blob: b4ab0e649b492130f4fb5953890fa3b09aa6f22d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfObject;
class MethodVerifier15 extends MethodVerifier {
MethodVerifier15(LookupEnvironment environment) {
boolean areMethodsEqual(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding substituteTwo) {
return areParametersEqual(one, substituteTwo) && !doTypeVariablesClash(one, substituteTwo);
boolean areParametersEqual(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding two) {
TypeBinding[] oneArgs = one.parameters;
TypeBinding[] twoArgs = two.parameters;
if (oneArgs == twoArgs) return true;
int length = oneArgs.length;
if (length != twoArgs.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!areTypesEqual(oneArgs[i], twoArgs[i])) {
// methods with raw parameters are considered equal to inherited methods with parameterized parameters for backwards compatibility
if (!one.declaringClass.isInterface() && oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isRawType())
if (oneArgs[i].dimensions() == twoArgs[i].dimensions() && oneArgs[i].leafComponentType().isEquivalentTo(twoArgs[i].leafComponentType()))
return false;
return true;
boolean areReturnTypesEqual(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding substituteTwo) {
if (one.returnType == substituteTwo.returnType) return true;
// short is compatible with int, but as far as covariance is concerned, its not
if (one.returnType.isBaseType()) return false;
if (!one.declaringClass.isInterface()) {
if ( == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject)
return substituteTwo.returnType.isCompatibleWith(one.returnType); // interface methods inherit from Object
return one.returnType.isCompatibleWith(substituteTwo.returnType);
// check for methods from Object, every interface inherits from Object
if ( == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject)
return one.returnType.isCompatibleWith(substituteTwo.returnType);
// both are interfaces, see if they're related
if (one.declaringClass.implementsInterface(substituteTwo.declaringClass, true))
return one.returnType.isCompatibleWith(substituteTwo.returnType);
if (substituteTwo.declaringClass.implementsInterface(one.declaringClass, true))
return substituteTwo.returnType.isCompatibleWith(one.returnType);
// unrelated interfaces... one must be a subtype of the other
return one.returnType.isCompatibleWith(substituteTwo.returnType)
|| substituteTwo.returnType.isCompatibleWith(one.returnType);
boolean areTypesEqual(TypeBinding one, TypeBinding two) {
if (one == two) return true;
// need to consider X<?> and X<? extends Object> as the same 'type'
if (one.isParameterizedType() && two.isParameterizedType())
return one.isEquivalentTo(two) && two.isEquivalentTo(one);
// Can skip this since we resolved each method before comparing it, see computeSubstituteMethod()
// if (one instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding)
// return ((UnresolvedReferenceBinding) one).resolvedType == two;
// if (two instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding)
// return ((UnresolvedReferenceBinding) two).resolvedType == one;
return false; // all other type bindings are identical
boolean canSkipInheritedMethods() {
if (this.type.superclass() != null)
if (this.type.superclass().isAbstract() || this.type.superclass().isParameterizedType())
return false;
return this.type.superInterfaces() == NoSuperInterfaces;
boolean canSkipInheritedMethods(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding two) {
return two == null // already know one is not null
|| (one.declaringClass == two.declaringClass && !one.declaringClass.isParameterizedType());
void checkConcreteInheritedMethod(MethodBinding concreteMethod, MethodBinding[] abstractMethods) {
super.checkConcreteInheritedMethod(concreteMethod, abstractMethods);
for (int i = 0, l = abstractMethods.length; i < l; i++) {
MethodBinding abstractMethod = abstractMethods[i];
if (concreteMethod.isVarargs() != abstractMethod.isVarargs())
problemReporter().varargsConflict(concreteMethod, abstractMethod, this.type);
// so the parameters are equal and the return type is compatible b/w the currentMethod & the substituted inheritedMethod
MethodBinding originalInherited = abstractMethod.original();
if (originalInherited.returnType != concreteMethod.returnType) {
if (abstractMethod.returnType.leafComponentType().isParameterizedType()) {
if (concreteMethod.returnType.leafComponentType().isRawType())
problemReporter().unsafeReturnTypeOverride(concreteMethod, originalInherited, this.type);
} else if (abstractMethod.hasSubstitutedReturnType() && originalInherited.returnType.leafComponentType().isTypeVariable()) {
if (((TypeVariableBinding) originalInherited.returnType.leafComponentType()).declaringElement == originalInherited) { // see 81618 - type variable from inherited method
TypeBinding currentReturnType = concreteMethod.returnType.leafComponentType();
