blob: 1575ff5bab83f5612dae79ef03eeeef8adeeb6f5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<content key='element-header' markup='requires'>
<h1>Schema Content</h1>
The content is color coded to indicate the level of support; the categories are
<span class='allows'>allows</span>,
<span class='requires'>requires</span>,
<span class='future'>future</span>, and
<span class='never'>never</span>.
<content key='type-header' markup='requires'>
<h1>Built-in Datatypes</h1>
This represents a summary table the
<a target='Part2' href=''>hierarchy</a>
of built-in datatypes.
A <b>very preliminary</b> mapping to Java classes is shown;
it is understood that a primitive type will be used intead of the actual class whenever such a primitive type exists.
<elementAnnotation key='all' markup='requires'>
This generates unordered content.
<elementAnnotation key='annotation' markup='allows'>
This may influence generation results in undefined ways.
<elementAnnotation key='any' markup='never'>
Arbitrary element content is document centric and is best supported by DOM itself.
<elementAnnotation key='anyAttribute' markup='never'>
Arbitrary attribute content is document centric and is best supported by DOM itself.
<elementAnnotation key='appinfo' markup='allows'>
This may influence generation results in undefined ways.
<elementAnnotation key='attribute' markup='requires'>
This generates simple typed content.
<elementAnnotation key='attributeGroup' markup='requires'>
This contributes attributes to complex content.
<elementAnnotation key='choice' markup='requires'>
This generates a choice of content.
<elementAnnotation key='complexContent' markup='requires'>
This generates content.
<elementAnnotation key='complexContent::extension' markup='requires'>
This contributes additional content.
<elementAnnotation key='complexContent::restriction' markup='requires'>
This restricts previously defined content; this may not fit well with programming language notions.
<elementAnnotation key='complexType' markup='requires'>
This contributes to complex content.
<elementAnnotation key='documentation' markup='allows'>
This may influence generation results in undefined ways.
<elementAnnotation key='element' markup='requires'>
This generates complex typed content.
<elementAnnotation key='enumeration' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks; it could be used to generate enumerated values.
<elementAnnotation key='field' markup='future'>
It is expected that a future version of the specification will define behavior for this.
<elementAnnotation key='fractionDigits' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks; it could be used to guide automatic choice of type.
<elementAnnotation key='group' markup='requires'>
This contributes to complex content.
<elementAnnotation key='import' markup='requires'>
This directive makes other namespaces accessible.
<elementAnnotation key='include' markup='requires'>
This directive assembles a decomposed schema.
<elementAnnotation key='key' markup='future'>
It is expected that a future version of the specification will define behavior for this.
<elementAnnotation key='keyref' markup='future'>
It is expected that a future version of the specification will define behavior for this.
<elementAnnotation key='length' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='list' markup='requires'>
This defines simple content via list derivation.
<elementAnnotation key='maxExclusive' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='maxInclusive' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='maxLength' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='minExclusive' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='minInclusive' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='minLength' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='notation' markup='never'>
Nothing is generated for notations.
<elementAnnotation key='pattern' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks; a regular expression library will be required by the implementation.
<elementAnnotation key='redefine' markup='future'>
Since redefine is difficult to implement, and is little used,
it may be ignored by a conforming implementation
until a future time when its use becomes common.
<elementAnnotation key='restriction' markup='requires'>
This defines simple type content via restricting derivation.
<elementAnnotation key='schema' markup='requires'>
This generates meaning for a subset of the content.
<elementAnnotation key='selector' markup='future'>
It is expected that a future version of the specification will define behavior for this.
<elementAnnotation key='sequence' markup='requires'>
This generates ordered content.
<elementAnnotation key='simpleContent' markup='requires'>
This contributes to simple content.
<elementAnnotation key='simpleContent::extension' markup='requires'>
This contributes to simple content via extending derivation.
<elementAnnotation key='simpleContent::restriction' markup='requires'>
This defines simple content via restricting derivation; this may not fit well with programming language notions.
<elementAnnotation key='simpleType' markup='requires'>
This defines simple type content.
<elementAnnotation key='totalDigits' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<elementAnnotation key='union' markup='requires'>
This defines simple type content as a union of member types.
<elementAnnotation key='unique' markup='future'>
It is expected that a future version of the specification will define behavior for this.
<elementAnnotation key='whiteSpace' markup='requires'>
This generates validation checks.
