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content="To show the breadth and detail of the library, here's a preview of the complete Javadoc listing of interfaces. Readers of the Schema specification may note that every schema component is modeled. There are also additional convenience interfaces, such as XSDDiagnostic (which reports problems in a schema) and XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.Assessment (which reports an assessment of a Node versus the type)." />
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content="To show the breadth and detail of the library, here's a preview of the complete Javadoc listing of interfaces. Readers of the Schema specification may note that every schema component is modeled. There are also additional convenience interfaces, such as XSDDiagnostic (which reports problems in a schema) and XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.Assessment (which reports an assessment of a Node versus the type)." />
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<td><span class="atitle">Schema Infoset Model interface
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<p>Level: Intermediate</p>
<p><a href="#author1">Shane Curcuru</a> (<a
href=""></a>)<br />
Advisory Software Engineer, IBM<br />
July 2002</p>
<blockquote>To show the breadth and detail of the library, here's a
preview of the complete Javadoc listing of interfaces. Readers of
the Schema specification may note that every schema component is
modeled. There are also additional convenience interfaces, such as
XSDDiagnostic (which reports problems in a schema) and
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.Assessment (which reports an assessment of
a Node versus the type).</blockquote>
<p>org.eclipse.xsd package:<br />
XSDAnnotation<br />
XSDAttributeDeclaration<br />
XSDAttributeGroupContent<br />
XSDAttributeGroupDefinition<br />
XSDAttributeUse<br />
XSDAttributeUseCategory<br />
XSDBoundedFacet<br />
XSDCardinality<br />
XSDCardinalityFacet<br />
XSDComplexFinal<br />
XSDComplexTypeContent<br />
XSDComplexTypeDefinition<br />
XSDComponent<br />
XSDCompositor<br />
XSDConcreteComponent<br />
XSDConstrainingFacet<br />
XSDConstraint<br />
XSDContentTypeCategory<br />
XSDDerivationMethod<br />
XSDDiagnostic<br />
XSDDiagnosticSeverity<br />
XSDDisallowedSubstitutions<br />
XSDElementDeclaration<br />
XSDEnumerationFacet<br />
XSDFacet<br />
XSDFactory<br />
XSDFeature<br />
XSDFixedFacet<br />
XSDForm<br />
XSDFractionDigitsFacet<br />
XSDFundamentalFacet<br />
XSDIdentityConstraintCategory<br />
XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition<br />
XSDImport<br />
XSDInclude<br />
XSDLengthFacet<br />
XSDMaxExclusiveFacet<br />
XSDMaxFacet<br />
XSDMaxInclusiveFacet<br />
XSDMaxLengthFacet<br />
XSDMinExclusiveFacet<br />
XSDMinFacet<br />
XSDMinInclusiveFacet<br />
XSDMinLengthFacet<br />
XSDModelGroup<br />
XSDModelGroupDefinition<br />
XSDNamedComponent<br />
XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory<br />
XSDNotationDeclaration<br />
XSDNumericFacet<br />
XSDOrdered<br />
XSDOrderedFacet<br />
XSDPackage<br />
XSDParticle<br />
XSDParticle.DFA<br />
XSDParticle.DFA.State<br />
XSDParticle.DFA.Transition<br />
XSDParticleContent<br />
XSDPatternFacet<br />
XSDProcessContents<br />
XSDProhibitedSubstitutions<br />
XSDRedefinableComponent<br />
XSDRedefine<br />
XSDRedefineContent<br />
XSDRepeatableFacet<br />
XSDSchema<br />
XSDSchemaCompositor<br />
XSDSchemaContent<br />
XSDSchemaDirective<br />
XSDScope<br />
XSDSimpleFinal<br />
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition<br />
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition.Assessment<br />
XSDSubstitutionGroupExclusions<br />
XSDTerm<br />
XSDTotalDigitsFacet<br />
XSDTypeDefinition<br />
XSDVariety<br />
XSDWhiteSpace<br />
XSDWhiteSpaceFacet<br />
XSDWildcard<br />
XSDXPathDefinition<br />
XSDXPathVariety<br />