if (!currentReturnType.isTypeVariable() || ((TypeVariableBinding) currentReturnType).declaringElement != concreteMethod)
problemReporter().unsafeReturnTypeOverride(concreteMethod, originalInherited, this.type);
this.type.addSyntheticBridgeMethod(originalInherited, concreteMethod.original());
void checkForBridgeMethod(MethodBinding currentMethod, MethodBinding inheritedMethod, MethodBinding[] otherInheritedMethods) {
if (currentMethod.isVarargs() != inheritedMethod.isVarargs())
problemReporter(currentMethod).varargsConflict(currentMethod, inheritedMethod, this.type);
// so the parameters are equal and the return type is compatible b/w the currentMethod & the substituted inheritedMethod
MethodBinding originalInherited = inheritedMethod.original();
if (originalInherited.returnType != currentMethod.returnType) {
// if (currentMethod.returnType.needsUncheckedConversion(inheritedMethod.returnType)) {
// problemReporter(currentMethod).unsafeReturnTypeOverride(currentMethod, originalInherited, this.type);
if (inheritedMethod.returnType.leafComponentType().isParameterizedType()) {
if (currentMethod.returnType.leafComponentType().isRawType())
problemReporter(currentMethod).unsafeReturnTypeOverride(currentMethod, originalInherited, this.type);
} else if (inheritedMethod.hasSubstitutedReturnType() && originalInherited.returnType.leafComponentType().isTypeVariable()) {
if (((TypeVariableBinding) originalInherited.returnType.leafComponentType()).declaringElement == originalInherited) { // see 81618 - type variable from inherited method
TypeBinding currentReturnType = currentMethod.returnType.leafComponentType();
if (!currentReturnType.isTypeVariable() || ((TypeVariableBinding) currentReturnType).declaringElement != currentMethod)
problemReporter(currentMethod).unsafeReturnTypeOverride(currentMethod, originalInherited, this.type);
if (this.type.addSyntheticBridgeMethod(originalInherited, currentMethod.original()) != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = otherInheritedMethods.length; i < l; i++) {
if (otherInheritedMethods[i] != null) {
MethodBinding otherOriginal = otherInheritedMethods[i].original();
if (otherOriginal != otherInheritedMethods[i] && detectInheritedMethodClash(originalInherited, otherOriginal))
// there is an ordering issue with the comparison in checkMethods
// its possible that compareTo(X) is walked first & removes Comparable.compareTo(T) from the inherited list before we can compare it to compareTo(Object)
// its only a problem when the matching inherited method creates a bridge method which collides with an unwalked current method
// class X implements Comparable<X> {
// public int compareTo(Object o) { return 0; }
// public int compareTo(X o) { return 1; }
// }
MethodBinding[] toCheck = (MethodBinding[]) this.currentMethods.get(currentMethod.selector);
for (int i = 0, l = toCheck.length; i < l; i++)
if (currentMethod != toCheck[i] && detectNameClash(toCheck[i], inheritedMethod))
void checkForInheritedNameClash(MethodBinding inheritedMethod, MethodBinding otherInheritedMethod) {
// sent from checkMethods() to compare 2 inherited methods that are not 'equal'
// the 2 inherited methods clash because of a parameterized type overrides a raw type
// interface I { void foo(A a); }
// class Y { void foo(A<String> a) {} }
// abstract class X extends Y implements I { }
// class A<T> {}
// in this case the 2 inherited methods clash because of type variables
// interface I { <T, S> void foo(T t); }
// class Y { <T> void foo(T t) {} }
// abstract class X extends Y implements I {}
if (!inheritedMethod.declaringClass.isInterface())
detectInheritedMethodClash(inheritedMethod, otherInheritedMethod);
void checkForNameClash(MethodBinding currentMethod, MethodBinding inheritedMethod) {
// sent from checkMethods() to compare a current method and an inherited method that are not 'equal'
// error cases:
// abstract class AA<E extends Comparable> { abstract void test(E element); }
// class A extends AA<Integer> { public void test(Integer i) {} }
// public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }
// AND
// interface I<E extends Comparable> { void test(E element); }
// class A implements I<Integer> { public void test(Integer i) {} }
// public class B extends A { public void test(Comparable i) {} }
// AND
// abstract class Y implements EqualityComparable<Integer>, Equivalent<String> {
// public boolean equalTo(Integer other) { return true; }
// }
// interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }
// interface EqualityComparable<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }
// AND
// class Y implements EqualityComparable, Equivalent<String>{
// public boolean equalTo(String other) { return true; }
// public boolean equalTo(Object other) { return true; }
// }
// interface Equivalent<T> { boolean equalTo(T other); }
// interface EqualityComparable { boolean equalTo(Object other); }