<!-- Markup for attributes -->
<attributeAnnotation key='id' markup='never'>
This is ignored.
key='complexType.abstract complexType.block element.abstract element.block element.nillable element.substitutionGroup schema.blockDefault schema.finalDefault'
The concepts of <a target='Part1' href=''>xsi typing</a>
and <a target='Part1' href=''>xsi nil</a>
introduce additional burdens that will be addressed at a future time.
<attributeAnnotation key='complexType.mixed complexContent.mixed' markup='never'>
Mixed content is document centric so all complex content is interpretted as element only.
<typeMap schemaType="anySimpleType" javaClass="java.lang.String" />
<typeMap schemaType="anyType" javaClass="org.w3c.dom.Element" />
<typeMap schemaType="anyListType" javaClass="java.util.List" />
<typeMap schemaType="base64Binary" javaClass="java.lang.Byte[]" />
<typeMap schemaType="boolean" javaClass="java.lang.Boolean" />
<typeMap schemaType="byte" javaClass="java.lang.Byte" />
<typeMap schemaType="date" javaClass="java.util.GregorianCalendar" />
<typeMap schemaType="dateTime" javaClass="java.util.Date" />
<typeMap schemaType="decimal" javaClass="java.math.BigDecimal" />
<typeMap schemaType="double" javaClass="java.lang.Double" />
<typeMap schemaType="float" javaClass="java.lang.Float" />
<typeMap schemaType="hexBinary" javaClass="java.lang.Byte[]" />
<typeMap schemaType="int" javaClass="java.lang.Integer" />
<typeMap schemaType="integer" javaClass="java.math.BigInteger" />
<typeMap schemaType="long" javaClass="java.lang.Long" />
<typeMap schemaType="QName" javaClass="java.lang.String[]" />
<typeMap schemaType="short" javaClass="java.lang.Short" />
<typeMap schemaType="unsignedByte" javaClass="java.lang.Short" />
<typeMap schemaType="unsignedInt" javaClass="java.lang.Long" />
<typeMap schemaType="unsignedShort" javaClass="java.lang.Integer" />
<content key='appendix-header' markup='requires'>
This provides an implementation of the XML Schema Standard
<a target='Part1' href="">Part 1</a> and
<a target='Part2' href="">Part 2</a>.
<a name="details"/>
<h2>Abstract XML Schema Components Part 1</h2>
The abstract XML Schema Components,
as described in <a target='Part1' href="">Part 1</a> of the Standard,
are related according to this hierarchy:
<img src="ComponentHierarchy.gif" alt="Diagram of the Abstract Schema Component Hierarchy" border="0"/>
The abstract XML Schema Components have the following defined relations:
<img src="ComponentRelations.gif" alt="Diagram of the Abstract Schema Component Relations" border="0"/>
This is very similar to the standard non-normative
<a target='Part1' href="">Schema Components Diagram</a>.
The abstract XML Schema Components have the following defined attributes:
<img src="ComponentAttributes.gif" alt="Diagram of the Abstract Schema Component Attributes" border="0"/>
<h2>Abstract XML Schema Components Part 2</h2>
The abstract XML Schema Components,
as described in <a target='Part2' href="">Part 2</a> of the Standard,
are related according to this hierarchy with these defined relations and attributes:
<img src="ComponentHierarchyPart2.gif" alt="Diagram of the Abstract Schema Components for Part 2" border="0"/>
<h2>Abstract XML Schema Annotations</h2>
The abstract XML Schema Components,
as described in <a target='Part1' href="">Part 1</a>
and <a target='Part2' href="">Part 2</a> of the Standard,
are annotated as follows:
<img src="Annotations.gif" alt="Diagram of the Abstract Schema Component Annotations" border="0"/>
<h2>Concrete XML Schema Components</h2>
The set of abstract XML Schema Components is extended to represent that concrete syntax as follows:
<img src="ConcreteComponents.gif" alt="Diagram of the Concrete Schema Components" border="0"/>
The concrete attributes are represented as follows:
<img src="ConcreteAttributes.gif" alt="Diagram of the Concrete Schema Component Attributes" border="0"/>
The concrete containment relations are represented as follows:
<img src="ConcreteContainment.gif" alt="Diagram of the Concrete Containment Relations" border="0"/>
The following concrete components resolve to abstract components:
<img src="ConcreteResolution.gif" alt="Diagram of Concrete Component Resolution" border="0"/>
The Contents and Build-in Data Types sections
are <a target='Extra' href="">generated</a>
using the model of the Overview section
with the <a target='Part1' href="">schema for schema</a>
and a <a target='Extra' href='SampleMarkup.xml'>markup file</a> as input.