;system&quot; key=&quot;; uri=&quot;platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.xsd/cache/;/&gt;
&lt;mappingInfo type=&quot;public&quot; key=&quot;; uri=&quot;data/xsd/XSLSchema.xsd&quot;/&gt;
<H6 class="CaptionFigColumn" id="header"></H6>
<P>For the details see <B>org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.catalog.catalogContributions</B> the <A
href="catalogContributions.html" target="_self">extension point schema
<h2>2) XML Catalog preferences are serialized in OASIS XML Catalog format</h2>
XML Catalog entires specified by the user in the peference page will now be serialzed using the OASIS format.
This will be noticable when 'user catalog entries' are 'exported' from the preferences page or users who know to
look in their .metadata directory to find the serialized XML Catalog prefences (in the org.eclipse.wst.xml.core
plugin's state location). <BR>
<h2>3) Updated XML Catalog Provisional APIs</h2>
The XML Catalog model's provisional APIs have been updated to more closely refelect the OASIS Catalog spec.
Provisional APIs for XML Catalog are in <B>org.eclipse.wst.xml.core </B>plugin, <B>org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.catalog.provisional</B> package<BR><br/>
<h2>Future Directions</h2>
In the future we hope to provide more support some of the 'richer' contructs defined in the OASIS XML Catalog via
extension points and the UI. For example, support for the 'nextCatalog' entry will enable the reuse of existing OASIS catalogs
via the XML Catalog preferencs page (<a href="">bug 87465</a>).