blob: 0d9915dae7f3acb920c3fc653309d3dde7f6989d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<person:affiliation href="">IBM</person:affiliation>
Sheldon is an Advisory Software Developer on the IBM
WebSphere Application Server Tools team at the IBM Toronto
Lab. With his teammates, he is currently responsible for the
entire server run time and unit test environments for
various WebSphere tools. Sometimes fondly known as the "run
time guy," he designed and integrated the first WebSphere
and Apache Tomcat Unit Test Environments as well as a number
of popular plugins for WebSphere Studio Application
Developer, such as the Table Creator. Sheldon is a prolific
author and has contributed regularly to the DeveloperWorks
and Developer Domains.
<person:contribution role="contributor">
Sheldon contributes to the Web Browser plug-in and the
Server Tools in WTP.
<person:large-photo width="204" height="285" href="photos/large/sheldon-wosnick.png" />
<person:small-photo width="102" height="142" href="photos/small/sheldon-wosnick.png" />