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<title>WTP PMC Minutes for March 7, 2006 Conference Call</title>
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<font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - March 7, 2006</font></b></td>
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PMC Members Attending:
Tim Wagner [TW],
David Williams [DW],
<P>PMC Member Regrets: Raghunathan Srinivasan, Jochen Krause
<P>Invited Guests:
Craig Becker
Lawrence Mandel [LM]
Naci Dai [ND],
Arthur Ryman [AR],
<h1>WTP PMC Minutes for March 7, 2006 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Community Update [LM] </h2>
<li>Project Sprint: Bjorn to provide time/date information. Lawrence asked component leads
to provide 1-2 slides each. Tim to provide some roadmap slides.
<li>1.5 plan posting on website: Lawrence to post Wiki contents
<!-- <li>RSS feed being tested; planned to go live along with Phoenix conversion. -->
<h2>Procedural [TW] </h2>
<li>ATF project update this Wednesday 9:30 Pacific
<li>IP update (see agenda for written status report)
<h2>Callisto / 1.5 Status </h2>
<li>Discussed moving feature freeze date to M6 (from end of April).
<li>Planning to migrate to the latest integration build from the base to get latest code.
<li>Update site update: WTP bits are fine, other issues with Callisto update site are still
blocking the combined update.
<li>Mirror issues and connectivity problems are stalling M5 release verification in our own
download area.
<h2>Architecture [DW] </h2>
<li>Conversations around facets/server runtimes continuing on the mailing list.
<h2>Requirements [JK, in absentia] </h2>
<li>See status report in WTP PMC agenda.
<h2>Action Items </h2>
<li>[LM] post 1.5 roadmap/planning document on website
<li>[LM] Assist with contribution quest. for logo
<li>[TW] Contrib. quest. for Sun J2EE Schemas and DTDs
<li>[TW] Provide Lawrence with roadmap slides for WTP project sprint at EclipseCon
(component and project leads to do likewise).
<li>(held over) [TW] to talk to Lawrence about converting WTP web pages (starting with PMC notes and IP log)
<li>[AR] Supply high quality version of "gears" logo via logo bug
<li>[DW] Feature decomposition plan for 1.5 (EJB and Web, Core and UI intermingling) - need to
either revive old bug or open new one for tracking purposes
<li>[DW] Provide prioritized list from architecture group
<small>Minutes taken by Tim Wagner, March 7, 2006. Please notify me of any corrections needed.