Bug 547225 - XWT does not Run on clipse 2019-06

    This is the first draft of the maven migration:
    - remove trailing reference to TableTreeItem
    - Update Manifests to add required dependencies
    - Added pom files to the plugins
    - Added a root pom file to configure the build of the repository
    - Amended the features to add the 'lonely' plugins
    - Ameneded the dependencies of some features
    - Added a targetplatform file
    - Amended some of the build.properties files
    - Added a gitignore file to filter out build artifacts

Change-Id: I6c719f673a92cad80fd29734dc1d8cf6179f761d
Signed-off-by: Quentin Le Menez <quentin.lemenez@cea.fr>
62 files changed