if (currentMethod.declaringClass.isInterface()) return;
if (!detectNameClash(currentMethod, inheritedMethod)) { // check up the hierarchy for skipped inherited methods
TypeBinding[] currentParams = currentMethod.parameters;
TypeBinding[] inheritedParams = inheritedMethod.parameters;
int length = currentParams.length;
if (length != inheritedParams.length) return; // no match
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (currentParams[i] != inheritedParams[i])
if (currentParams[i].isBaseType() != inheritedParams[i].isBaseType() || !inheritedParams[i].isCompatibleWith(currentParams[i]))
return; // no chance that another inherited method's bridge method can collide
ReferenceBinding[][] interfacesToVisit = new ReferenceBinding[3][];
int lastPosition = -1;
ReferenceBinding[] itsInterfaces = null;
ReferenceBinding superType = this.type.superclass;
while (superType != null && superType.isValidBinding()) {
MethodBinding[] methods = superType.getMethods(currentMethod.selector);
for (int m = 0, n = methods.length; m < n; m++)
if (!areMethodsEqual(currentMethod, methods[m]) && detectNameClash(currentMethod, methods[m]))
if ((itsInterfaces = superType.superInterfaces()) != NoSuperInterfaces) {
if (++lastPosition == interfacesToVisit.length)
System.arraycopy(interfacesToVisit, 0, interfacesToVisit = new ReferenceBinding[lastPosition * 2][], 0, lastPosition);
interfacesToVisit[lastPosition] = itsInterfaces;
superType = superType.superclass();
for (int i = 0; i <= lastPosition; i++) {
ReferenceBinding[] interfaces = interfacesToVisit[i];
for (int j = 0, l = interfaces.length; j < l; j++) {
superType = interfaces[j];
if (superType.isValidBinding()) {
MethodBinding[] methods = superType.getMethods(currentMethod.selector);
for (int m = 0, n = methods.length; m < n; m++)
if (!areMethodsEqual(currentMethod, methods[m]) && detectNameClash(currentMethod, methods[m]))
if ((itsInterfaces = superType.superInterfaces()) != NoSuperInterfaces) {
if (++lastPosition == interfacesToVisit.length)
System.arraycopy(interfacesToVisit, 0, interfacesToVisit = new ReferenceBinding[lastPosition * 2][], 0, lastPosition);
interfacesToVisit[lastPosition] = itsInterfaces;
void checkInheritedMethods(MethodBinding[] methods, int length) {
int count = length;
nextMethod : for (int i = 0, l = length - 1; i < l;) {
MethodBinding method = methods[i++];
for (int j = i; j <= l; j++) {
if (method.declaringClass == methods[j].declaringClass && doesMethodOverride(method, methods[j])) {
// found an inherited ParameterizedType that defines duplicate methods
problemReporter().duplicateInheritedMethods(this.type, method, methods[j]);
methods[i - 1] = null;
continue nextMethod;
if (count < length) {
if (count == 1) return; // no need to continue since only 1 inherited method is left
MethodBinding[] newMethods = new MethodBinding[count];
for (int i = length; --i >= 0;)
if (methods[i] != null)
newMethods[--count] = methods[i];
methods = newMethods;
length = newMethods.length;
super.checkInheritedMethods(methods, length);
void checkTypeVariableMethods() {
char[][] methodSelectors = this.inheritedMethods.keyTable;
nextSelector : for (int s = methodSelectors.length; --s >= 0;) {
if (methodSelectors[s] == null) continue nextSelector;
MethodBinding[] inherited = (MethodBinding[]) this.inheritedMethods.valueTable[s];
if (inherited.length == 1) continue nextSelector;
int index = -1;
MethodBinding[] matchingInherited = new MethodBinding[inherited.length];
for (int i = 0, length = inherited.length; i < length; i++) {
while (index >= 0) matchingInherited[index--] = null; // clear the previous contents of the matching methods
MethodBinding inheritedMethod = inherited[i];
if (inheritedMethod != null) {
matchingInherited[++index] = inheritedMethod;
for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
MethodBinding otherInheritedMethod = inherited[j];
if (canSkipInheritedMethods(inheritedMethod, otherInheritedMethod))
otherInheritedMethod = computeSubstituteMethod(otherInheritedMethod, inheritedMethod);
if (otherInheritedMethod != null && areMethodsEqual(inheritedMethod, otherInheritedMethod)) {
matchingInherited[++index] = otherInheritedMethod;
inherited[j] = null; // do not want to find it again
if (index > 0)
checkInheritedMethods(matchingInherited, index + 1); // pass in the length of matching
MethodBinding computeSubstituteMethod(MethodBinding inheritedMethod, MethodBinding currentMethod) {
if (inheritedMethod == null) return null;
if (currentMethod.parameters.length != inheritedMethod.parameters.length) return null; // no match
// due to hierarchy & compatibility checks, we need to ensure these 2 methods are resolved
if (currentMethod.declaringClass instanceof BinaryTypeBinding)
((BinaryTypeBinding) currentMethod.declaringClass).resolveTypesFor(currentMethod);
if (inheritedMethod.declaringClass instanceof BinaryTypeBinding)
((BinaryTypeBinding) inheritedMethod.declaringClass).resolveTypesFor(inheritedMethod);
TypeVariableBinding[] inheritedTypeVariables = inheritedMethod.typeVariables;
if (inheritedTypeVariables == NoTypeVariables) return inheritedMethod;
int inheritedLength = inheritedTypeVariables.length;
TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = currentMethod.typeVariables;
int length = typeVariables.length;
TypeBinding[] arguments = new TypeBinding[inheritedLength];
if (inheritedLength <= length) {
System.arraycopy(typeVariables, 0, arguments, 0, inheritedLength);
} else {
System.arraycopy(typeVariables, 0, arguments, 0, length);
for (int i = length; i < inheritedLength; i++)
arguments[i] = inheritedTypeVariables[i].upperBound();
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding substitute =
new ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding(inheritedMethod, arguments, this.environment);
for (int i = 0; i < inheritedLength; i++)
if (inheritedTypeVariables[i].boundCheck(substitute, arguments[i]) != TypeConstants.OK)
return inheritedMethod; // incompatible due to bound check
return substitute;
boolean detectInheritedMethodClash(MethodBinding inherited, MethodBinding otherInherited) {
if (!inherited.areParameterErasuresEqual(otherInherited) || inherited.returnType.erasure() != otherInherited.returnType.erasure()) return false;
if (doTypeVariablesClash(inherited, otherInherited) || doParametersClash(inherited, otherInherited)) {
problemReporter().inheritedMethodsHaveNameClash(this.type, inherited, otherInherited);
return true;
return false;
boolean detectNameClash(MethodBinding current, MethodBinding inherited) {
MethodBinding original = inherited.original(); // can be the same as inherited
if (!current.areParameterErasuresEqual(original) || current.returnType.erasure() != original.returnType.erasure()) return false;
if (doTypeVariablesClash(current, inherited) || doParametersClash(current, original)) {
problemReporter(current).methodNameClash(current, original);
return true;
return false;
public boolean doesMethodOverride(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding two) {
MethodBinding sub = computeSubstituteMethod(two, one);
return sub != null && super.doesMethodOverride(one, sub);
boolean doParametersClash(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding substituteTwo) {
// must check each parameter pair to see if parameterized types are compatible
TypeBinding[] oneParams = one.parameters;
TypeBinding[] twoParams = substituteTwo.parameters;
for (int i = 0, l = oneParams.length; i < l; i++) {
if (oneParams[i] == twoParams[i]) continue;
switch (oneParams[i].leafComponentType().kind()) {
if (!twoParams[i].leafComponentType().isParameterizedType()
|| !oneParams[i].isEquivalentTo(twoParams[i])
|| !twoParams[i].isEquivalentTo(oneParams[i])) {
return true;
case Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER :
return true; // type variables must be identical (due to substitution) given their erasures are equal
if (twoParams[i].leafComponentType().isTypeVariable())
return true; // type variables must be identical (due to substitution) given their erasures are equal
return false;
boolean doTypeVariablesClash(MethodBinding one, MethodBinding substituteTwo) {
return one.typeVariables != NoTypeVariables && !one.areTypeVariableErasuresEqual(substituteTwo.original());
boolean isInterfaceMethodImplemented(MethodBinding inheritedMethod, MethodBinding existingMethod, ReferenceBinding superType) {
if (inheritedMethod.original() != inheritedMethod && existingMethod.declaringClass.isInterface())
return false; // must hold onto ParameterizedMethod to see if a bridge method is necessary
inheritedMethod = computeSubstituteMethod(inheritedMethod, existingMethod);
return inheritedMethod != null
&& inheritedMethod.returnType == existingMethod.returnType
&& super.isInterfaceMethodImplemented(inheritedMethod, existingMethod, superType);
void verify(SourceTypeBinding someType) {
if (someType.isAnnotationType())
for (int i = someType.typeVariables.length; --i >= 0;) {
TypeVariableBinding var = someType.typeVariables[i];
// must verify bounds if the variable has more than 1
if (var.superInterfaces == NoSuperInterfaces) continue;
if (var.superInterfaces.length == 1 && == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject) continue;
this.currentMethods = new HashtableOfObject(0);
ReferenceBinding superclass = var.superclass();
if (superclass.kind() == Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER)
superclass = (ReferenceBinding) superclass.erasure();
ReferenceBinding[] itsInterfaces = var.superInterfaces();
ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[itsInterfaces.length];
for (int j = itsInterfaces.length; --j >= 0;) {
superInterfaces[j] = itsInterfaces[j].kind() == Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER
? (ReferenceBinding) itsInterfaces[j].erasure()
: itsInterfaces[j];
computeInheritedMethods(superclass, superInterfaces);